A community of 30,000 US Transcriptionist serving Medical Transcription Industry

Closed captioning - turb

Posted: Mar 29, 2015

Hey all, just a thought - if you're all tired of these transcription companies, it seems that closed captioning/court reporting out of your home is the way to go. I recently checked into this and it is very lucrative and you don't have to deal with outsourcing, low pay, all the "fun stuff" that medical transcription has to NOT offer. And, if you have a medical background, you get paid more as we are in high demand and would mean more pay. Again, just a thought and am definitely excited about a new venture and working on my terms for quadruple the amount. They are really not understanding why more medical transcriptionists are not pursuing this. It would take away the headaches of all we seem to be dealing with regarding these transcription companies. Think we need to take a stand... Just my opinion.

I wouldnt even know how to get started on it - x

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For Starters - see msg

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You would have to learn court reporting. A course isn't cheap, and like anything else, you'd have to investigate schools, as I would hope one would do/has done with MT. We know where that goes when they choose a fly-by-night.

You'd need to get with other court reporters to find out what it involves in terms of levels of training required for closed captioning, etc.

Maybe there's a court-reporting/closed captioning forum somewhere on the Internet. That would be my first line of action. Find out about schools, what it costs so you would be gainfully employed, etc.

There are court reporting schools available - but those are buyer beware as well SM

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I already looked into this a few years ago. Much research and careful thought needs to be done before anyone decides to jump head first with every dollar they have into CR thinking it's going to be a financial miracle.

I am not sure about closed captioning, but I do know court reporting (also called scoping) has schools that can cost a lot of money and can be a scam as well with promises of jobs, money, job security, work at home at your leisure, etc.

CR is not the magic answer that you might imagine. After paying for a course which also can be expensive, you need to buy expensive equipment and/or software to do the work. You need to go out and get your own clients & jobs, there's no service or agency that gets jobs for you. It's also feast or famine exactly like MT. It's also sometimes "who you know" or who you can connect with to get jobs. Many long-term and experienced people are already in this field and I doubt there's that all of a sudden a huge demand for it.

You'd start at the bottom and get the little tinky jobs first, like MT. The client is going to want their work back perfect and on time, there's no room for "the kid is sick" "had to make dinner" or multiple other excuses because you're working at home.

Buyer beware.

court reporting/closed captioning - flowerchild

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Court reporting is offered at the community college level in lots of areas. Much, much cheaper than those "private" schools.

That being said, and speaking from experience, it's usually listed as a 2-year program. I found that while learning the theory came easy, it was the application, i.e., the actual taking dictation, that proved troublesome. I simply lacked the hand-eye coordination to transcribe at speeds necessary to advance. After nearly three years I got hired as an MT and quit the CR program.

Of course, this was when dinosaurs roamed the earth.

BTW, to graduate the minimum speed is 225 wpm.

So like one poster said, some people end up paying for extra classes to get their speed up to snuff. It can take three to four years or longer.

Unfortunately, I do believe that speech recognition will be the death of that once-illustrious career; kinda like MTs?

Watch a program with closed captioning and you can see that it's often done by SR.

Umm, have you not heard about SR? - Which can do CC?

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Wondering where you heard that this is so lucrative, because it sounds like the same outdated spiel that is still used to sell "get rich with MT" training packages.

While I am sure there are some good CC jobs, that industry is JUST LIKE MT in that it is moving toward SR.

The healthcare organization I work for has an enormous, internet-based live training system. Everything they produce is real-time close-captioned using SR.

Much of what you see on TV -- the news, reality shows -- uses SR. You can tell by the little mistakes.

I can't imagine why your MT background would make a difference. As I said, my HEALTHCARE organization uses SR just fine.

I think you should find a new career, but I do not understand why you keep focusing on typing jobs when it is clear that they are no longer viable occupations.

You know, there is a career field that will make use of your skills and knowledge. MT has always been a part of it -- health information management. Why aren't you looking to move on in that field? HIM in general, coding, clinical documentation improvement, informatics ... they are all viable, evolving career fields.

