A community of 30,000 US Transcriptionist serving Medical Transcription Industry

Too Many Whiners and Complainers - Annonymous

Posted: Aug 21, 2010

About once a week I check in to see what is happening with others in the transcription field.  It seems to me that there is a lot of whining and complaining about too much work, lack of work, not enough pay, outsourcing and whatever else hits the MTs fancy.  I for one am grateful that I have not one job but two in this economy.  If one should suddenly tank due to lack of funds, outsourcing more or lack of management skills I will have the other to fall back on.  I haven't noticed a decrease in my pay over the last 10 years... I have noticed an increase, albeit only slight, but there nonetheless.  I am grateful that I have the privilege of working from home.  When I worked at the hospital I had to pay for gas, drive in the snow and slush and not be home for my family if emergencies arose.  So in that regard with the great increase in gas prices I have making more by staying home to work.  Over the years I have worked for 6 or 7 companies and at only one was I not paid (well I was paid but the check bounced) that woman is now out of business.  I was paid late twice at one company and I gave that job up quickly.  The two I work for now always pay on-time through direct deposit, they are considerate of family and as far as I can tell they do their best to accomodate their employees and appreciate them.  So give up the whining and complaining, if you don't like where you are go somewhere else.  If you don't like what you do go back to school... show some gratitude for the blessings we have in this profession. 

Yeah I am so happy to do all ESL and constantly run out of work and have no - dll

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and have no benefits and no days off and no 3-day weekends and never any holidays off. And work for 3 companies and never have any work so I have to check for work 14 hours a day instead of just working 6.6 hours out of an 8-hour shift.

All for 30,000 a year. 360 days a year for $30,000. Thanks for setting me straight.

"LIKE" all comments in response to Pollyanna - #1 complainer

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Where's the LIKE button around here?

Im doing the same as you, and only got $21,000 - last year. Something STINKS, big-time. nm

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So basically... - no1joe

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you're whining and complaining that people are doing too much whining and complaining on here? Go figure. Look... it's late, and I'm way too tired to even get into this subject again, so I'll keep it short and sweet. People come on here to vent, share their experiences, and offer advice. They are not whining and complaining (or negative - love that one too) simply because their circumstances are not good at the moment.

Oh, and thanks for the advice about going back to school. Wish I thought of that one.

Hello kettle? This is black... - Lets make a deal...

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So, so, um...you've moved on from those past companies because you were screwed, yet NEVER complained? I tell you what...when we find our perfect fit like you did, we'll stop complaining, you'll stop judging, and everybody's hap, hap, happy! How's that? Is that a deal?

whiners - mt35

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I have been a MT for over 35 years doing acute care. For the reasons you state, I finally a couple years ago, got out of supervision. It doesn't matter if there is a lot of work and folks can pick and choose what they want, some people are just gonna gripe and complain. There have been ESLs since the beginning of transcription and always will be. It depends on what area of the country you are from. I am originally from the Detroit area and there are very FEW that are NOT ESLs. This is the atmosphere I started in and was trained in. You decide you are going to get good at all of it. Folks who constantly whine and complain about ESLs, work hours, low wages, etc are the very SAME folks who whine and complain about TOO much work, being asked to work extra, don't like OPs, don't like, blah, blah, blah. Over the years, when work was plentiful which was most of the time and even now, we don't have the lack of work everyone is talking about, I went out of my way to accommodate MTs likes and dislikes, work types, dictators etc. Didn't do any good. There are folks that complain and gripe no matter what you do
and don't want to work. Can't please em.

The ones that complain about low wages, no benefits, working too many days, etc are the very same folks that got "sucked" into this business by these ads that promised the moon with big wages right out of school. The same schools I use to warn folks about and got laughed at and told I didn't know what I was talking about.

A good MT with experience in the basic 4 with a good grasp of ESL dictators who can produce quality work can get a good job. One of the problems I see is that MTs have come out of school expecting to make top dollar with no experience and not enough training. The real "education" begins when you start working and is a learning process your whole career.

There is no replacement for working on the job and getting experience before you expect to make a ton of money. I realize alot of hospitals have gone to sending their work to the MT services, but if a person can get a job in a hospital MR department, stay five years, do every type report and every kind of accent and master them, they are going to have a job.

