A community of 30,000 US Transcriptionist serving Medical Transcription Industry

Transcend gobbles up DTS America - MT2

Posted: Mar 02, 2011

Just received an email that Transcend has acquired DTS.  Perhaps this will help all those with no work find work.... (yes, I grinned when I typed that).

HELP - anon

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I'm a DTS employee. This is the first I've heard of it. Any thoughts on what will happen to us. Will Transcend keep us? If so, what are they like to work for?

Lots and lots of posts on Transcend - sm

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I think some still on this page, but in meantime, type in Transcend in Search link towards top of page. Hope the transition goes well for you all. Good luck!

Reposting again about Transcend - Ex-TR

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I re-read the posts from yesterday, and noticed mine had disappeared, maybe it hit a nerve, but I am going to say this again. I want to know what happened to all the MTs that were fired for complaining that they had no work and asked for accounts and were told they could not offer extra work to the MTs, and in fact it caused a lot of problems for them that I pursued that subject with management. They fired some very good MTs, without any warning, but this was after they went to the person that was supposed to help the MTs, which was a huge mistake. She came on here and asked MTs to please contact her if they had a problem, and I made a huge mistake by doing so. She was actually reporting back to management about who these people were. At first I thought she was a friend, and I had legitimate complaints. She said, no problems, and then took this all back to management. Little did I know that the information she received from me and others would be used against us, and they did a total spin on information and it meant the MT looked like she had done something wrong. I kept documented notes on everything, including e-mails, and still have them, and they don't even come close to what I was told. I told the MT advocate that I kept all this information, and I was treated like a piece of dirt, with the greatest hatred I have ever seen. They took glee in the fact when they told me I would never be able to come back to Transcend EVER!! Well, guess what, they did me a favor by cutting me loose. I hope they feel good about what they did. They told me that I could always get another job, and I said "will you give me a good recommendation." No comment on that one. I hope I never have anything to do with one particular person, whose name starts with a D..you cross her path and she will cut you down. Enough said, just be warned...the new merger will only hurt the company that comes on board with them.

the meeting - me

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Didn't you get the email about the meeting? Yes they are keeping everybody, it's official April 1, you stay on your current accounts, and payroll and benefits start new in June. You also keep seniority.

the meeting - anon

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I got the e-mail about the meeting 2 minutes after the meeting started, and I wasn't even home at the time. By the time I saw it, it was too late. Is our pay going to be cut or will it remain the same, and what about the incentive pay? Was that covered?
speaking from experience - anon
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Things will stay the same for a while..as they will promise you they will..but they will soon change..Incentive pay??? That too will change..Transcend does not have incentive pay. Your accounts will stay the same for a while..then they will start pumping other MLS in to keep the TAT in record time. Depending on your manager, you MAY have a good experience. I got out when I could.
anon - Marla
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I got out, too, and am soooo glad I am not there anymore!
I'll second that. The exact same things - happend when - s/m
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Acusis bought out DRC. Things are alright for a while, but then, a little at a time, they start putting the screws to you and you make less and less money.

God help you, been there. - XTR

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I vividly remember "the meeting" a few years ago that came out of nowhere. I worked for a great company that got bought by Transcend and things were never the same. They promised nothing would change, but they did eventually did, mostly losing work due to overhiring, not to mention all the management craziness. They are far more interested in keeping the clients happy and being King of the Hill than they are in keeping their MTs happy, so be ready to lose work and face all the weirdness raining down on you from management. Just keep your head down and be very, very careful what you say to anybody. I am VERY happy to be out of there. Good luck!