It amazes me that people don't have the money or interest to pursue jobs that pay 45 to 100K, but will shell out for equipment and matchbook training for jobs that are dying just as fast as MT.

Yup. - xx

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The OP sounded like a come-on for a "school" of some sort, not unlike the pie-in-the-sky claims some MT schools continue to make.

That is what I thought, too. - sm

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That is exactly what I thought. It sounds like slick advertising of the sort we used to see from matchbox schools. You almost expect to be invited to a "seminar," compete with a free dinner.

Court reporters are being laid off, replaced - by SR

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I question the validity of the OP's message. Courts by the dozens are laying off court reporters in favor of speech recognition. Some reporters are being kept on to edit the SR, but the trend is to do away with a live court reporter. It's a terrible trend, in my opinion, as a machine can't tell who's saying what, when several people are talking at the same time. But courts are just like hospitals and clinics. They'll go the cheapest way possible.

Check out this story from 2011 re: the future - of court reporters

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After you read the story, be sure and check the comments. There is a comment by the owner of a transcription company, stating the inaccuracies of SR-generated reports.

So, what are you recommending? - Worst idea ever!
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What are you suggesting? That we ignore the fact that courts and hospitals ARE going with SR, that they ARE laying off employees, that pay is dropping, and that it is increasingly difficult to find jobs in either field? Why? Because some MTSO in 2011 said SR makes errors? (And MTs don't?) And because you somehow know that SR has not improved one bit since?

How many years do you think it is worth working at minimum wage or less to hold out bravely until hospitals come to their senses and return to live MTs so they can avoid those patient deaths and lawsuits you are just sure will result from punctuation errors?

This all makes me wonder just who the holding out is supposed to benefit. It seems to me that the only benefit is to the MTSOs. "We have to say anything to make them stay! We'll go under if they all quit at once!"

Or, to the MT who recommends it, who will have less competition while job hunting.

I think you need to run, run, run away from BOTH fields. The sooner the better. Court reporting is not a good alternative.

Incidentally, I should mention that I know loads of women who have been in court reporting programs for years. Literally 5, 6, or more. They finished the course classes, but now shell out thousands year after year for practice classes so they can get their speed up. Most never make it.

Recommending? Go ahead, invest your time and money in it - then cry when you have no job. nm
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Uh, that person was NOT recommending it!!! - Better read that again. nm
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Does not matter, they will start off with the cheapest - method, find out it sucks, SM
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and then go the same way MT is going, hire the cheapest labor possible.
This is a great field to get into... - SM
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This is a very lucrative and in-demand career field to get into. If I was younger than 50, this is definitely what I'd be doing WITHOUT A DOUBT.

If you are VERY DISCIPLINED and like challenges, this could be the start of a new career for you.

If you are willing to do a test run to see if this might be for you without spending too much money (perhaps $150), there is a captioner who has developed a free steno program for the masses.

I am presently doing this now. I purchased a MS sidewinder gaming keyboard and laser key pads to go over the QWERTY keyboard keys. I now have a steno keyboard. I'm not doing this to go into court reporting or even closed captioning. I just want a faster way to "type."

This woman developed what she calls "Plover" free for the masses. She herself is a captioner. Here are a couple of links to learn more:



OP, this is a great career opportunity you brought up.

Sounds like a can't miss opportunity!!!!! Like a race horse - or MLM "investment"
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I would rather hear about your experience AFTER you succeed and are employed.

The whole post sounds like a guy trying to justify his latest gambling expenses.

Whenever you see that something requires you to be "VERY DISCIPLINED and like challenges," it means that almost no one can or will succeed and when you don't the scam operator will blame it on you.

Whenever you see that you can get your feet wet for next to nothing, it means that the cost later on is going to be stiff. They will set the hook later.

This whole discussion sounds a little like somebody is selling something.

It is just too good to be true, ya know? Just a little too over the top. A little too, too manic and grandiose.

Oh, wait, no ... this is worse ... do-it-yerself keyboard - hacks and all!
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This is like home hobbyist steno! People creating their own software and building their own keyboards. Like the nerdy guys who built their own computers with parts from Radio Shack back in the 80s.

