A community of 30,000 US Transcriptionist serving Medical Transcription Industry

Is MT even worth it anymore???? - Blondie

Posted: Jan 06, 2012

I guess I just need to vent/rant for a minute.  I have been an MT for over three years now.  I seem to be one of the few who prefers VR over ST.  I worked for Spheris before MQ gobbled them up, and I thought they were a great co. to work for.  They paid 5 cpl for VR, which is pretty good if you can edit 300-400 lph.  Then came the Q, and it was okay for a while, but then the Spheris accts. were offshored and there went the Cornerstone accts., and Cornerstone was a great platform, but it was Spheris' platform. Now working on DocQscribe, which is just okay, IMO.  My main concern now is there is NO WORK and they are still hiring.  Not sure how long to stay here or to look for another job.  I feel like I devote my day to it but then there's nothing there, and I am not making any money because of it.  It is driving me nuts!  Are are any good companies to work for at all anymore, i.e., ones that actually acknowledge you're a human being and have actual work?  I cannot imagine why they think we should keep checking in all day long on the off chance there's work available.  Thanks in advance for anyone with input.

As far as the MTSOs, it is time to get out. - realist

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MTSOs are driving everyone to lower and lower wages and trying to get every last character out of the MTs and still avoid paying benefits, PTO, and as little overhead as possible. Their competition has made it impossible for good companies to compete, so they are dragged into the spiraling down of wages and benefits.

It is time to abandon the national MTSOs for other professions, then let India have all the ESLs (which they can't do very well).

The time is now to retrain into another profession. Don't wait until it all implodes. I am working on it now myself.

Many of them are experimenting around, trying to - sm

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They are experimenting around trying to find ways to become lucrative again. This economy has lowered their enormous amounts of income to only hugely high. They are trying first one thing, then another, in a panic-stricken effort to get to the top of that 1%. Others are calmly doing what they've always been doing, and that's the kinds of company that will attract good, solid MTs who care about quality. It's a rough time, but I believe good will win out as it always does. It may take some time, however, because the rest of the economy has to recover before our sector will. Then we'll see who still remains standing.

The economy and quality have absolutely nothing to do with the state of MT - MT IS DEAD

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..."solid MTs who care about quality..." You cannot get any farther from reality than this statement.

I worked for a great healthcare organization with an unbelievably talented group of MTs (like the kind of MTs that write reference books for our industry). EPIC came and we were wiped out overnight. The technology that replaced us wasn't better than what we did. In fact, the output was worse. I also worked for another medical center that switched to speech recognition. Their output was dreadful. Nearly every report was crap. The kind of stuff that would get an MT fired. Don't kid yourself. Despite having your feet held to the fire to achieve high QA scores, quality patient documentation does not really matter.

The economy isn't driving MT into the toilet either. The number of patients using the healthcare system is exploding. You'd think more MTs would be needed.

The thing that is putting this industry into the sewer (along with the Medquists of the world) is technology.

In an article by Linda Sullivan, she writes "I just don’t believe the technology is effective enough. The reason I say this is multifold. There are many doctors for whom SRT isn’t a good fit—a conservative estimate would be 20%. There are poor-quality voice files—the number of these is going to vary widely depending on many factors. In these cases, you might as well transcribe the report from the get-go. There are a variety of other factors that can also have an impact on the quality of the preedited document. However, SRT’s most significant drawback may be its effect on our workforce. During times like these, when economic realities are brutal, history has shown that entire industries can be wiped out by the evolution of technologies. That’s what may be occurring in the medical transcription industry, and it’s tough to watch. I believe one of the reasons the transcription industry is evolving is that we’re trying to use a technology that just isn’t there yet but we’re requiring our workers to use it anyway—and to make a lower salary in the process."

I agree with her. Sobering, isn't it?

Yes, it's extremely sobering to say the least... - Blondie

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Thanks for everyone's input this morning. Sm, very interesting and sobering indeed. My husband wants me to just quit as he is tired of sitting in front of the television every night, including Fridays and Saturdays, while I sit here on the computer checking for work that isn't there. I am supposedly "working my scheduled shift." What a hoot. I am just not sure whether to try to get another job first, or if all the companies are the same. It is beginning to sound as if there are no gooc companies out there to work for. I feel like I have wasted the last four years if I include the year of training/school. Depressing....
Same...and different - wheres_my_job
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I have job-hopped, in denial, for a few years - looking for THAT JOB as an MT. THAT JOB does not exist, I'm sorry. Not only is the technology evolving, the management-worker relationship is DEvolving - their concern is: How can we structure paid time off, to ensure that the FEWEST NUMBER of our MTs actually receive it? What is the absolute minimum we can pay our MTs, and still have them working for us? Not just hold wages down or keep them in check, but what is the ABSOLUTE MINIMUM? No shift differentials (hey, don't I get to have a life), no raises, bonus, incentives, etc. Right, 'cause if they have 'em, it will be IMPOSSIBLE for the majority of their employees to get them.

