A community of 30,000 US Transcriptionist serving Medical Transcription Industry
You know, I just stumbled upon this website a week or so ago. Reading some of your post has really opened my eyes as to how lucky I am to have my position. I am semi-new to the MT world. I work for a wonderful company, but it makes me sad to see everyone has to put up with just insane working conditions from other companies. I hope all of you find companies that realize you are their biggest asset. They cannot make deadlines, or quality goals without the hard work that all of you put forth. It's just a shame that some companies don't see the value in their employees instead of focusing on the bottom line.
I am still on the fence as to whether I will stay in this career for the rest of my life. I have a pretty high certification that isn't recognized, even though I have the same knowledge base. Also, I really enjoy the possibilty to move up in a company. Don't get me wrong my company is awesome, but sometimes I think I just want more out of a career. Other than those things being a MT has been wonderful, and I am not going to leave the field anytime soon.
I really just wanted to post something positive, and to let you all know there still are companies out there that care about employees. Maybe one day, in a perfect world, everyone can just stop working for the bad companies and find work with the really great ones. It isn't all doom and gloom, and I wish everyone the best. :)