Before the whiners and complainers start telling me to retire, blah blah blah, I am 54 years old and I am not ready nor willing to retire. I enjoy my profession, do not have these problems and was in the same boat as everybody else at one time. For lack of a better phrase, "you gotta pay your dues" in this profession.

ya you know us so well - lets make a deal

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Excuse me...11 years acute care with radiology (yes I do both, not one or the other) for 3-hospital entity AND 6 years clinic, 11 years union member as in-house, work-at-home employee with excellent benes. College grad with education in medical transcription. Even worked in hospital lab so have no problem with pathology/blood/urine terminology. Guess what? Both hospital and IC jobs are going VR and, union members are still in danger of losing our job. But then, you know me oh so well.

still whining - mt35

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I posted a reply to the OP who posted her opinon. I did not direct anything at you. You sound like someone who wears their feelings on their sleeve and I don't know you and never said I knew you and wasn't talking to you!

As far as the MT you have done, that is great, wonderful, fantastic. The rest of us who have done acute care for all these years don't have to break it down into radiology versus pathology etc, because most of us(at least myself) have done it all.

While I support unions, your attitude could be one reason I wouldn't support a union!. Get over it, the whole MT world doesn't revolve around you. you just proved my point about the whiners and complainers. Thank you
not good enough - lets make a deal
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And you are so vain that you and the OP dare carry youselves better than everyone else, automatically assuming some of us lack education and experience, yet you can't handle it when someone reads you your rights. Tell me....how old were you and for how many years were you screwed until you got to where you are now? It would be wise that you AND the OP grow up, stop generalizing us MTs into 1 caliber, and get over yourselves. You AND the OP should have posted saying you been there, done that, and you understand what we're going through. But no, the world revolves around the two of you......turn the page...neither of you are no better than any of us.
no deal - MT35
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First of all I am 54 years old. I did not get screwed at all. I started out in a hospital, learned my field to best of my ability. After five years, went to another hospital and learned a differnet part of MT for another 3 years. Then I started working at home part-time while working at the hospital then transitioned into working full time from home. Matter of fact, worked for MQ for 23 years until they started cutting back in 06. didn't sit around whining, got out and got another job and kept on doing what I am doing. I never said the world revolved around me but you are a perfect example of what I use to deal with when hiring, couldn't please folks no matter what you did. Everybody gets screwed no matter what! Too much work?????? Don't want to work so many hours. But those folks are always the first to scream when the work runs low. Sorry you can argue all you want and say I am better than you are and I am not. Just look at things differently. Seems to me you are the one that is vain.

You're kidding. Right? sm - snowbell

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You said QUOTE: *...and even now, we don't have the lack of work everyone is talking about...*

Who is WE and where may I send my application?

And, no, I'm not a starry-eyed newbie who went to school on the back of a matchbook. I've been doing MT for 20-plus years. The only reason I'm on this board posting right now is because I keep getting the message *NJA* (if you're familiar with the term).

So...wherever it is you're working, I'd like to work there, too.

You're 54 years old? I'm 64 years old. I've been paying my dues, and paying my dues, and paying my dues in this *profession* all along. Like you, I'm not ready to retire yet, either -- I can't frigging afford to. So, no, you've NEVER been in *the same boat* as everybody else.

PS: What you hear as MTs Complaining and Griping comes across to me as MTs expressing Fear Bordering on Sheer Terror about the Future.

not kidding - MT35

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No I am not kidding. If you are getting NJA then my guesss is you work for MQ. I worked for MQ for almost 24 years. got out in 2006 when they first started their garbage and before the rush of MTs looking for a job was on. One of the saddest days of my life because I really liked that company. If that is who you work for and have been there a long period of time, you know what it use to be like years ago. If not, believe me, it was good at one time. I jumped ship when I saw the boat sinking before they threw me over.

I don't know why folks get so whipped out of shape when someone gives a positive word on MT. You don't know what boat I have been in lady I just don't sit around and whine constantly and I worked my 18 hour days, was there when needed and still am. Anybody who has been in this for any time period knows that if you work for a MTSO you work when the work is there. If you don't do that then you take the chance of not having any work. Again, you don't know about my boat and my life. If you are bitter than is your problem, but don't tell me about my life. My life would make the biggest soap opera look like a Sunday School lesson!
Your guess would be WRONG. sm - snowbell
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No, I do NOT work for MQ -- not anymore. The 10 years I worked for the Q are a large part of the *paying my dues* you set as a requirement for posting a comment. I got out as DocQscribe was coming in. I once liked the company, too - even bought stock in it - and I was sad to see it devolve to the nightmare it is today, but I had the good sense to get out (and Philips bought my stock at a 150% profit).

