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accepted!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! - HOLY SHNIKES!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Posted: Mar 20, 2014

OMG GUYS!!!!!!!!!!!

Congrats. Was it all about the score? NM - anon

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the letter said - see inside

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Based upon a review of your resume, your exemplary work history with M*Modal and your test scores, we are pleased to offer you a position in the HDS2Coder Program which begins on March 31, 2014

YAYYYY! BigbigBIG congratulations! - anon

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Oh gosh that makes me so happy that one of us made it in. I am hoping so much to get that letter too!

Congrats and good luck with the program!!

OMG too - another one here!!! - Super happy.

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But... bit worried about this one. What is the deal about reporting to HDSM to be identified? I thought we stayed with our current TSM. If we get a new TSM and group for MTing, that would not a bright point for me the next 3 months.

I beg of you to give us a clue of Scores were the - main criteria. Pretty please.

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But, HUGE CONGRATS to you both!!!

Well, ok! 94 for me. A bit surprised given the 94 - that did not get in. (nm)

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I was a 92 - OP
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Test score - another happy MT

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I made a 92 on the test. The letter said the offer was based on my resume, my work history at MModal (2 years), and test score.

I'm in!!! - another happy mt

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I am so excited and can hardly wait to start!

YAYYYY!! I'm so excited for you all! - a huge congratulations!

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You all go into that program and kick some major butt. Do us all proud!

You are really sweet. Thank you so much! - :)

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Congrats, ladies (and gents if any). Make us - all proud!

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