A community of 30,000 US Transcriptionist serving Medical Transcription Industry
Yes, I know we get lots of these questions every day but here's one I don't think has been touched on lately.
I was recently approached by an old employer about giving my information to another MD for transcription work. I told her that she can definitely give out my info if she new someone that needed transcription work done. I didn't really think it would go anywhere, as that's the way it happens in this town, nothing ever comes to fruition.
However, today I get a call from an office manager asking about doing some work for them. She let me know that she got my info from my old employer. I was caught off guard so of course flubbered my way through the whole conversation. She kinda of huffed when I gave her my rate ($0.11 cpl) but then asked for references and a resume. This is the first time I've ever talked to anyone about doing work DIRECTLY for an MD/clinic (always worked via MTSO) so I was honest and told her I didn't have that information readily available since no one has ever asked for it before. I let her know that I will definitely get something together for her and send it ASAP.
I know I probably blew this opportunity but I'll still send the info she wants. My question is what on earth do I put on the resume/CV/etc.? I have a resume but that one is geared towards finding employment and probably not very good for self-promotion.
So far I have 2 references (my old employer and an associate that I've worked for in the past) but how many should I have? Do I need to include all my past employment info even if it doesn't relate to transcription?
I really have no idea how to go about this! I am the polar opposite of a salesperson. Help!