I wouldn't mind so much the technology wiping out the whole MT profession - IF there were other jobs you could go to, and make a decent wage. I'm not even talking SPECTACULAR, I'm talking DECENT WAGES. Are we all going to put icing on cupcakes, we're just a nation of cupcake-eaters and defense contractors and not much else? (Seems like a lot of MTs I know look into working in a bakery)

I knew a man who made $35,000/year - why - he was an airplane mechanic, and would have made $70,000/year, except he only wanted to work part-time, 'cause he liked to go fishing!!!!!

I'd like to go back to school and be an airplane mechanic.
Blondie - LeeLee
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Hey blondie, saw your post. How are things going for you at Transcend? Not so good from the looks of it. I am still struggling, as well. Sick of the long, drawn out hours.
Uh-oh! There must be another MT nicknamed Blondie on here - Blondie #2
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I am a first timer posting on here. I apologize for the confusion. From LeeLee's post it appears there must be another Blondie on here. When I put in a nickname, it did not say to choose another one, so anyhoo, sorry for the confusion. Wonder if I can change it, or would that be even more confusing? Ugh ugh ugh....
Blondie#2 - LeeLee
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Not to worry. I'm not one of those flamers that will set your hair on fire if there was confusion or mistake somewhere. LOL You can write under any name you choose. Welcome to the board!
Thanks LeeLee! - Blondie #2
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Thanks! I sure don't need to add to my stress level lol! Regarding Transcend, I thought they were one of the better companies to work for. I am with the "Q." Maybe I need to give some more time. Who knows? Glad to have folks to commiserate with!
Blondie #2 - LeeLee
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Very small difference between them and any other company. They make it extremely had to meet quota unless working well over 40 hours (but cannot show it on your time sheet as they refuse to pay OT). They claim in ads there is a company match for 401(K); again, not true. They pay a small percentage of the first 50% you contribute. Would take it anyway; helps to offset all the pay cuts they enacted.

People who write reference books are often not very good at MT - Shockingly enough

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Writers are good are good at writing. The people I know who write reference books for MT haven't done it for years and probably couldn't do it very well. They might do parts of it well, depending on their area of expertise, but not all of it, and they would be slow. They wouldn't survive. They could teach though.

Sobering - LeeLee

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Excellent assessment. I was let go after 10+ years of dedicated service. Never late, never called off. The MD replaced me with an EMR. Shortly after this, I saw one of the MDs that referred to my old employer. He began questioning me extensively about my reports, work, etc. Finally, I just point blank asked why the interst. He called me into his office, showed me what the EMR report looked like (16 errors in the first paragraph including med errors). He said "I thought something was wrong, your work was always above and beyond...this is just garbage". Unfortunately, quality only seems to matter when they want to get rid of you. My old employer also admitted that he got garbage, but it was "cheaper". Guess he was into cheap garbage.

With docs going BROKE, economy IS a factor! - CriticalThinker

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Just because YOUR specific situation had nothing to do with the sour economy DOES NOT mean that the crappy state of affairs in MT has nothing do with the sour economy. (That's called LOGIC.)

With docs GOING BROKE around the country (see CNN Money report of 01/05), OF COURSE the economy is a factor.

YES, it is MULTIfactorial and includes tech, offshoring, AND the economy.

Don't know that I would say MT IS DEAD, but - sm

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There certainly are many dead-end jobs out there. The industry is indeed changing due to many factors, VR, and the fact the the quality of medical report does not seem to matter anymore. Intelligently skilled and reliable MTs are suffering because of companies who are off-shoring and over-hiring.

If you are sitting at a computer day in and day out with a very low workload, you should have the time to consistently look for a better position. This is going to take a while because you do not want to jump from one bad situation to another.

We all know the names of the companies who are doing this, and sending good MTs to the poor-house. I would tell everyone to avoid them. Do not be desperate enough to be used on a temporary basis just to clean up their backlogs. Forgive me, but let them be forced to accept newbies and less desirable MTs. Let them increase their turnover and training time. Let them see where the over-hiring costs them in the long run. Once the good newbies get the experience behind them, they can move on to greener pastures.

I know they are few and far between, but I would try to find a small to mid-sized company who does not off-shore and can not afford to over-hire. Yes they have VR, but they still need good MTs. What has been happening with the larger companies does not mean that MT is dead, is just means their jobs are a dead-end for MTs who want to be more productive.

Don't know that I would say MT is dead - LeeLee

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This was really well written and describes things more accurately than I have seen in a long time. If you find that company, let us know. We would all be tripping over you to get to them. Just kidding you, but hope spring eternal....I just keep looking and looking.

