A community of 30,000 US Transcriptionist serving Medical Transcription Industry

More on the conversation below - MT

Posted: Nov 11, 2011

Regarding the conversation below about the end of the transcription profession, a while back MQ put a poll on MQ Central regarding professional development, goals and objectives, etc.  I wonder why they would bother with this if they believe we will be replaced by the new technology (EHR).  Also, their "most improved MT" contests.

I feel like we are getting mixed messages. 

Maybe we are getting mixed messages. I listened to most of sm - Mqmt

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conference call held yesterday with share holders and their CFO stated or CEO that with increase in offshoring, they expect their revenue to increase next year. What does that tell ya! Getting rid of as many MTs as possible, so it is not just the electronic stuff that has replaced us, the outsourcing will get worse I'm afraid!

Conference call - BH

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I listened, and they took calls from the listeners. Not one of the questions was from an MT.

LOL You expect TRUTH from them? sm - Vet

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Oh boy, are you ever NAIVE.

You expect them to tell you the TRUTH? They NEED YOU there to transcribe their stuff for them, til the last report. They are NOT going to tell you that the profession is doing the death rattle.


Get it?

i get it, and i'm giving it right back - not the op

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