A community of 30,000 US Transcriptionist serving Medical Transcription Industry

Mediscripts Transcription, Inc. (Kansas) - typinggal2000

Posted: Oct 18, 2011

Just wanted to post my experience with the above company.  They pay on time, direct deposit - and you are an IC - BUT -

Training is at a minimum, lots of old time DOS coding goes into your work, and they require (3) clean documents in order to get to the next level of pay.

Sounds easy, right?  Not...it seems that each and every doctor, as we well know, has quirks but the system of coding is very rigid...and...

the people proofreading your documents have not ever actually typed the doctor you've been given...so...

Proofreading is always subjective and open (widely) to their interpretation of how things should be done.

Communication is by email - you must always copy the owner of the company on each and every email, no matter how short.  So, if you ask a question of your proofer you may get a response back from no less than 10 people because they have been conditioned to hit "reply all" on every email they receive...often leaving you with a cloud over your head because the proofer may get an individual message with your answer...but you never do.  And it is explained on day one that you must always keep all of your emails to CYA...strange me thinks...

Just saying...and me with 17+ years of experience and 99.9999% accuracy...go figure...

You have GOT to be kidding - MS20

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I have been with this company 5 years now and though I did not have a BIT of trouble learning the DOT CODE system (not the DOS-date of service? coding), I finally mastered it in less than 4 weeks. I was teachable and understood that I was required to perform my work as the client ordered, not according to my opinion. I seriously doubt your 99.999999 accuracy as you could not even type the patient names correctly after 6 weeks, using - instead of : as required. Don't dog the company because you were unwilling/unable to do what was required. Of course we CC: the owner of the company on e.mails....how do you think we are to communicate? Go figure? I'm trying to figure where you come up with your stats because your documents surely did not reflect THAT.....how do you justify a 99.99% accuracy when you could not get 3 clean documents in a row? Really, typing girl....where is that self proclaimed high IQ to be able to accomplish that feat? MediScripts is WONDERFUL.....I highly recommend it to anyone teachable and willing to do what the client wants for their chart notes!

Reply regarding MediScripts, Inc. - ms22

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As we are all entitled to our opinions, I would like an opportunity to voice mine as well.  I have worked for MediScripts (capital M, capital S) for 3 years, and have found it to be a very flexible company with a family-like atmosphere, albeit virtual.  We are a company of experienced MTs in many states, with our home office being in Kansas.  Rather than clocking in and working set hours of the day for random providers, we have specific providers assigned to us, enabling us to personalize and tailor our work for each one.  When one transcriptionist requests vacation, has sick kids or becomes overloaded, we are able to provide coverage for one another and still meet our 24-hour turn-around time.  While learning a "dot code" system that is specific to one client has a very large learning curve, it is this work atmosphere and flexible work schedule that make it worth putting in the effort to learn it.  And of course, after a couple of weeks or so, it should become second nature and is no longer the struggle that it was at first.  We require 3 "clean" documents before a transcriptionist no longer needs proofing, as confirmation that she/he is ready to meet our accuracy standards, something I am sure is not unique to MediScripts.  We still have the clients we do because we are accurate and we believe the "customer" is always right.  

On a personal note, I have been a transcriptionist since 1993 (18+ years), and have served many clients over this time period.  And although you mention that MediScripts' training is minimal, I personally invested many hours of my time via phone call, proofreading and emailing detailed explanations to encourage and instruct.  I am truly sorry that MediScripts did not work out for you, @typinggal2000, but I don't believe it's accurate to fault the company.

Thanks for allowing me to share my experiences.

I agree with the above 2 posts. There are few places - as flexible and caring. MS36

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The clients' codes are due to EMR integration on their end (something that is a reality for all MTs) and not the owner's preference. It consists of entering insert codes in the document so EMR will pull vital signs, etc., into the report. Not a big deal and not hard to learn. Put the codes in your expander and move on. Otherwise, it is straight typing and we are paid for all codes, spaces, templates, etc. The owner recognizes it is not your average MT gig and pays accordingly. I was advanced to the next pay level on my 2nd full pay. I have never run out of work there (just the opposite, in fact) and I have never seen a group of MTs so caring and willing to help one another, no matter what the reason. There are so very few places that even have consistent work these days, let alone pay decent and actually care about you as a person. If you have an opportunity to work there, please don't miss out over sour grapes.

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