If you think MQ is the only MTSO who routinely runs NJA, honey, you're out of touch with the real MT world today. That's why I wanted to know where YOU work. Tell me the name of the company where the work is plentiful and/or the company hasn't overhired and/or the company isn't offshoring half of the reports and/or converting to speech wreck. Tell me. Please!

You say that I don't know anything about YOUR boat and YOUR life, but in your initial post you said, QUOTE:

"I enjoy my profession, do not have these problems and was in the same boat as everybody else at one time."

If you already know about everybody else's boat, why would you think YOUR boat is so speshul and unknowable?
Still waiting there MT35 - no1joe
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I too would really like to know where MT35 works. I've lost my job to India twice in the past 4-1/2 years and sat around for countless hours with NJA before the axe came down... eating up my savings and going broke in the process. Until coming to this site, I had no idea that other MTs were in the same boat... I thought it was just me. So personally I am quite grateful to the "whiners" on here who give me a heads up about their companies so I know who to avoid.

Again, please let all of us know what wonderful company you work for with plenty of work available so we can hop on board and can finally stop being "whiners." It's a win-win situation. We'll be able to eat, and you won't have to listen our complaining anymore.
Methinks MT35/Anonymous is scared to answer cuz she has no comeback - That doesnt sound foolish
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MT35 is afraid to answer because she doesn't want to be - In The Same Boat
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Most of the posters here who say how wonderful their company is and how they're not suffering in the same manner have also stated that they don't want to give the names of the companies because [fill in the blank], but at least a couple of them have the decency to state the truth when they say because they don't want a flood of applicants at their company because they may end up in the exact same boat.

Snowbell hit it square on the mark when she said it isn't whining she hears, its the fear bordering on terror of what the future holds. If people weren't so scared about the future of MT, those with such wonderful companies with the abundant jobs who don't offshore wouldn't be so SCARED to post who they work for.
MT35 afraid........NOT - MT35
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Just because MT 35 didn't answer when you thought doesn't mean she is afraid for crying out loud. It means I went to bed and then had a few days off and went out of town!!!!!!!!!!! Good grief. You just know so much huh?

Same comment to you, no I will not post who I work for so they can be inundated with resumes they don't need or want. They are in Utah and don't advertise here. You find em!
to snowbell - MT35
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I was speaking of my life OUTSIDE of MT. I am not out of touch. You are out of touch. There are many companies that don't use NJA as the phrase when the system is empty.

As far as companies, no I will not post the name of my company on here so they are swamped with resumes they don't want. Unless you did it on purpose, I would not give anyone the name of a company who spells "special" speshul!

Far as MQ goes, I cant figure the big deal with Docuscribe. Never had a bit of problem with it. Did have problems with all their other stuff that was coming so like you got out. Also had stock in that company.

You are correct, this company does not outsource nor does it use speech recognition. All straight typing. I will tell you they never advertised on this board or MT jobs and I found them by just doing search after search and calling and applying. Sometimes these advertisements on these boards are not great ways to find a job. I will tell you the company is in Utah. You figure it out.

Why jump my bones about it anyway?

There are still MTs out there who have decent jobs and decent pay and why that p*sses people off is beyond me.
To MT35 - snowbell
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You're too funny. I see spittle flying out of your mouth as you're composing your reply to me.

As for NJA, no, actually, my company uses the phrase NMFA - "No More Files Available" - (it's a C-phone phrase) but I figured I'd have to explain what NMFA meant because so few people work on C-phones these days, so I went with the more recognized NJA. (Turns out that I STILL had to explain/justify my terminology.)

If you've never seen "special" spelled as "speshul," you've never seen a LOLCat. I feelz sorry fur yoose.