MT is not dead - sm

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I make a very good living having my own clients. Stay away from hospital and clinics. I just interviewed with a PT outfit yesterday - starts at $30 an hour, with a potential for $40 an hour, straight transcribing. IC from my home, my hours, M-F. Any dictation that comes in Fri isn't due til Monday afternoon. So these jobs are out there. You just have to look away from clinics and hospitals if you want to work at home. I do other types of medical reports and this will never go to VR or EPIC. Never. Keep your head up and start looking outside the box and your comfort zone. There really is life as an MT :)

Response to your post - mtforever

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Please see you're e-mail.

I emailed you, as well. - devilsadvocate

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To "MT is not dead" - Tony

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How did you go about getting your own clients? I just lost my job as an IC and am in the process of making a business card and flyer to start my own business but am trying to figure out what is the best way to find clients. I know having your own clients is where the $$$ is! Thanks

How I got my clients - - sm

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I literally printed up my resume with a short description detailing what I offer, i.e. toll-free call-in system, ability to receive digital recordings, and what options they have for a returned product, etc., then looked in the phone book for what specialty I wanted to go after and went door to door. Simple is better, I found.

It depends on the MT - sm

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For me, it's not, but not because the career has become the industrial equivalent of a scathing case of ebola. Both my kids are in college now, and I'm not critical to their day to day operations. I willingly and silently traded career satisfaction and "upward mobility" for the flexible scheduling, short commute, and awesome clothing-optional environment (I'm wearing my skivvies and a smile right now; it's a total kid repellant/therapy accelerant). There is also the invaluable bonus, for me at least, of not having to suffer office politics. I'll take my cave, a whole flock of mumblemouth dictators, and a clean work area over backstabbing office ghouls any day of the week.

Tru dat, Blondie!!!! - tony

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It depends on MT - LeeLee

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You said a mouthful. There is a certain self control required to work at home and make enough to live. I have seen several MTs (not necessarily on this board), that just could not seem to manager their time. As with all else, there is always a trade off. Each MT has to determine the personal worth. I do NOT miss the office politics. If I want that, I can easily move over to the "politics" board...LOL

I also agree with you. - Excellent Point

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It takes self-discipline to work at home and make enough to live. It's the perfect solution to someone who really wants or needs to work at home, if they have the time management skills and everything else required to make it work.

Spheris - doxielover

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I wondered where Spheris went! They were a good company. After working 43 years as an MT at various places, I semi-retired and worked for them. Then I had the unfortunate situation of my house burning down, plus their computer and all their equipment and my computer and all my equipment, not to mention everything else we owned including all our pets. That being said, and being totally retired right now, I am looking again for just part time. So MedQuist took them? How are they? Any good to work for? I don't need to make a living off it but I sure would be more comfortable if I could make a little. Anyone I should stay away from? LOL.

I hate the way MT has gone. That used to be the best profession going out there....now it's just going away. I loved it.

Medquist - mtforever

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I am currently working for Medquist but I think I have it different than others. I have a wonderful supervisor, work primarily on psych accounts (which is my specialty), and always have work. I have read the horror stories about Medquist and am happy to say I don't have the same problems. The downside I found is they are owned by India and send work to India, which I am totally against. I had quit but then my other account that I was working on drastically lost work and so I had to go back to MQ. Luckily they reinstated me.

MQ - Blondie #2

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mtforever, that is great to hear. I so far have two hospitals, and I have done several psych reports thus far. I love them! Wish I could do them all day long. What does that say about us lol?! I have not been with MQ very long. Started in December so that may be why there was so little work. It does seem to be picking up now a little. What platform are you on? I am trying to get used to DocQscribe. I got so spoiled with the Spheris Cornerstone; it was the Rolls Royce of platforms to me. I had worked on Editscript before, so now this is my third platform. I am enrolled this Wed. in the ASR training class, so that probably means the accts. I am on will be going that way, or maybe that means they will give me a different acct. that has gone to VR, who knows. Are you mostly doing VR? If you would like, email me and we can stay in touch. This job can be a bit isolating, and I find that it helps to have communication with other MTs. Again, so happy to hear good news about MQ. I sure read a lot of horror stories as well!

Spheris - Blondie #2

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doxielover, so sorry to hear about your misfortune. That is really sad about your pets. You are a pro at MT; good grief, 43 years! I have only been doing MT a little over 3 yrs. now. I actually do prefer VR to ST. I seem to be one of the few who does though. I am faster at the VR than the ST. I have only been with MQ for a few weeks. There is a lot to learn, and I sure hope it works out. Fortunately, I do not need the job as a sole means of financial support, and it sure is a good thing because I'd starve. I do like MT, though, and wish I had gotten into it years ago. The only thing I have had any issues with is right off the bat, there was no work. The last couple of days seem to have been busier, so we shall see. I can't think of any companies you should stay away from. I worked for about a yr. for SGS. Good company but very, very low pay. They may pay more for a seasoned MT, but that was my first job after graduating from MT school. They only hire full-time, however. I am working 25 hours a week for MQ, so you may want to try them. Good luck in whatever you do.

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