A community of 30,000 US Transcriptionist serving Medical Transcription Industry

I am LOVING all this conversation!!!! - Boosted Mom

Posted: May 12, 2012

All this conversation from people who realize what is and has been happening to their careers as medical transcriptionists is fantastic.  Now, let's see some more action.  Contact the attorneys that filed the Transcend suit, let's get other companies involved here.  That's the only way we're going to send a big message.  Just think, before the cut in pay with editing came about, we really didn't see too much problem with making the money that we needed to make.  Now people are having a hard time putting food on the table, paying their rent or mortgage, being able to go to the doctor or afford necessary medications.  I know it's not just in our industry, but WE CAN TRY TO DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT!  We are the keepers of patient medical records, a VERY important job indeed, that not everyone is qualified to do.  Make yourselves proud for MT Week, give yourselves a gift by standing up for yourself and all the other MTs out there that are struggling to make ends meet, working 10-12 hours a day to perform work that once only required 8 hours or less.  WE CAN DO THIS!

Rah! Rah! Rah! (I mean that sincerely) - suethemall

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I agree - the more companies get hit with this, the more effective we are.

I plan to sit down and read my messy job logs - to see if I can figure out - sm

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how many hours I REALLY worked each day. Hard to tell for sure. In the meantime, I'm going to start documenting those hours far more diligently. Since nothing has changed between how I work now, and how I worked when my record-keeping was poorer, maybe it will help me to come up with an average.

Based on my recent records, I make about $30 a day (before taxes), and when you factor in an average 10-hour day, that ain't much.

I'm hoping that even if my company isn't picked to be part of the lawsuit, that my similar story will help to back up their case for others.

You need to have very exact logs and numbers, They will fight you. sm - BeenThereDoneThat

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I was part of this with another company and we had to have very detailed, provable information. It was settled for next to nothing.
At least it was a step in the right direction. "Rome - wasnt built in a day." - sm
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This suit isn't about making 13 MTs rich. It may not even gain them everything they're entitled to. But it gets the discussion started. It will bring the problem of scoffing at state and federal labor laws by these companies to light for many who never knew what was going on with our well-hidden workforce. The more this suit is publicized, and the more MTs join in or request that their company be added, the more this law firm is going to realize there's a lot more to this than just this original suit.

Maybe, FINALLY, the MTSOs will get what's been coming to them for a long, long time.

The sleeping giant is beginning to awaken.
You speak the truth - suethemall
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I think there are a number of fruitful angles to pursue legally - and I hope every last one of them gets pursued!

I also hope those people running these companies sit up and take notice - "we didn't think these MTs had it in 'em!" Well MTSOs, you are about to find out what we MTs have in us!!!!!!
The same grit that enables us to survive on next- - to-nothing is the same grit that - sm
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will turn us into a bunch of tenacious pitbulls when it comes to fighting back.

The head-in-the-sanders keep saying, "But look at how little the Medquist lawsuit brought in the end!"

Well? So what, right? That hasn't stopped the Brave 13 from bringing this suit. And it won't stop others from filing other suits in the process.

Many of the freedoms and/or protections we have nowadays didn't come about with the first attempt, it usually took multiple attempts. I think this lawsuit is a benchmark case, in that it's going to open the flood gates for more to come.

MTs, our time is NOW!!!
Grit - TJ
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Things do not happen overnight. We have to continually do this and pursue the right path. It is by each one doing their part that it comes into being. This is important. WE MUST BE INVOLVED in this if we want changes made!!!
The law firm knows this is a bigger problem than just Transcend. - Alice
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The law firm already realizes that this problem is industry wide and Transcend is just one company amongst many. I'm sure the law firm has a limit on how many lawsuits they can handle at a time, but your company doesn't get picked; it's a case of who contacts the lawyers and starts a lawsuit. In other words, if you want your company included, you call the lawyers and get it going. They just need one or two people from a company to start a class action suit, and they won't call you first. After a lawsuit is filed, the MTSO being sued is required to hand over the names and addresses of persons who worked for them for the past 3 years, and then those people are notified of the class action suit.
Time for a commercial - like the ones for drugs causing - side effects - sm
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The ones like Pradaxa or any meds or medical appliances (like hernia mesh, for example) that are causing harm. The attorney puts out a nationwide commercial at a time of day targeted to the demographics/age group most likely to be watching TV. This would blow this wide open nationwide! They would be soliciting without soliciting that way and able to reach every corner of the country, per se.
Now that is music to my ears!!!! - suethemall
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I didn't realize the law firm would have access to all the employees! Cause I know there are tons of unhappy MTs out there!!!

Interaction - TJ

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Communication is key and we are doing that. This is a good thing. We must be aware that the things happening to each of us individually are also happening collectively. It is time NOW to accept this challenge and be involved. There is no room for complacency any longer. This is great.

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