Every dog has its day. Looks like Transcend's day is coming - Karma

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...if it isn't already here.
Every dog has it's day and every leper has it's spots - CXR
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Every day may have it's day, but every leper has it's spots and that's why people like you are a disease. I read these posts and wonder why it's only you chosen few who couldn't play nice in the sandbox!
Every dog has it's day. Don't be comparing such a wonderful animal to such a ridiculous - Gaylene
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I worked for them. They ask you to work all the time but when the timesheets are submitted you get a nice little email asking you to check your time because there was no overtime approved. Also, the QA and supervisors say everything imaginable to the employees. I am an RHIT and because I had made some mistake on a report I received an email stating an RHIT would not have made that mistake, I must be lying about being an RHIT. If you have any kind of experience and education go somewhere else. Some of these people who have been there forever and never had any formal education but have these supervisor positions, don't know what they are doing.
Transcend applicants beware - Gaylene (supervisor)
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Whatever you do do not get in Gaylene Childs' region. She is an uneducated hateful woman who needs to retire and get on Weight Watcher's. Check out her picture on facebook, no wonder she is so hateful.

There are some truths in every post on here, but -- - realistic

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it depends on what you are looking for in a company. Transcend is certainly not the "employer of the year" in any MLS eye, in fact it is CHEAP. The only ones who get decent pay or incentives are management, and that is management in the terms of TLs,ROMs, one of the 500 directors of this or that (like how to tie your shoelaces), etc. If you happen to be with the "in-crowd" you will do fine, but they do discriminate in hiring. If you want to apply for TL and you work for the company, you have to meet certain scores on your weekly grades, but you do not have to meet that if they hire someone into management from an outside company who has never worked on the platform.
It is going to take you at least a year to get up to speed on VR. Yes, use your shortcuts, etc., but it is still very time consuming and since the VR program is so bad, you cannot pick up speed easily. Pay is terrible and no incentives. Overtime pay is a joke and amounts to about 1 cent a line for lines you do on overtime, so it really is not worth getting tired working extra.
No one ever says thank you unless it is a blanket thank you to the entire team. No personal recognition.
Do not believe anyone about anything and the employee advocate is anything but that. She is a management plant that will tell you every lie in the book.
I suggest starting to look other places so you have enough time to find something before you go broke.

How will Transcend treat you .... - Happy@Transcend

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If you want an honest opinion on how Transcend treats their employees, I will give you one.  I have been treated like family from the moment I came to Transcend. Everyone has been wonderful to me.  As long as you do your job and do it well, you will not have any problem keeping your job and you certainly will not have to worry about running out of work like other places do.  I often find that the people who have time to come on here and complain about companies are those that could not cut the mustard.. Why is it we don't see all the posts of how wonderful a company is...because we are all busy working.  I am not talking about those that come here to get information on a new company (which by the way don't bother because you will only hear the bad stuff because those of us that are working do not have time to come to the boards all that often) or those that are worried when a merger happens.  I am talking about those that truly just come here and complain to each other all day long about everything.... Anyway, as I was saying (sorry, had to get that out) Transcend is a wonderful company.  There is an abundance of work and I do mean abundance.  If work happens to run low on your primary, you will get a secondary.  The QA, ROMs,  and TL's alike have all been MLS and know where you have been.   The pay in industrly standard and the benefits are excellent.  In a nutshell, there is money to be made and this is a company that treats their employees like family.  If you hear of others that did not make it with other mergers it may be because they did not cut it, or because they chose to jump ship, but I can promise you that it was not because Transcend bought them out and let everyone go.  We have been told of the merger and of all the wonderful MLS that will be coming on board with this merger and we are very excited to have you.  See you in the trenches!

That must be the parallel universe Transcend. - nm

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ridiculous - ridikulus

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Wonderful individuals yes...company great? no. I know many excellent transcriptionists who "didn't cut the mustard" as you say but guess what, most left early and found even BETTER jobs. It is not a pleasant experience transitioning to them. Benefits are not good compared to regular companies. Very cumbersome system. Encourage one to only record time with "hands on keyboard"... and this means not counting the time it takes to open the many emails, trying to learn account specifics, recording your timesheet, looking up words, etc....so yea, i guess if you go to the bathroom and mark that off or do your non-transcription duties, and work 12 hours instead of 8 but only put 8 you might do well. Not legal. And you work 7 days a week, whenever and wherever. Not always so easy for everyone. I guess not everyone is superwoman.

