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I still work at MQ part-time and applying with other companies. sm - Thank you

Posted: Aug 22, 2011

What do you put on the application when they ask why you wish to leave, or the reason you left your last job?  I only had this question on one application.  Like I said, I still work part-time at MQ and my real reason is that my job will probably go to India like so many others have.  Would you actually put that reason or what reason would you give them?

I usually just say the work is drying up. (nm) - Meerkat

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Usually when I say I work at MQ - They say No Other Explanation Necessary

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Everybody has the word on this dungheap of a company.

no other explanation necessary - not surprised

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MQ doesn't care what names they are called just as long as they're still fooling unsuspecting people with their marketing jargon, etc., and we all know how they excel at that. Just like the Elvis song "They're (You're) the devil in disguise." Only instead of adverising with red they decided to use a disguise with the colors of saffron and orange from their lovely compadres in crime!!

LOL! Your reason wins the grand prize for - being the best. LOL!

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yes, I would give that reason - Ayn

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Nothing wrong with being honest. And I would be sure to ask them if they offshore!

Reply - a generic answer

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I usually say: N/A, still working there. Then once I get an interview, I can exaplain. Believe me, they understand and actually like it when people look for a better job when theirs is going bad and are still working for the bad place at the time of application. It's actually a great move.

I say work is going to India - nm

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