So your wonderful company is in Utah? Is the owner's name BH? or maybe NW has taken it over by now. Or CP? (Of ALL of the 56 states in the US, you picked the ONE state I actually live in. LOL! If your company is truly based in Utah, it doesn't take a brain surgeon to figure out which one it is -- there are, like, four MTSOs in Utah. Maybe five.)
Do not feed her psychotic need for attention - Ignore her posts
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Sad, very sad.
snowbell - mt35
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So find the company in Utah, get yourself a good job etc. 56 states in the US, from someone talking about brain surgeons? There are more than 5 companies in Utah, not everyone is a national MTSO and no I don't live in Utah, I live clear across the country. Why are you so pi**ed off anyway? You who are a mind reader or fortune teller or crystal ball reader since you know where I live and what I do blah, blah. You are the one that is miserable and obviously no-one in this field can be happy in their job, make the money they want without the likes of you and your kind having something negative to say. Its all over these boards. Whiners and complainers instead of getting out and finding a damn job or trying, you want to rip apart those of us who are still working and are happy. Get a life and learn how many states are in the US!
49. Is that better? sm - snowbell
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I'm not p.o.'d at YOU - it would be a waste of perfectly good energy. I believe in Karma: You'll get yours in due time. All of the sudden, someone is going to pull the Happy Rug out from under you and it will become astonishingly clear to you what others have been trying to communicate about the MT business. ;-)

I didn't say that YOU lived in Utah. I said that I, SNOWBELL, lived in Utah. Can you sense the difference there? Me vs you? I don't have a clue where you live except that you're originally from Detroit and that's why you're so darn good with ESLs. (Huh?)

PS: It's "no one" -- no hyphen necessary.

PSS: I'll start looking for a better job just as soon as YOU start looking for a better sense of humor. Deal?
Haaaahahaha! - no1joe
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Hey... it looks like MTStars has its equivalent to the village idiot (cybervillage idiot?) in MT35. I find it fascinating that everything was quiet and this post was pretty much dead until she came back from being out of town. She just couldn't wait to get back on here to make sure she had the last word - lol. Maybe she was in Detroit brushing up on her ESL skills.

And, yes, this is entertainment for me seeing as I'm unemployed and all. But hey!.... at least I'm not occupying my time by whining and complaining. Thanks for the laugh, MT35. You're a riot!
snowbell - MT35
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I think you just like to keep something going and you are not worth my time and effort. Far as ESLs, that is why I can do them because they are the norm up there. I am not saying they are the norm for everyone. No matter what the "norm" is, I think every MT should make it a point to decide to master everything in the MT field instaead of complaining about it. I am quite aware that the "rug" as you call it can be pulled out from all of us at any time. But, if you ahve enough experience and try and stay ahead of it, an experienced MT will have a job. Might not be as much money or exactly what you want, but you there are jobs out there.

Far as you I don't care if you look for a job or go stay on the street. You are not worth my time and effort. you are the one that made the smart a** crack about only 5 or 6 services in Utah not hard to figure out. So fine, figure it out and go get that job you say you so desperately need. You probably have a decent job and have nothing better to do than gripe and complain. Hence, my point about whiners and complainers. Can't please some folks. I won't be answering your posts again, they are a waste of my time.
MT35 sm - Snowbell
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Geeze Louise, for something not worth your time and effort, you sure do like to type a lot!

You know what happens when you ASSUME dont you? - You assume a LOT!
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Other companies besides Medquist use the Docqscribe - platform. nm
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Yes, other companies do, and your point would be...??? nm - snowbell
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Obvious point but you missed it. Point is other companies - also use Docqscribe. nm
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Show me a "blessing" in MT, and I will try to - cough up some "gratitude".

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Or a hairball.

This ia a DISCUSSION BOARD - You can not handle the truth

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What do you think the purpose of a dicussion board is? If you don't want to hear the truth, then maybe you shouldn't come here at all.

Grow up.

This is no discussion, let alone the truth - AT

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Discussion? You made a false statement and one that only meant YOU. Good for you that you don't complain. You call it wining. IT is because of the doers that have stood up for the labor laws that you can enjoy what you do. It is not that way for everyone. You slaming people and then telling them to grow up, shows your juvenile mentality.

How self-righteous of you. - No moniker

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Does it make you feel uplifted and proud to come here and brow beat people? I think you have a far worse problem than the people that come here to vent. Venting can be very healthy. You, on the other hand, are not healthy at all, at least not in your ability to relate to others.