Transcend morphs! - A+B=C

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It is quite obvious to me (I am a 30-year vet with much experience with the old MDI and MQ, too) that Transcend has modeled itself on the MedQuist model. My heart aches for all of you who will be affected by this. Transcend is becoming like one of those monsters in the movies who morphs into giant size and eats everybody/thing in its path. Keep your mouths shut and your heads down as someone else has already stated on here. This should be about as much fun as a root canal.

Transcend gobbles DTS - very unhappy camper

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Morphs said: This should be as much fun as a root canal. I disagree. I worked for MDI and then we were merged into Transcend. My experience was more like a colonoscopy without propofol.

Very unhappy camper - Morphs

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I worked for MDI during the merger, too, and you are absolutely right! Yours is the best analogy I have seen. :)- LMAOL!
To Anon: I know you are probably overwhelmed - right now. I felt the SM
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same when this happened to my company about a year ago. I think the main thing is what region you end up in. As others have stated, there is 1 region that might cause you some angst, but there is no way to know that at this time for you. We were also told that nothing would change and for a little while, nothing did. Same accounts. Then switched to new platform, VR. I am sure you know about VR pay. Wonder if you have previous experience with VR? If you have coworkers who are friends, I strongly suggest supporting each other through this, staying in touch through IM or otherwise. It really can help. I think one of the problems with remote jobs is the isolation, especially when trying to learn new technology, etc. I would also suggest keeping your head down, do not make waves for yourself, and do the best you can. Give it some time before making any hasty decisions. It might be like a colonoscopy without propofol for some, but I would not say that has been my experience. Short TATs, too many MTs, this is everywhere now it seems. Take a deep breath, and gather as much info as you can (like I said, possibly from your coworkers).:) Just a few of my thoughts.
It is so strange how experiences differ. - Seymour Too
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I ended up with Transcend in a merge a year ago too. I think we came with the same company, only my experience was entirely different. You are very right about keeping in touch with coworkers because Transcend is extremely skilled at double talk. They will schmooze so well that you're not really sure if what you heard was actually what you heard. Your coworkers can confirm what they said when they reverse everything down the road.

My experience did not start out as a colonoscopy without propofol, but ended up feeling like a colon resection...without insurance. I went into it with open eyes and a great, positive attitude and came out broke financially and emotionally. I was very intimidated by finding another job, but it was the best thing I could have done.

It makes me wonder why many have such a different experience. What is it that keeps you at Transcend when almost everyone from the previous company has left, some immediately and some a year after the merge?
For the foreseeable future.... - me
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That was one of Transcends big phrases during the MDI fiasco....the foreseeable future lasted about 2 mos before the pay cuts started because their insurance is "worth" something. If you don't need the insurance? Well, too bad, you get a pay cut anyway. And then another. They start with the highest-paid MTs and whittle away till the rate is where they want it, not thinking how they are affecting one's ability to pay bills or take care of their families, but that they are getting a bargain rate on excellent skills. I bailed when I was told they couldn't guarantee another pay cut - didn't even wait for the second one. They pretend to care about your every concern and then the foreseeable future is suddenly right there in front of you, within 2-3 mos. Some are happy there still, depending on region, but I say that if one took a count, at least for the MDI merger, I bet there are few of the extremely skilled MTs that were making excellent line rates are still there - I am one of them. And I know for a fact there are others. Now is the time to start looking for something else - before you have to. Sorry for the long rant, but don't let this company fool you. All they care about is lining their pockets.
forseeable future... - indeed
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Transcend/DTS Merger - Stacey Kirsh/TL Buckley Region

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I was involved in the MDI/Transcend merger over a year ago. There will always be those that have bad experiences, but you really need to give things a chance so you can form your own opinion. I've had my doubts along the way, but I have to say that I am incredibly pleased and satisfied with the responsiveness of this company, including top management. You can keep going from company to company, and ultimately you need to do what you feel is best for yourself, but I urge you to relax and and go with the flow for now, and form your own opinions. When we merged our "region" stayed intact, ALL our accounts stayed within our region that were MDI accounts, and that is still true over a year later. I hope this helps those who are having doubts. Please feel free to email me if you have any questions.

