See message inside... could he have been just saying it all in one big paragraph? - lka
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An Olympus video colonoscope was inserted in the patient's anus and directed up to the rectum, sigmoid colon, descending colon, around the splenic flexure, through the transverse colon, around the hepatic flexure, ascending colon, and cecum. The ileocecal area was inspected and appeared grossly normal. Terminal ileum was cannulated, appeared grossly normal.
I'm doing an operative report for plaque insertion for ciliochoroidal melanoma. I can't find the type of plaque the dr. is referring to. It sounds like a domi or a dormi plaque? See below. thanks!
...shadow of the ciliochorodial melanoma was identified and marked with Methylene blue pen. A _____________plaque was inserted to ensure complete coverage of the marked area
I'm thinking tidled (as in tides in an ocean, which kind of makes sense, but I can find neither to verify which is correct. The sentence is:
Once the tube was in and hooked up to water seal suction, it delivered a lot of air for a few minutes and then it _____ nicely. ...
Report being dictated by nurse with heavy Southern accent. "Prior to permanent pacemaker insertion patient was given a s/l hepaquin shower." I found EpiQuin but can't find it used specifically with a heart catheterization. Is EpiQuin right? ...
reading all the fine print, I don't want to work for the should I go about telling them? I don't want to burn a bridge in case I become desperate for a job later on!! ...
After going back and forth for two years, I finally decided to apply for college and I was accepted, yay me!! Actually, I already have my Associate's degree, so this isn't my first time in college, but I feel like I've taken a huge step in my life and I was so excited I just wanted to share with my fellow MTs! Just an FYI, after researching an endless amount of colleges, I chose WGU majoring in Health Informatics and am even considering my MBA there as well because the ...
Hi everyone
I just accepted a position with Accentus and I was wondering if there are any other folks here who work for them and how you like it ??
Thanks everyone ! ...
for editing and 8CPL for regular transcription, though they say it's 95% editing. The interviewer said this was the going rate. REALLY? Should I hold out and find a higher editing rate? How do you make more than minimum wage with that? ...
(forgive me for posting this twice, but I am new here and I wanted it at the beginning of Nuance posts but somehow it ended up in the middle of an ongoing discussion - so I am attempting to repost here. )
Does anyone know the answer to this?? Our hospital is going with Nuance. We are being pressured to make a decision by this week as to whether we go with Nuance or accept the unemployment. Here is our question... I hope a few people answer this!!! Do ANY of you know anyone who did not a ...
I have a dictator who is very particular and says "sub hyphen q." I've always been a little foggy on whether it is subcu, sub-q or always expand to subcutaneous.
Thanks! ...
I recently accepted a position with Spheris. Does anyone work for Spheris? Also do you know if you can use a laptop instead of their computer equipment that way I would not be cooped up in my home office all the time? Thanks ...
Has anyone actually accepted a position with this company? If so, would appreciate insight into what you think of the company. I know the pay scale isn't all that great, but it's better than nothing at this point. ...
I applied for a job with a company and was hired. The start pay is just okay, but increases as your line count increases and I think this is a good way for me to get my foot in the door and experience with working with other types of transcription and jobs. It is straight typing and involves insurance and legal matters and forms. If anyone wants to know more about it, I will be happy to let you know. I start in April. ...
Just wondering if "chemo" is dictated not in any headings or diagnoses, if it can be used? Can't seem to find it in the BOS and just wondering if that is an accepted slang term?
Thanks ...