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I accepted a position and after - mt

Posted: Jun 17, 2011

reading all the fine print, I don't want to work for the company....how should I go about telling them? I don't want to burn a bridge in case I become desperate for a job later on!!

Just be nice and tell them the position is not right - 4U at this time. PS...

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what in the fine print makes it so bad, or worse than anyplace else?

good idea - been there

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Yes, sometimes they will tell you that they will hold your application/test for 6 months in case you want to reconsider. It may depend on whether they have the right openings for you, but do ask and then you will have a backup plan and not burn the bridge, as you said. I know some companies have this paper you have to sign worded in kind of a confusing legal mumbo-jumbo, but basically saying you will not steal their software, open your own company, and that anything you write, produce, etc. will belong to them. WHAT? I just write above my signature that if I write a fiction type novel that it will belong to me because I wouldn't be stealing anything anyway and if I write that book, they can't take it. I have been intimidated by these papers until I decided to do that. Just add a notation where you sign and see what happens. It worked for me several times over the many years. P.S. I currently work for that company that said they would hold my application/test for 6 months, but it is a couple years later. I did apply and test again, but they had a computer record of my previous test/job offer. I had also been offered 3 jobs, trying to find the best at the time. I chose a bad one, but now I am in a better place (for now at least?). Good luck.

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