A community of 30,000 US Transcriptionist serving Medical Transcription Industry

VR Editing transition - Toni

Posted: Aug 06, 2014

Need some help here.

I'm a small MTSO and have done straight transcription for almost 20 years.  I am in danger of losing my biggest client which will throw most of my subs out of work.  I've been scrambling to come up with ways to keep this account and have emailed the practice manager about ways that we could still help.  They are going to EMR and will be deploying Dragonspeak for the doctors.  Many of the doctors have nasty accents and I can only imagine what their reports will look like with Dragon.  I did mention to them that we do type directly into some of my other clients' EMR via a portal they opened for transcriptionists, so I know how to do that.  I also mentioned that as an alternative, we could do VR for them.  They may be interested in VR but unfortunately, I don't have the actual background in VR.  Can anyone enlighten me on the process or point the way for me to start my research?  I appreciate any help or information I can get on this.  I care about my subcontractors, many of whom have been with me almost as long as I've been in business and don't really want to let anyone go.  I realize this is the trend with transcription and this old school transcriptionist really needs to get up with the times.

VR editing- I don't have any - advice, but

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wanted to know that it was refreshing to read a post where someone cares about those that work for her. You have some very lucky MTs and I am sure they give you their all in return. Best of luck, I hope the physicians realize that the Dragonspeak is a joke especially with their accents and come crawling back to you.

Thanks for the kind words - Toni

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I think that's just the difference between smaller MTSOs versus the huge conglomerates. Many of us DO care about the people who work for us. They have families and bills to pay just like I do. I know that many of my ladies are the sole support of their families and it sickens me that if this client walks, I won't have enough work to keep everyone busy. Unfortunately, I don't think some of the negative posters I read realize that us small companies are caught between a rock and a hard place, like everyone else is. Got to balance between keeping our rates low enough to keeping our clients happy and keeping what we have and also making sure my subs and I can make a living. Though I certainly understand where they are coming from and the crappy treatment that they must get from these huge companies, still I get very disheartened when I read posts that paint all of us with the same broad brush. And yes, a few of my clients have come back to me after (1) getting a taste of outsourcing to India and (2) dealing with Dragon. It's very nice to get a reply like yours.

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