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MY SIL warned me not to go to work for Nuance but I did...sm - Southern MT

Posted: Sep 02, 2014

It actually has been the best move I have made in a long time.  I am never out of work (even when it would be nice occasionally).  I am averaging over $18 an hour and most of the time closer to $21.  My primary is not easy by any means. Lord these ESLs make me want to scream; however, it is a mix of speech and straight typing and I make over 5 and 9 respectively.  I have a secondary but have yet had the opportunity to work on it.  I work on Exeditor which is a program I really like as well. 

My TSM is apparently one of the great ones.  She is very concerned and caring. You can pick up the phone and call her, and she always has time for you.  

QC on average is fine. I do believe they nitpick reports to death that you send to them (forgetting the fact that you sent the report to them because the dictator was horrible but it is what it is).  They have a job to do as well. I may get 1 report a day through FEISA, and when I do it is ALWAYS on that blasted doc who was extremely hard. My accuracy is 99% or better and I always have work (and OT).  

It won't last - Anon

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Report back in a month or two and let us know how great your job with Nuance is...after your pay is cut, you lose your primary account, etc.

I want to know - how she makes

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5 and 9 respectively.

Because of the hours I choose to work. NM - Southern MT

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How is that possible? - OHmt
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I have 99%+ accuracy, am rarely OOW, and work after hours and I STILL barely make more than $8 an hour. Even if all of my reports required no editing, I can't see any way to make $18 an hour.
What Hours Do You Work? - Meh
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So what hours do you work? Prove it or shut up.
What Hours Do You Work? - anon
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I'm not Southern MT but I do know that when I worked 3rd shift I made right around 5 and 9 respectively. That is because of the shift and Nuance pays extra for 3rd shift; however, when I had to make the change to days it dropped back down.
Any Tips? - Meh
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Given that even with 5 pennies per line for editing, you'd have to go at an average speed of 400 lines/hour to make $20.00/hour (which you claim), can you give tips on how you're able to go so fast? (I can understand going that fast on a few reports, but to do so consistently amounting to average rate or 400 lines/hour seems almost bionic. (I also can imagine doing that if it were all "partial dictations" where you don't have to verify patient and correct date of service and correct visit, but most dictations aren't "partial dictations" so you do have to do all that extra stuff, including an occasional no MRN which you then have to look up and verify and fill in yourself. So any tips on how you go so fast consistently?

It's probably imaginary...... - NM

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Troll Alert - nm

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Troll alert - anon

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or a mother, sister, relative of someone higher up

Troll Alert - Fatigued Fingers

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Either someone in management or someone from India. I'm thinking the latter.
I'm thinking totally fake in all regards, just to - anoy the minions. -nm
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Can't be from India - Too well written
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for a slag.

I'm a Southern MT too - Anon

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We must work for a different company. They fired my TSM recently, no warning. I wish they would fire me, no warning.

I am always OOW with 6 accounts. You are very lucky, but the rest of us fighting for work don't wanna hear about it.

When I first came to Nuance I made good money. Then all of a sudden my main account went to EMR. It seems I went from 99.98% QC now down to less than 98%. What, I just all of a sudden don't know how to edit anymore. Yep, right. I hope your good fortune lasts. I have never quit a job before, but I will take the first offer to get out of this business. MT 25 plus years and it's over. SICKENING. Nuance hires managers that have no clue how to staff an account and they prove it every day!!


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I have been with Nuance for about a year now and I never run out of work either. I think it has to do with the platform you work on and the hours of work you do. I don't make as much per hour as you. Mine is only $12 I think.

Uh-huh. - Right.

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I Can See How - Meh

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I can see how you could very well make $12/hour, but that's about the limit with Nuance. I still say it's impossible to make $20/hour as the other poster claims to make. I think the majority of people make $9 or $10 dollars an hour with Nuance, which is very low. After all, this is 2014 and not 1984. I hear some MTs were making even more money in 1984!

Troll big time. Probably LE. LOL! - exnuancer

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Too good to ge true - Cindy

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Good for you, if its really true. I can barely make minimum wage due to there being no work. With 30 years experience it just sucks.

Southern MT - Noodles

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LIES! I actually LOL'd when I read this. It wreaks of a stinkin' lie and posted by someone in HR. Like I said before, they are desperate because everyone is catching on to their dirty deeds (done dirt cheap).

