A community of 30,000 US Transcriptionist serving Medical Transcription Industry

Dragon Medical 360 - eScription - HP

Posted: Mar 28, 2014

Question for those who work from home on eScription -  Dragon Medical 360, what is the real purpose of doing:  Alt + . when one, when at the right point, can just do "." on its own?  Does that have something to do with how Nuance charges the client for lines?  I was just wondering if anyone knows.  Appreciate an answer to this.

Alt + . actually (sm) - MyT_WannyMT

[ In Reply To ..]
will place the "." add 2 spaces and capitalize the next word. I am still trying to figure out how to get my expander program to do that! LOL I miss that feature!

If you expander also does commands... - Rose

[ In Reply To ..]
enter dot space space as a command.

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