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Unasyn, it's freaking Unasyn - Adios

Posted: Feb 24, 2012

The simplest things our ASR cannot get right.  Over and over a million times we have to correct Unasyn.  How much more often is it Unasyn than Unisom or any of the other sad atempts ASR makes.  That's just one.  I could go on all night but better get back to work.  Just had to vent.  Thank you.

The sad thing is, I remember it used to get it right. - awhile ago

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Back around when ASR was being fully introduced, it used to spell Unasyn correctly. In the last year or two is when I noticed that it was now spelling it wrong.

I have had Ativan actually come up correctly, but only to one specific ESL doctor who pronounced it ah-tee-vain.

I remember too - Adios

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I was here at the beginning too. It looked like if we could hang in, it might turn out alright. Sure don't know what happened. The part about it "learning" is a load. Never gets a bit better. Never used to be tachycardiac either.

Seems like we should be able to sue for false advertising. Not to mention pain and duress.

Their mistake is too many people training it - sm

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I think they should of just picked out a few of the best MTs in each group to train ASR. Instead, we have thousands trying to train it and it gets confused with so many different ways people do things, others who aren't doing it right, and others who don't know enough to correct some of the garbage.

also techs with no medical background - stopped training long ago

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I gave up training long ago because you are right, some MTs put follow-up, some put followup (which are both ADHI legal) and then sometimes the sentence calls for follow up and ASR cannot tell the difference. Why do you think it keeps putting At a van or At i van or today I saw A tiv an? Because at and van and an are actually English words and the techs who are supposed to be "fixing" the mistakes have no clue how to tell it to put in Ativan as a medication but use an and at in a different spot. After they cut our ASR pay twice (used to be 80% then 70% and now 60%) I gave up trying to train their speech engine and focused on my paycheck. They pay their techs more money than me so I figure they can fix it. I eliminated the skip markers and just delete and fix. Much faster and less headache.

At least it is close --- I am so tired of correcting - Been a car

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and at a van a million times. Did we somewhere lose the medical software and go to some non-medical software maybe?

ASR Errors - Jax

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The errors ASR makes with stuff like this, plus others like tachycardiac, protruberant, buproprion, etc. are all because someone somewhere (I don't know if it's the ILPs or MTs here in the US) keeps changing them to the incorrect spelling. I have had them change it multiple times, and it does it right for a while but then goes back and starts doing it incorrectly again because someone is TEACHING it to do that. I'm not saying the ASR is all that and a bag of chips, just that so much of it is simply editing error.

My all time favorite... - Die in a Texas city

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for Dilantin toxicity

That's a good one - old and burned out

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and in case you missed my post a few weeks ago - "The patient was able to walk up stairs with the erections of the physical therapist." Talk about an image! By the way, the word "directions" was very clear.
My favorite was the guy with Canada on his penis, instead of candida - jh
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even one of the smaller provinces would be - impressive
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unless they put it through the system the correct way - it will never learn, sm

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Your edits have to go back through the VR with the voice in order for it to learn. I hightly doubt MTs are changing Unasyn in a document when it is correct to something else. I highly doubt they are training the program, so the VR types what it thinks it hears for each individual physician. VR = voice recognition and VR cannot learn without a voice. The voice and corrections have to go hand in hand.

Ativan and gabapentin are my to never-right changes - SOSDD

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had one report that had Ativan in three different places and ASR had something different each time. This program doesn't know how to learn. Just like all our other dictator-specific changes we make on each and every flipping report!

kk, done, thanks for the ears

Agree -- I think the whole "learning" thing is - a pipedream.

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Still think though that we have lost our medical ASR and now this one is just regular every day "at a van" ASR. Medical ASR probably cost more :)

Except it might be OTC Unisom... - L&L

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whoda thought a computer program could play CYA by combining the two to play it safe (itsajoke).

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