Stay unknown as you are one of the ones who profit from others - AT

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How dare you post how grateful you are for your 2 jobs. The reason you love it is because of others fighting for working rights. Watch Norma Rae. She lost her job fighting for other's rights. What the services are doing to the workforce and the people is deplorable. They would NEVER treat a man and a man's union like they do us. This is truly not the American Way. Come Labor Day, we all know what it is like to labor and not get what we deserve. I had 2 jobs for over 20 years and I needed to because of the instability of the hospitals and them treating us horribly because we were not direct patient contact. We are a part of the workforce and have a skill also. We have families and need benefits. Good for you because you love working at home. Many of the transcriptionists I worked with in house could not work as a team. I loved my job in house and I felt like I was needed and I enjoyed covering the MR department and having people contact. I don't appreciate a job in which management lies. We are no different than slave workers down in the 3rd world countries for 3 cents a line. Thank God we have freedom of speech, yet we need people to fight for our rights, which my father did and my husband did, so I surely will keep wining and complaining when things are not right, and God Bless those of us who do so that you can be one of those people who benefit from others.

that is awesome! - dippitydo

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Love this statement: Thank God we have freedom of speech, yet we need people to fight for our rights, which my father did and my husband did, so I surely will keep wining and complaining when things are not right, and God Bless those of us who do so that you can be one of those people who benefit from others.

My main complaint is people who complain about people who complain. - The positive ones are more bitter than anyone. nm

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LOL!!! Yup! - So right!

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When both your jobs are NJA or cut wages - then what U gonna do?

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Its only a matter of time before your perfect scenario isn't. Bragging about it accomplishes what, exactly? If it ain't broke, somebody'll fix it. Your companies will get bought out by a big MTSO. Your acounts will leave, go VR, go VBC and suddenly your finances will be a nightmare. Your best docs with get replaced by garbled ESL that will leave you in tears. And when you "don't like where you are" any more and try to "go somewhere else" you will find there is nothing but 3 cpl IC wating for you. Then we dare you not to complain!

What's NJA? - Searching

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What's NJA, please?

nja - no job available

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the message original poster never gets because she doesn't believe there is lack of work.
Thanks!! - Searching
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That's a new one... Thank you!!

Yes, I concur: The OP is CLUELESS. But in this economy, she WILL learn. ;)

Whining and complaining - anon

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It is easy to stay positive when it is not happening to you. When a new supervisor ran me off from a hospital job I had for many years, most of the other girls were not supportive. Now the same thing is happening to them, as the same hospital has been sold and they all have to go with a service that does not have a good reputation. EVERYONE in this profession can now possibly be in the same boat as the so-called "whiners and complainers." It can happen at any time and there is nothing anyone can do about it but try to find something else and realize not to judge someone until you walk a mile in their shoes.

you are blind; not whining for the reasons you post. - your post was useless. n/m

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lets whine about this: You posted on the wrong board; doesn't surprise me, - after reading your unrealistic post.

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do you realize you ARE complaining? - dippitydoo

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oh and btw...this is also a board of "support"; let's have some compassion now. Plus, many of us also have 2 jobs...or 4 rather in our family....the two jobs i have at the same time in the transcription world...rather all 4 have all got to pot all at once...poof. All out of my control. We all love the profession; we just don't like what is being done to it. Go back to school? Would love to if i had the $$.

You know your comment is so general. We do work at home, most of us sm - mqmt

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If we worked in an office or hospital would we not being expressing our feelings to others we worked with? Someone may have already touched on this as I have not read all the posts and then I apologize.

We are fortunate to have a job unfortunately some of us don't have a job that pays enough and finding one that does is pretty hard since MT pay has dropped drastically in the last 10 years. If you are working on VR you can't tell me your pay has not dropped because my sister-in-law can do no more than 350 lph and at that rate, no one's pay is very good. Straight transcribing may be better for you but my experience has been every time I get a good account that I can do quickly as I have done it for a while, the company I work for loses that account and I am right back to starting over again learning a new account which takes time. Sorry if you don't agree with that but that is the truth.

I just think you need to understand this board is for MTs to communicate with each other and no one but MTs will understand where we come from. Lighten up a little and if you don't like what you read, don't come here anymore, settled very simply :)

Whiners and Complainers - Not cool

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WTG Sisters! Are you just into bragging about your oh so perfect situation. How fortunate for you. I agree with the majority of these posts in response to yours,"how dare you" have the nerve to post that to so many of us that are truly struggling? Again, you have your opinion, but you are not being fair in any sense of the word and I can relate to this in regards to my own situation. I too have two jobs, have been around the block a 100 times with these companies and tests and promises and now I am waiting to see if this one job does in fact pay me. I have to keep working on shear faith alone and hope and if she doesn't pay me, then it is up to me to go out and look again or try and reason with her by saying, no pay, no work. You would think your experience would acount for something with these heartless companies, but it does not. Oh yeah, and my other job; what she promised me and what I got were two completely different things, hence the second job.