While an admirable use of spare time -- certainly better than reality TV -- I don't see much actual job potential in this.

So you can type faster? Why, when most of the MTs on this board can't get enough work??

Look at it this way. Time costs money, because you lose income when you are not earning it. The time you spend building keyboards with their special "laser cut" key caps (right, not laser key caps like the keys use lasers) and the time you spend trying to learn the system (yeah, right, like most people can figure it out and teach themselves) COSTS YOU MONEY because you lose potential income.

If you spent even a fraction of that time, you could learn coding and get into a career field that actually pays better than court reporting.

Of course it is keyboard hacking but... - SM
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you're missing the point completely. If someone is interested in checking this field out before investing thousands of dollars, they could do this keyboard "hack." The Plover website has lessons on it, which would give someone an idea if they would even like it or not. The real deal steno machines cost thousands of dollars. The steno courses can cost thousands of dollars.

The keyboard hack is temporary. If someone wanted to pursue this field further, they could purchase a real steno machine.

It is true that there is an 80% dropout rate for students attending court reporting school. But what about the 20%? Maybe someone who reads this forum has always wondered about this field. Perhaps they would be willing to spend $100+ just to see if they would even like it. Maybe not.

All I'm talking about is an alternative here. Isn't it good to get some different ideas out there?

this is an unpopular view but I never understood why they needed - live court reporters anyway

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It would be easier just to record the audio and then transcribe it at a later date.
Because a reporter - Reports what happens
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While court is in session. There can be much more to a proceeding than just words. An inanimate object/device/program can't make that distinction. A human can.

HIM = LOW PAY - I know

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Most HIM jobs are very low paying jobs. CDI (clinical documentation improvement) requires being an RN first, and don't tell me otherwise because I know. Not only are HIM jobs low paying, they're very boring jobs. HIM jobs DO NOT pay anywhere near 45 to 100K. Now, if you're talking CDI, with the RN (or maybe an LPN but doubtful) you can make upwards of what you're talking about. But I don't know of any seasoned MT who wants to turn around and go back to school for an RN just to be able to get into CDI so as to be able to make the equal amount of money that we used to be able to make 20 years ago.

So sorry, but CDI does NOT require an RN first. - Ms CDI

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Sorry, but your entire post is incorrect. I do this work and I am not a nurse.

I don't know where you got your information that CDI requires an RN or even LPN, but it does not. No, you are not going to get it with only MT, but there are two backgrounds suited for CDI ... one is nursing and the other is coding, especially for a CCS and/or RHIA. Neither ACDIS nor AHIMA would certify non-RN CDIs if that were true.

There are some low paying HIM jobs, but there are in any field. Specialty training really improves pay in HIM. The average coding salary in 2012 was 49,222. Please see the link below for more information, including the salary for AHIMA CDIs.

Salaries for MTs never were more than about 35,000 max. The average pay here 20 years ago was 8 to 10 an hour. I never believe what ICs claimed to rake in, because they usually failed to mention things like having to drive all over to pick up tapes or didn't include other admin time. Or that they actually had to work 16 hour days to get it.

If you think all HIM jobs are boring, you might not know of any that aren't, but they are there. I have one and I make way more than you would believe. And so does nearly everyone I know, and not one of us finds the work boring.
Please subtract one dislike. I meant to like it - but hit the wrong box.
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My sister has a HIM job; pay isn't that great according - to her and she says it is
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the most boring job on the planet and is looking to get out. Sad because she spent a lot of money going to school for this.

You are incorrect that MTs have NEVER made more than 35k. Maybe not these days, but I made quite a bit more than 35 for MOST of the 15 years I've been doing this. In fact, year 1 I made just about 32k and then about 3 years ago I made 48k. Since then it has rolled back down to just under 30k.
I have an HIM job. - First-hand info
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I have an HIM job. It is not boring by any stretch of the imagination. I also make more than 70k and my benefits are worth another 21K. I work with, literally, hundreds more who have had HIM jobs for ten or more years and who feel the same way.