Stacy, with all due respect - Not the same.

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Your experience is NOT the same. You are management. You might have gotten a pay cut in cpl, but you also get an administrative stipend of over $700 a month. When work gets low on an account, YOU have first dibs to it. In fact, you have first dibs to any work type, dictator, etc., you want.

You conveniently mention that the region stayed the same and all the accounts stayed in the region, but you conveniently leave out the part about it being saturated with workers to the point of affecting the work volume. But like I said, you get first dibs. So it's still not the same for us in the trenches. YOU have no problem meeting your quota for health insurance and benefits, and that is a HUGE change for us in the same region on the same accounts.

I don't know who you are, but you are way off the mark! - Blown away by your post

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Let me tell you a thing or two. First of all, I was chosen for this position of TL, I did not ask for it. I am an MLS at heart and I want what's best for my teams. I will have you know that there are many days when the work is so low that I don't even produce so that my team members can have the work. My income has gone down $10,000 over the last 2 years, but I'm still here. My main interest right now is to improve and help bring upon change in the workplace. On my 3 teams, we have the same people, except for the ones who have chosen to leave. We have no other people coming over from other regions to "gobble" up our work. This board makes me want to puke with all the negativity. I'm sticking around because I hope I can make a difference.
"Let me tell you a thing or two..." "I will have you know..." - "I lost $10,000 in income" - warning.
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This is from the mouth of a team leader. Both her attitude and her loss of income are representative of the state of things at Transcend and should serve as warning for anyone considering working for them.

Facts about so many jumping ship and loss of income coming straight from the mouths of management should make any job seekers' decision a no-brainer.

The fact that Transcend management has posted here to acknowledge the criticisms... - careful

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...about Transcend and try to assuage fears should tell you volumes. Trust your first instinct and start looking for another job. If the "vast majority" of MTs who remained after the MDI merger are so happy, why the need to create "advisory boards" to address management trust issues and communication problems?


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The need to create advisory boards is so the MTs can have a say and be able to speak out, giving recommendations and opinions. It's a great way for all MTs to be able to say what they like, what they don't like and not just be at home with no communication and feeling like they cannot say anything. We encourage it, value their opinion and are looking forward to keeping the lines of communication open as well as making a difference!

A point of view - DSlater

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Advisory boards are a great place to get input from every angle, and especially insight from those who have a good long track record with the company, such as the managers. Issues have to be addressed, and everyone is entitled to their own opinion. At the end of the day, Transcend has been a great support to myself personally, and a great support to the MLS on my team I feel. Any experience in life is what you choose to make it--take advantage of the resources available and with a good attitude and work ethic and you will succeed. Adopt a negative view and it becomes a negative experience...and that holds true no matter where you are.
Heard that song before - PAC
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Carlotta's statement sounds like Dorothy's when the MDI/Transcend merger happened a year ago. To all those out there, don't believe a word of it!! It's crap! They lie, all of them! They even lied about a family member dying and that is why an upper manager left. Yeah right.
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Yes, I remember what was said during the merger. It turns out it was all baloney sausage.

You are one of those who have treated MTs pitifully. - Who cares what YOU say now? No one.

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EXACTLY!! - sm

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If everything was so great, there wouldn't be the need for management to post, especially that many of them. IMO, that sends up a red flag.

