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Since the window to request Thanksgiving has closed - sm

Posted: Oct 22, 2014

and the window to request Christmas is about to open, and the new rule our "scheduler" made up is that we can only take one of them, it would be nice if she would PROCESS THE THANKSGIVING REQUESTS SO WE KNOW IF WE CAN REQUEST CHRISTMAS OR NOT. 


On a side note, since we can only take one of them, I suspect because she thinks it will make her job easier, that's going to throw way too many people working on completely dead holidays, which will lead to her having to fill out a ton of time sheets because of NJA that day.  Maybe that will make her rethink this new rule of hers and not overstaff us & ruin our entire holiday for no reason.

When does Christmas requests open up? - Anon

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I'm only looking for Christmas Eve, but fear I will be denied.

We can request starting at 60 days before holiday until 45 days before holiday. - A 15 day window. NM

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