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Being paid by the line as an employee - what the heck

Posted: Mar 07, 2012

If you are hired as an employee and are required to type a certain number of lines and are paid by the line, how come you cannot work over 8 hours a day.  Makes no sense to me. 

ummm because then they would have to pay you - MT 22 years

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for a portion of your lines at an OT line rate if you worked more than 40 hours per week.

While you are paid by the line.... - sm

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A timesheet is still required by law. This is necessary to compute overtime, more than 40 hours per week, and to ensure that the MTs are making minimum wage. The MTSOs would love for some to work more than 40 hours per week, but they will not allow you to put it on your timesheet, too expensive for them, and the timesheet is in fact a legal document.

At my co. we have to do it all the time: work - more than 40 hrs, but only list 40

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on our timesheets. Nevermind that we have to work more than 40 in order to make their line minumum that's set too high for their clunky software. It's illegal, but they *allow* us to work unpaid overtime with a wink and a nod, all the while reminding us how *lucky* we are they *let* us do it.

Turds. All of them.
That would be illegal - anonymous
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Your employer is violiting your rights and the law.

All it takes is a disgruntled employee to possibly shut them down--especially with proof.
We ARE the documentation specialists, aren't we? - wheres_my_job
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:) nm
We must work for the same company - IbPoorMT
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...because my company is the same - work 7 days a week to make enough to maintain full-time status and benefits; no OT allowed on timesheet though. Winks and nods aplenty.
That Sucks!! I dont care if it takes you 12hrs to get - 1200 lines, you should be paid for it
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Them telling you to only clock 40hrs when you have worked probably 50 is BS whether your getting all your lines in in 8hrs or not.

Thats their way of not having to pay OT and to make sure that BY LAW everyone is making minimum wage without them having to come out their pocket.
timesheets - what the heck
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Had to log into their system and log out at end of day. Also worked on phone dictation station that logged hours, so that was not going to cut it.

that's right - and you would be taking from another who is scheduled - and needs to make a quoata. Enough work?

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just sayin'. lets not forget ethics and respect.

everyone in this thread - pay attention

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You cannot let them get away with cheating you. It is that simple. Document it and report them. NOW.

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