A community of 30,000 US Transcriptionist serving Medical Transcription Industry

Now that Synernet is going to VR, are there any companies left sm - Sad MT

Posted: Aug 26, 2013

that have straight transcription, besides SoftScript?  I thought maybe I had found my home with Synernet, but they are now also handing out the big lie of how MTs can make just as much money with VR.  Greed wins, MT loses.

Sorry to hear that - bztyper

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Sorry to hear that, Sad MT, and sorry to hear Synernet fell for that malarkey about the pay equaling the same. Unless they're going with eScription and keep up the backend (which none of these places seem to want to do), we all know it will be an epic failure for the MTs.

I think the straight typing ones are still out there. I'd suggest trying to scout out some of the smaller places that may still have accounts with straight typing.

Sorry this happened to you (and to every Synernet MT).

Synernet VR - emma

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I had a chance for a job with Synernet about 6 months ago and wound up not taking it. Sounded like they wanted a lot. I did ask the interviewer if there was a chance they could go to VR and she didn't deny it could be a possibility, so sorry it happened to you. Even if you go with a small company sometimes you still have to worry about VR. I have decided if this company I am working for goes VR then I am just out of MT completely. The last few years have been so stressful, and most all of it is due to VR.

In same boat as you - sm

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Thought I had finally found some security but realize now I'd better find another job before December. Grateful they gave us a little warning at least. Disappointed and fearful about the future.

Straight transcription - Fatigued Fingers

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I am fortunate in that both my accounts are straight transcription. Don't know how long that will last, but I'm enjoying it while it does.

Busted !! didn't take long for your negative comments to get noticed - by the company nm

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Confused - No comprende

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Who was busted and I didn't find the comments were negative about the company, just about the switch to VR.

I'm confused?

All I can say is - MT

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bait and switch
I'm like you -- I took the job at substandard pay sm - Duped MT
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because it was straight typing. When I asked about the VR rates quoted, it was blown off, as if that was a remote, not really big possibility. Now here I am ... duped. They do have good benefits, but that's about all you can say now.
All you can say? - Stubby
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I learned this information from the OP because I was not on the conference call; I definitely was caught off-guard initially. I am as disappointed as the you about the transition to VR, but let's face it, this is the new normal.

While it's true Synernet offers EXCEPTIONAL benefits, there are also many other positives - quantity of work (rarely run out), very few difficult dictators overall, ease of platform, ease of account specs (at least on my accounts), QA support; you are being disingenuous when you say the benefits are ALL they have. Compared to the things that are going on in this industry now as being posted on here on a daily basis, Synernet offers a whole lot more. I am confidant that there are few to no other companies that stack up when comparing pros & cons.

For the poster who referred to the greed & lack of loyalty - are you kidding me? This is business. Doctors & hospitals are consumers in a competitive market; no different than you and I are consumers and want to get the best deal when making our purchases and expect vendors to compete for our dollars, whether it's buying groceries at Walmart instead of the small hometown grocer or buying a car from the big city dealer instead of the neighborhood dealer. Thanks to the poor reimbursement by Medicare, Medicaid and all the private insurances, doctors & hospitals have to cut costs where they can - that means service providers must compete and that does not make the MTSOs or the hospitals greedy and disloyal.