Whiners & complainers...I don't think so...... - ANON

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I'm sure there are other MT's who are happy to be working from home as well. I don't think anyone is saying everything is all bad all the time. What they are saying is simply that these are hard times we are living in and there is a big change going on in the field. No one has to like it and yes, maybe if we all had ideal financial circumstances as well, we could all go back to school to study for something we hope might be more lucrative, but not everyone is fortunate enough. And you are just assuming that these so called "whiners and complainers" haven't tried to get a job elsewhere. From what I read here, there aren't too many folks making great money. Most seem to be losing jobs or losing accounts and don't make the money they once did. That my friend is their REALITY, not some snively whining from someone who's got it really good and has nothing better to do than come on here to complain. Maybe with all your great "tips", you could give people some pointers on where to get the amazing jobs that pay really well. Have a little of what is called EMPATHY and stop reading posts that seem like they may be from the complainers you detest and feel the need to scold.

Just ignore them - MT35

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Just ignore them. These are the same kind of folks that I was talking about that I dealt with for years. My red flag goes up when I hear of folks talking about 15 or more companies but nothing ever is fine. Many (not all) MTs, want no ESLs, no OPS, no difficult reports, perfect reports, no weekends, you know the drill. It isn't happening in this profession and it is what it is. yes things have changed drastically but I still blame alot of this on the unrealistic expectations that the so-called MT schools have put out tbere and folks wouldn't listen. In that respect MTs got screwed. This is one profession where the money is just not there until you have done it for years and have some experience and are willing to learn everything and anything.

I have tested folks who tell me they have 25 years experience, many times with the same company or maybe two companies. Alot of time what I find are alot of mistakes that have been made for years and years that no one has ever called to their attention. When called to their attention, alot of times MTs get on the defensive and the answer is always "that's the way I have always done it." Well we all have had something we have been called on that we have maybe "always done wrong." Be thankful someone c alled it to your attention. That is just one of the things I see.

There is no debating this subject at all. Some folks will work without complaining and some won't and its always going to be that way.

I work without complaining, but I definitely do NOT work - without NOT complaining! ;-)

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there you go again - stop nagging

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Your words are VOID. Stop nagging. Stop COMPLAINING. Stop making yourself better than everyone else. You are someone who does not like being read off. You reveal yourself every time you have something to say. I bet you are a brown-noserwho has nothing to do, but nag. You probably have no friends. Shouldn't you be working? I mean, you have a lot of jobs to type don't you? Wash your hands before you point your finger. I don't care how old you are or how long you have been in this field. You have no wisdom and no tact.

Seriously? - Non-whiner

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Granted the MT who wrote the long missive that started all this backlash might have been a tad more gracious... BUT.... she's right. And I don't hear her bragging about her ability to not only find, but keep, and be successful at MTing. I am too. I don't complain because the reality is some poop goes along with the job. If you're in a position where there's just too much poop- then move on. If you are really a talented MT you'll find work. If you are a talented MT who cannot find work, then I have to wonder what gives. And no, having a bunch of years experience isn't it. I have 30+ years experience. I check out a lot of the jobs that are offered and have no problem sharing with MTs I know who seems to be paying decently and who does okay by their MTs. The profession as a whole is slipping. But there's NO REASON whatsoever a really talented MT should be a) complaining or b) under/unemployed.
Oh - so it's the MT's fault that the field is slipping - I think you are the one who needs an education my
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Your case is not everyone else's. Glad life is good to you. How about some empathy for those who really DO the work. Judging by your comments it has been a REALLY long time since you transcribed!
Judging - non-whiner
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" Judging by your comments it has been a REALLY long time since you transcribed! "

Yup, long time, like 22 hours. I transcribe 2200+ lines a day 6 days a week. I *could* whine about working 6 days but instead I accept it's part of the gig. Try it!!
Good for you! - no1joe
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Yeah... I had that same gig... Just like yours with 2000+ lines straight transcribing a day (And we all know that you probably have the same docs over and over, your text expander is set up with your own templates because you're so familiar with them, hardly any ESLs or at least the same ESLs so you're used to them, never any NJA, you don't have to waste minutes of your time waiting for work to download or wading through the patient demo screen, you don't get up from your desk or take lunch because you're such a trooper and not a complainer and accept it because it's part of the gig, etc. That's the only way you can straight type that much a day. We're all capable of doing it if provided the opportunity BTW, so you're not a superstar. Just sayin').

