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magic words in email don't bode well - sm

Posted: Feb 25, 2014

Got email that ended with "exciting changes coming."

At Nuance exciting change = pay cut.


I didn't get that email. - Are you from a new acquisition?

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nope, not from a new acquisition - thats how i know

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exciting change for Nuance = MLS pay cut

I'm not new either. I did not get that email. - Is it from your TSM?

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or from someone else?
of course it was from TSM - sm
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Barely get emails from anyone else!! It was just her usual daily email BS that ended with that "music to my ears" little line that makes me smell trouble ahead.
Exciting changes or music to my ears? - Are you stirring up trouble here?
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If not, please forgive my question, but please also don't be so vague.
Its called sarcasm - geez
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We really must try to keep our sense of humors here but I guess I shouldn't have mentioned it since now I am stirring up trouble. No more words from me!!
I think we're all sensitive about things and a huge pay cut - is nothing to be humorous about.
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Believe me, I liked myself a whole lot better when I had a sense of humor. That was gone with the pay cut.

There are big changes coming to FIESA - Removing critique that is "punitive" and no more

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If you read the newsletter you will learn more about it. :)

..and no more points off for blanks for any reason - my last msg cut out :)

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I read the newsletter and wished I could have marked off - wannie

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for the errors I found and messed with somebody's bonus, lol!

and that's as it should be - an MT

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Nuance's QA is/was ridiculous. Marking people off for blanks is ludicrous.

newsletter - YD

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Could you tell us exactly what newsletter you are referring to that contains information about blanks? I don't seem to have gotten it. I got an e-mail a while back to the "Link" newsletter but it did not contain anything about QC or QA policy. What is the date of the newsletter you referenced? Thanks in advance.

Yuckkkkk! I hate "exciting changes." The - only ones that "exciting changes" -sm

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ever benefit are the bloated slugs at the top of the dung heap.

That's the truth! They get all excited when - xxx

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our pay is being cut and our benefits are decreased. I bet they all just pee in their pants from excitement every time we get screwed somehow.

Exciting Changes - GrannyG

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Yep, exciting changes. The changes are more and more accounts have gone to EMR and who wasn't told? US!!!! They squirrel out every bit of lifeblood you have for weeks on end making you feel "undevoted" to your job if you don't oblige them with extra work (for very little pay) and then when the plug is pulled they don't even have the decency to level with us and let us know anything. The same identical thing happened with another company I was with...GCT...heck, at least they would send us an email and lie to us, telling us it was merely a slow time and it will pick back up. These people just think the best thing to do is not say anything and hopefully we will all just go away. OK, if that's what they want, no problemo. MT is a dying profession for real. You never get a pay increase...NEVER!!!!! The companies out there hiring are hiring on at the same pay scale they were hiring on at 10 years ago. If you have a LOT of years under your belt you might get a half cent per line more, but that's it. You will hire on at that but you will never see another increase. Any extra money you make from the company is made simply by working your guts out until your brain feels fried. I'm finding something else. I have to. I can't make a living in this business any longer. I'm tired of the big corporate big dogs sitting around and taking 22.5 cents a line while they give us 7.5 (8.5 if your very lucky). Wake up people. It's O-V-E-R! Thanks to all this new healthcare mess, this is all part of it. It's MANDATED and MUST happen. It puts MTs out in the cold. You can go and tag along behind a doctor 9-10 hours a day and be their "Scribe" and be exposed to every blasted germ known to man or you can find another equally rewarding medical job. I'm out of medicine completely. Good luck to all of you.

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