If your sister finds her job boring, she just has the wrong HIM job. I don't know what training she spent so much money on, but if she can only find a boring job, she does not have the right training or she did not go far enough with it. It could also be that she does poorly at the job and phrases that as dissatisfaction with the job, which would be true.

HIM has more than one job, but you don't seem to see that.

She has a bachelor's degree in HIM - and graduated at top of her class, so
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that's not why she finds it boring. I'm not saying everyone would find it boring, just that she did.

BTW, not sure I believe that 70k claim. And also wondering why you would be on an MT chat board in the first place. Are you a recruiter for some school?

In any case, if you really are making that kind of money who cares if it's boring. LOL
One of these RAH-RAH posters about coding/HIM - IS an instructor for a school
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I wish the moderator would have them identify that as it is a clear bias.
Well, it is not me, so you are wrong. - No instructors here
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That rumor of someone "being an instructor" has been floating around here for years. Someone drags it out every time they don't like what has been posted.

Perhaps what the moderator should address is the habit some have of using untruthful accusations to discredit others and bully them into silence.

There is nothing wrong with providing career advice, particularly given that many here are looking desperately for jobs. Why is there a selective objection to HIM?

1) I said "one of these" posters 2) Not a "rumor" - I find it odd that you would say that
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Your comment: "That rumor of someone "being an instructor" has been floating around here for years. Someone drags it out every time they don't like what has been posted."

It is not a rumor, and I find it odd that you would accuse me of making it up because "I don't like what has been posted." Ridiculous accusations and trying to mislead. I question your motive.

A frequent poster, who IS an instructor - I didn't say you, but you seem to identify with what I said - posts often, in a condescending manner about MTs and an arrogant manner regarding coding and HIM.

One example:

Amazing! How exactly do you know that person - is an instructor???
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That is very interesting. Do you have some kind of special, insider knowledge about that poster? How exactly can you tell that person is an instructor?

Because it says so right in the post. - MT
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The poster identifies themselves as "Experienced coder/coding instructor shares experience on this"
Oh, so it does! - Experienced instructor
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That post you don't like happens to be mine. I am an experienced instructor, but that does not mean I teach for "a school," or that I teach now, except for the healthcare organization that employs me.

In other words, your belief that I am here to recruit students to some "school" is unfounded.

Is she an RHIA? Any other credentials? - RHIA
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If she has a bachelors in HIM and passed the RHIA, but finds the work low-paying and boring, she has a low-level or otherwise unchallenging job and needs to find something more interesting. HIM is loaded with them. Perhaps she could look into informatics or data analytics.

I don't know why anyone would suggest that someone was being untruthful about making 70,000 a year. If you look at the salary surveys, you will see that it is not unusual.

I also cannot understand why anyone would want a moderator to ban someone for suggesting a career option.

Twist much? - Nosobo
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The poster you are referring to never said anything about anyone being banned. Just asking for a little transparency, but since this is an anonymous board, anyone can post anything. I just have a hard time understanding why someone making 70K a year wants to spend time on an MT chat board giving us all career advice. Sounds suspicious like a recruiter for a coding school. But again this board is anonymous, you can say anything you want, doesn't mean we believe it.
Do you think you are not worth it? - sm
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Do you think you aren't worth someone's time?

Maybe they were an MT who got out and now want to help others get out, too.

Wow that's great - Nella
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Wow, you are blessed with that CDI job. There was an opening where I work and they said it had to be a nurse. that was a bummer since my MT job was outsourced. Now working for outsource company and taking one day at a time. I hope it works out for the better, whatever happens.
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Please tell me how did get the CDI position? Was it because you have your CCS certification? That will be my future goal of becoming CDI.

I tried to learn it but... - rita

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as a practical matter it was difficult to transcribe during the day (where I could control the speed and I could rewind) and practice and go to class at night where I could not control the speed and rewind). if you just do captioning for recorded videos/hearings etc it would be ok, but I found it too difficult to get my speed up to what it needed to be. honestly that wasn't something I thought of when I was considering captioning. gamechanger for me

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