Nuance. . .BEST JOB EVER!! Thanks for the - laugh. nm

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About 5 and 9 Respectively? - Meh

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Why do you (claim) to "make over 5 and 9 respectively" (I assume you're referring to pennies per line) when other MTs at Nuance only get either 3.75 and 7.50 respectively or else 4 and 8 respectively? Even if you do get 5 and 9 respectively, you'd still have to go at a speed of 400 lines/hour at editing to make $18 to $21 an hour, which you say you make. Anybody else here who work for Nuance as MT get 5 and 9 respectively?

Rates have to be one of the buyouts. We know - what happens eventually. Come back

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and tell us then how great it is when you are totally Nuance integrated.

5 and 9 - Fatigued Fingers

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Truth. When my company was bought out by NUisANCE, I was getting 5 and 9 respectively, and guess what???? It dropped to 8 cpl (our voice wreck was gotten rid of). So yeah, let's see if she's still bragging after 6 months to a year.

yes, PM shift acute - bornfree

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When Nuance took over Transcend, the Acute Care rate became .0463 Editing and 0.0825 Typed (jobs typed before 8 pm Eastern). After 8 pm Eastern it becomes 0.0513 Editing and 0.0925 Typed. Unfortunately, most of my shift is before 8 pm Eastern. But even if I worked all of it after 8, I still don't know if I'd make $12/hr. Maybe.

Not the OP, but... - YD

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Firstly, I don't make nearly the hourly rate of the OP because I just can't achieve a high accuracy rate if I try to edit too fast. This is not to say that others can't do both. I just know that I can't. I find this very, very discouraging like so many others.

Secondly, regarding the OP's cpl rates, why all the outcry and confusion? If you work acute care on the night shift (which starts at 8 pm), you do in fact make 0.0925 for straight typing and 0.0513 for editing. These are published rates, folks, so how about stopping with the rude and uninformed remarks regarding her stated cpl.

I have not seen any straight typing. - anon

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Didn't know any existed anymore.
periodic straight typing - bornfree
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there may be 10-25% of my weekly line count that is straight typing. Sometimes I can't figure out why. Terrible dictators can show up as SR jobs, while wonderful dictators don't (my favorite jobs!) I'm happy to be able to type now and then, though.
Straight typing - sm
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The only time I ever get a straight typing report is if there is an error with the physician input on the demographics. And you will be dinged 1 point or 3 points for demo errors if you let one slide. I can straight type faster (and more accurately) than edit this garbage and I don't care what anybody says. Been doing VR since 2008 and it still stinks!!

Another MT here making $18 an hour or more and 99.8% accuracy - jc

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I sit here and listen to all of this negativity and wonder why you do...oh, I know, you handful of people I see here on this board do nothing but complain and bad mouth us hard-working MTs that are actually making money, qualifying for bonuses, doing our jobs as we should instead of griping all the time on this site. Maybe, just maybe if you put more effort into your work and quit spending all of your time making nasty comments due to, I don't know, maybe jealousy, that you could actually make a living at this as well. I have been with Nuance for over 2 years and, yes, it is not like working at my local clinic, and I have had to change primary accounts and that sucks, but I make do with what I've got and give it my best and it pays off! Never had MUP, never did not make my bonuses, only missed one quarterly bonus but still had over 99%, and I tredge on because I am thankful to have a job and a job that has limitless pay IF I work hard! Maybe you aren't getting accounts that have work on them because you gripe too much instead of working and they want you gone! I'm just saying...if I was your people's manager I know I would!

Nasty comments are coming from you! - RED

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Jealousy of what???? I have been with Nuance 3 years, ALWAYS made bonus, NEVER had MUP, always had work until recently. So until it happens to you, you don't know how it feels.

Maybe your account hasn't went to EMR or maybe you have a TSM that is not overstaffing accounts. If you were my manager I would report you to YOUR manager. Now get back to work, cheerleader.

99.8% accuracy - FAIL!

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This screams of a marketing ploy to persuade innocent MLS to come here. I laughed out loud at your post. I left this company due to poor wages, poor treatment, no work, and very poor managers. Your "advertisement" for a positive experience at Nuance is falling on deaf ears. Please don't think we are stupid and believe one thing you are saying. It's a waste of your time and energy and my time reading such garbage. I find it interesting that Nuance has to try to market for MLS on this site with false statements. Karma is starting to happen here me thinks.

Ironic - Meh

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Isn't it ironic that a company has to "market" to get employees? After all, the company is not trying to sell anything to the employee in terms of a product or service. The company has to pay the employee, and yet the company is "marketing" to get employees. The company pays so little, thus resulting in this ridiculous irony. If the pay was fair, they wouldn't have to go marketing.

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