Ahhh... the good old days. Been there, done that, NEVER COMPLAINED, showed up on time, and they still gave my job to India. It's all about the bottom line and saving money (not quality of work or caring for employees)... and you are NOT immune to it. BTW, if you start getting NJA, which is bound to happen, that's the heads-up that they're getting ready to outsource if not already in the process of outsourcing. Chances are it will happen, so get ready. And if you're not outsourced (off shored... whatever you want to call it), then prepare yourself for VR or them cutting your pay/benes or laying you off in order to hire a newbie for a fraction of what they're paying you. And when if/when you do get laid off, have fun trying to find another job willing to pay a line rate comparable to what you're making now. It's so easy and so much fun out there in MT World!

Do you think for one minute that there would be any "whining" if every MT out there was working for a company that provided them with enough work to get in 2000+ lines a day? Open your eyes... the companies are not even providing enough work to get in the minimum line count a day. Some MTs are getting NO work a day because of companies overhiring. And if someone speaks up about this, they're wrong??? It's "complaining?" Nice!

I'll tell you what... when you're bubble bursts (and I really don't want that to happen to you in case I'm coming across that way... I'm just speaking from experience and being somewhat aware of what's going on out there), the truly wonderful and supportive MTs who come on here to "whine and complain" will be there for you when you need to vent and get it off your chest about how worried you are about making ends meet. We'll be there for you when you're looking for info on a company you might consider hiring on with too. If we've had a bad experience with them, we'll let you know about it so you can decide whether or not you want to get involved in the hiring/testing process. We'll give you our honest opinions and advice, and we won't make fun of you or rub it in your face how much work we have.
I apologize for my type-o's up there... - no1joe
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wrote this rant quickly. There's even poor grammar :/
It was a great post, joe! No apology necessary - MTPockets
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You said it like it is. I applaud you for handling this "MT" with such grace.
Close but not quite - Non-whiner
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Relatively new gig to me. I cover 7 accounts. Same specialty but defniitely NOT the same docs over and over. My shortcuts are ones that are generic enough to be used in most areas of MT, some I'm still tweaking to the new specialty.

I not only take lunch, I surf forums, walk the dogs twice, and usually get in a call to the grandkids.

I'm well aware how LUCKY I am and I know others are not so lucky. But the jobs with MQ or Transcend or whatever big fish y'all are working with, are NOT the only jobs out there. And I've known the oh-no will I make enough to cover bills this month, but I do what I have to do to make sure I can.

The point is lamenting your position endlessly (and not all but some of the posters here seem to relish doing just that) gets you no where. DO SOMETHING. CHANGE SOMETHING. It's a tough environment, and sorry, but those who endlessly whine and lament, will become and likely stay unemployed in THIS field. Those who are willing to look and do, well they'll have jobs. I wish I could wave a magic wand and every single MT (and bus driver, and plant manager, and worker at Wally World) could have the "perfect" job. And then I wake up....
You don't seem to get the point... - no1joe
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and unfortunately for you, you sound like my ex-husband (that's not a compliment). Just because someone's circumstances are different from yours or their opinion differs from yours, that does not make them a whiner or complainer (my ex used to like to call it b**ching... maybe you can try that one next time). I truly enjoy a difference of opinions. I like a good debate, and I appreciate it when someone makes me open my eyes and see things from a different perspective. Fortunately, I can do this without unnecessary name calling or being downright rude (sorry, but IMO bragging about how many lines you're getting 6 days a week to an unemployed person, then calling them a whiner on top of it, is rude - and I'm from New York with an extremely high tolerance for rudeness, so you're really over the top). Go back, read your posts again, think about it, and work on it.

