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Loving "Occupy Wall Street." - Stop corporate greed.

Posted: Oct 05, 2011

"Occupy Wall Street" is coming to a city near you.  It is spreading all across the country.  I was shocked to find out the city I live in which is very democratic will be protesting this Thursday.  Occupy Wall Street protesting is spreading like wildfire. 


Transcriptionists are not the only one who agrees with this.  THE COUNTRY IS ON FIRE AND SPREADING. 



Protests are great as long as they work toward a good goal. - Check out petition for constitutional amendment to

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"get money out"--making it illegal to buy influence by funding political candidates' campaigns. Petition and wording of the proposed amendment at website with those words.

BTW, no Occupy Wall Street march in our area, but we did hit the "virtual streets" on line.

I'm loving the heck out of it! There are protests - planned in one big city near me - sm

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and one smaller-sized city. I plan to take some "personal time" away from my job to go add myself, another fed-up and financially floundering working-poor person, to the growing numbers.

I was just graduating high school when all the 60's antiwar protests were happening, but never really cared about attending those, even though lots of my friends did. I didn't understand enough about the Vietnam war to be for it or against it in those days. Was too dumb and self-occupied.

But this is something entirely different. This is a nationwide response to the methodical extermination of America's once strong, former middle class. This isn't just a few hippies banging drums, as the Suits at the top are telling themselves it is. This is mainstream America. It's EVERYBODY who isn't a CEO or an heiress, who see everything they work so hard for siphoned off by the pure, unadulterated greed from the top 1%.

Some have sneered at the movement because it lacks a single purpose, or a single leader. But that's exactly what the original movement intended, and why everyone is standing up and becoming involved. We're rising up against the myriad of ways our government, our financial institutions, and even our own employers have literally picked our pockets for years.

For months, as I watch my paychecks continue to shrink, even though I'M PRODUCING MORE, AND BETTER-QUALITY WORK than every before, I've been watching what's going on with other people in the same boat, talking to them, trying to learn as much as possible. And it was obvious that the mass discontent in the U.S. had become a powderkeg that a single spark could set off at any time. That spark finally touched the fuse when the first few demonstrators occupied the park near the NY Stock Exchange.

I've been following the news of Occupy Wall Street in my area, and even though the protesters are being peaceful and behaving themselves, the cops are starting to get rough with them already. Tonight there was a notice on Facebook & Twitter that something like 30 city trucks had moved in and the city was planning on forcing them out of the area they had occupied.

People are FED UP. And every day, there are more and more of us who have little or nothing left to lose. I'm only 1 paycheck away from disaster, myself. Rather than just continue to take any more of this lying down, I plan to join them, and try to be at least one tiny little part of the movement whose time has finally come.

This is exhilarating! It's about time and long overdue! - TypingSlave

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I plan on being a part of this movement when it "occupies" near me. I would be in New York right now, but I have no money for such a trip, considering the crap I get paid and the price of gas. Like another poster said, I too am a paycheck away from a total disaster. My daughter, husband, and two little boys live with me because they were foreclosed on and her husband can't find a job. My daughter works as a waitress in a nearly-deserted restaurant, waiting on people who can't afford to tip. I just hope this movement continues to grow and stays strong until we get our country back to us, the people of the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA! Bring the corporations back to this country, where people HERE can go back to work and earn a living wage - NOT India or the Philippines, etc. My heart aches all the time when I think of how my children and grandchildren will struggle in the future if things keep moving in the same direction they have been.

I support this movement and all I can say is that it's about time.

We are the 99% - take a look at that page

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If you want to see where many Americans are through no fault of their own, and where many of us MTs are inching towards, maybe even some of us there already, check out this site: http://wearethe99percent.tumblr.com/
It is very humbling and heartbreaking, and changes every day. It gives a background to the OWS movement.

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