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What is the accepted abbreviation for subcutaneous? - SM

Posted: Apr 17, 2015

I have a dictator who is very particular and says "sub hyphen q."  I've always been a little foggy on whether it is subcu, sub-q or always expand to subcutaneous. 


If there are no client specific rules...SM - Old Anon

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and he is your client (as in IC), do as he dictates. I'd put sub-Q or sub-q, as that's what he is asking for. I've seen it as subq, subQ, subcu, or expanded subcutaneous or subcutaneously if the client wants it done that way. If in doubt contact your client, MTSO, or QA to find out what THEY want.

I work for a small hospital where everyone does it "their" way. - OP

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It's a poorly run department with no uniformity whatsoever. While I won't get into trouble whichever way I choose to type it, I would like to know that I'm at least correct by some standard somewhere in the world. :)

In the end this doctor will make corrections to his satisfaction and give the reports back to me to correct, but my goal is to type one report of his where he is 100% satisfied and this guy never is. Ah well, he keeps me motivated at least.

Then do it exactly as he dictates...SM - Old Anon

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sub-Q or sub-q. If he wants upper or lower case Q, I guess he'll let you know. I used to work for a small hospital like that, so I know what you mean about everyone doing things their own way.
Subcu - Muah
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I've always abbreviated it as subcu. I worked in QA for many years and we always told to abbreviate subcu if the client was a strict no-expanders client. If they were flexible, then we expanded to subcutaneous.

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