And just so you and other posters who seem to think that everyone who has been outsourced, hit with pay cuts, sitting with NJA, etc., are with large companies... you're wrong. It's everywhere. It's even hitting in-house positions, so again, get ready. As for you, enjoy the "honeymoon period." The other whiners and complainers know exactly what I'm talking about. Once the accounts you're assigned to are all caught up, the work starts to dry up completely as all the MTs your company overhired to cover the account are picking the work barrel clean, you'll start to see a decline in that 2000+ line count per day, eventually left to sit with some of the whiners and complainers with NJA. Hope it doesn't happen to you, but we'll be here for you if/when it does... still lamenting our position endlessly, and maybe you could get a cape and a leotard and do something, change something, because none of us have ever thought to do so.
to non-whiner - MT35
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Wish I had you back when I was in supervision!
yes there would be whining! - MT35
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Yes there would be whining!!!!!! There was whining when folks make 10-12 cpl base with incentive tiers and unlimited work. Have been in supervision and no matter how much or how little work there is there is always someone who wants to gripe. Amazingly, it's usually the same person. Over abundance of work......can't work, won't work extra hours,don't like the dictators, reports, sound quality, only working 8 hours a day, blah blah. Work low? That's the first person to complain because they have 2, 3, 4 kids to feed, hubby out of work, etc, etc. Many (I am not talking about you, I don't know) don't have a clue about work when the work is there, put some away for a rainy day. They gripe and complain like the MTSO, supervisor of MTSO or whatever is responsible for providing them with the line count they need to pay their bills. Some folks have the wrong idea of this profession altogether. Another reason to get out of supervision and just keep typing myself.

Judging - MT35
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You said it right. Its part of the "gig" and always has been and always will be. Nature of the job. This is no 8 hour 5 day a week job and unfortunately you work when the work is there and work long hours. Most folks can't won't do it. There were whiners and complainers long before this field got into the mess it is in. When work was plentiful and hospitals and MTSOs needed folks to work extra long hours they complained (that was when the CPL was much higher too). I sometimes wonder if some MTs didn't complain themselves right out of jobs! I guarantee you if this business picked up and the work was plentiful everywhere, 12 hours a day, unending, make as much as you want, there would be MTs complaining. Can't please some folks.
see, now here is YOUR problem - the person I responded to
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is NOT the one who started all this, but then you wouldn't know that as you too are so quick to point and judge lol. Do yourelf a favor and SHHHHHH...and by the way, your words are void also. SMILE
allow me to correct myself - and that would be yourself
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did I beat you to it?

You are the kind of person who - has driven the MTs to the point they are today

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This kind of attitude from MTSOs is what makes us angry. You need to get a grip. You are pathetic - you are the one I feel sorry for. You are missing the empathy/kindness gene. You give all MTs a bad name.

MTs where they are - MT35

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how is stating what I have seen in the MT field driving you to where you are? It is the truth. There are MTs who no matter what you do will gripe and complain. There are MTs who are just chronically sloppy. did I say you? No. I don't know you. I am stating what I have seen but you are telling me that I have driven you to where you are today. I don't know where you are today but if you fit the description that I posted, that is your fault. I am not an MTSO, I was a supervisor with an MTSO and also had to get my lines in too. The job is too stressful for all the whining and complaining of the MTs about the quality, quantity of work, you name it. Better money to be made just typing and staying away from all the complainers.
MT35 - no1joe
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Could you please go back to bed or go out of town again? We like you much better that way. TIA
no1joe - mt35
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All this over a post that doesn't agree with the "majority." I am not going to bed nor out of town, but you know where you can go?????????? Figure it out

Saturday night weekly bash? - -

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For some reason, this post reminded me of another post-- out of the blue, unprovoked, attacking people who were not happy with their current situation. I went back and looked it up. It was exactly one week ago, signed "Veteran MT," also written shortly after 11 PM on Saturday night. It had "ooh this is gonna tick people off" in the subject title. Maybe there is something about Saturday night that makes a certain type of poster want to pick a fight?? hehe. Just an interesting coincidence.

Maybe she is just mad because she has nowhere else to go - on Saturday Nights...

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I think you are on to something here. No wonder she sounds so bitter! :-)

Ay yi yi I just cant wait, ay yi yi I got a date nm - Bay City Rollers

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Saturday night, Saturday night

Kinda tired of these posts, they're getting pretty frequent. - sm

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Seems like we get a "you all whine too much so shut up" post a few times a week nowadays. It has got to be a new trolling trend. I can't imagine anyone sincerely believing that insulting people on an anonymous forum would accomplish a darn thing.

it gets a huge response, maybe that is what the poster - is looking for? "watch what happens when I say thi

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You go somewhere else...it is spineless people like you... - ndmt68

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who make this profession a joke. I only didn't get paid from one company. Honestly, grow a pair and stop this freakin MTSO co-dependent crap. I only didn't get paid from 1 job???? I am so grateful to have a job I don't really care if I get paid. Bend over for someone else and leave everyone else here who wants an honest day's pay for an honest day's work alone.

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