I, for one, will be riding this transition out with a company who was already doing a whole lot of things right before they had to bend to the industry pressure to compete. I assure you straight typing is the new dinosaur - enjoy it while we can!
Question of honesty - MT
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When MTs fail to question the employer's stance when they no longer choose to pay according to technical skill and experience and accepts the situation where said employer boasts a huge pay cut to remain competitive in the market (when actually it is possible to pay labor their worth and have a quality product ... you get what you pay for...) that is when all is lost. Good luck to you who hang on but beware. 4 cpl will not support you in any way, shape or form, and you will not be paid for your expertise. If you love working at a place like that then enjoy.
Question of honesty - AM
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I agree. I have always felt that many people took up transcription not because they were adept at it but because they could work at home. (The famous "mommies in jammies" picture comes to mind.) Consequently, we have some (I said SOME) in the workforce who do not know how to stand up for themselves, who think they have to accept any kind of treatment, etc. There are still jobs out there that pay 9 cpl and where people are treated decently. But you have to know how to find them (my boss does not want his name posted as he gets flooded with newbie resumes from matchbook schools). You have to know how to negotiate with the boss. You have to know when to call in a CPA and an attorney and how to use them. I think we are seeing kind of a culling of the herd through all of this. People who are really devoted to the profession will ride it out and have a voice in making changes. Others will continue to remain helpless because they have no business sense or education. This is not a "make wrong." It is a simple statement of reality. Having good keyboarding skills is great--but you also have to have/get some business smarts. I think that many MTSOs are realizing that cheaping out is not the way to go. As you said, you get what you pay for.
THey should have been honest when I asked about the VR rates sm - Duped MT
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quoted, rather than blowing it off as if it probably would never happen. THAT is not the quality of a company that deserves my trust. And if the OP had not posted, when would they have told us about this? If the phone call was going to reveal such big news that affects the MTs, shouldn't we have been told there was "important news" on the horizon and that we should attend the phone call if at all possible? Instead, they made it sound like corporate updates, blah, blah, blah stuff. I'm not disagreeing that VR is here to stay. I'm disappointed that yet another company chooses to be less than forthcoming about its implementation and also chooses to try to tell me that that I can still make a great living. We'll see what happens. I gave up a better paying straight typing job because I wanted benefits and was willing to settle for 7 cpl to get them. Now I guess we'll just have to see how low I'll settle for before I say enough. It is a personal choice, obviously.
Honesty - Stubby
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I agree that if you asked the question about VR and were given a "less than truthful" answer, then that is shady. I also agree that for news of this magnitude they should have made the conference call mandatory or have done an email announcement to all MTs at the same time rather than some of us finding out via a posting on a forum; that could have definitely been handled better.

However, even with those missteps, I'm not ready to jump ship yet. As I said they have been doing a lot of things right for the last few years when most others have already sunk to the levels I never thought we would see, so I am cautiously optimistic that they will continue to provide the MTs a platform and a pay scale through which we are able to earn a GOOD living while maintaining stellar benefits (the value of which makes the current 7 cpl much higher and I would expect it do the same for the VR rate). I don't know of another company that can or will add that much value to the base rate.

I have also commented before that most of the dictators are excellent on these accounts; of course there are few outliers, but as a whole pretty dang good. So if I've got to do VR, I'll at least try to stick with a company who has great dictators that shouldn't present such a challenge to the VR software and hopefully won't bog us down in corrections/rewrites.

We can't outrun VR; no matter where we go, it is going to show up so we need to find a place where we are getting the best and most complete package for our talent - right now, I still think that is Synernet. I sincerely hope none of you get to tell me "I told you so!"

Thanks for posting. I wouldn't have known about it sm - Synernet MT at least for now

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since I wasn't on the call. The email came after your post. I wonder when they would have told us otherwise. Guess I'm sad too.

I am not worried - Synernet MT

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I personally am not at all worried about this. They already made it quite clear that they are going to be very careful with this and only the dictators who speak clearly will be put on VR. The more difficult dictators will not be. This will prevent us from having to retype reports from scratch. Synernet has been the best company I have worked for, and I've worked for a lot during the course of my career. I am grateful that I almost never run out of work and the benefits are far superior to any other company I know of or have worked for. Where else will you get actual health benefits that compare to what hospital employees get AND 6 weeks of paid vacation time per year, which is paid at the amount you average per hour when you're actually typing so that you don't lose money when you take a vacation. I will be staying put. You can't run from VR these days. It's happening pretty much everywhere. If you decide to leave Synernet for a company that is straight typing, I can almost guarantee that you will end up in the exact same situation in the very near future.

Synernet VR pay? - april

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How much is Synernet paying for VR? Anyone?

4 cpl nm - yippee

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atrocious! - x
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