No company is going to have 100% positive experiences and it's common to have some negative posts about every company. But this company has way too many to ignore or brush them off as just an individual preference. Transcend's constant employee turnaround and advertisement says as much. Even the fact that they have to have an advisory board to help them communicate says it all. If employees are afraid to communicate, a board isn't going to help.

If you treat people right in the first place, - XTR

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you don't need advisory boards or anything else. The fact that Transcend has these boards speaks volumes. The fact that management is posting here to try to contradict what we the MTs are saying tells you what you can expect from these "advisory boards." You can bet that they are looking at every alias here and trying to figure out who we are. Be warned, this is how Transcend works. You will be offered the illusion of inclusion and participation, but your paycheck and working conditions will still be the same in the end and you will suffer for sticking your neck out. What I said before about management weirdness, here it is. Very happy to be out of there and with a normal company now.

I never saw anything as weird as all these mgmt- - spin-posts in my life.

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Really creepy. Bad enough that any management would lurk around on an MTs' board to begin with, or make posts that they think lead others to believe that they're MTs. But all these "don't worry - be happy" posts are off-the-charts bizarre.
I think they were clearly identifying themselves but - what I find amusing about it is (sm)
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that they all ran right here to launch a counterattack!

Obviously, someone pointed out posts to corporate and they came here to attempt to ease anxiety and provide that collective front.

It backfired on them, though. It was the very people who have treated their former (and current) MT employees like criminals and mindless idiots who came here to say all is great, everyone will do well.

No one believes them because they backstab, lie and cut the throats of any and everyone who does not behave as if they had a lobotomy and are zombies for their TL and ROM.


I think it is amusing, too - Waiting for karma
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Yes, I think it is amusing, too. And that they would have the temerity to sign their names! Well, I believe in the Law of Karma and I can hardly wait for what went around to go around.

I'm glad to see I'm not the only one who is - creeped out by all the mgmt. spin doctoring.

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To DTS MTs - TiredMT

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Do not panic, but do NOT believe everything that Transcend tells you. Having been through a Transcend takeover I can tell you that while they will tell you things will remain the same, they will, but not for long. They overhire, they offshore, there is frequently not enough work available to meet their minimum requirements to keep insurance even with multiple accoutns, among other things. While there are some MTs that love working for Transcend, there are those that absolutely despise it. I stuck it out for a couple of years and finally had enough and got out and could not be happier now. My advice is to stick it out for a bit and see how it goes, but start looking for another job in case this does not work out the way you want.

I came in with the TRS merger 2 years ago - CrankyOldBroadOnTheBeach

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and I had heard all the horror stories, had all the same fears, etc., etc.

Some of the same Transcend people who are posting right here, right now, actually contacted me and personally called me to answer any questions and concerns that I had at the time. Needless to say, I wrote down EVERYTHING I was told--and you can call me a liar if you want to, but EVERYTHING I was told still holds true to this day. I didn't actually like everything I was told--but nobody actually lied to me, either then or now.

I can only speak for my own experience, but 2 years later, I am still working on the same accounts (although we did move to BeyondTXT over a year ago and I can work much faster on it than I could on DEP) and in fact my primary account is out of TAT more often than not, so we do not exactly have a case of over-hiring in my particular region.

Having said all of this, however, I do understand that other people have had different experiences. Again I speak only for myself. But I would encourage the new merg-ees to keep an open mind and give it a try, see how it goes. You can always hunt for another job later if it doesn't work out for you. And keep your eyes and ears open, and write down EVERYTHING you are told, and write down who told it to you, just in case something bad happens.

Feel free to respond to my post via e-mail if you have any particular questions that I can answer, although again, I can only speak from my own experience, and I do not "represent" Transcend in any way other than as a fellow traveler down in the trenches.

Change for DTS MLS - Cheryl Jamison, TL/Transcend

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I firmly believe that how you accept and react to any major change is the guidant to its outcome.

I read a very interesting article just today concerning our industry and would like to quote a portion that you might find helpful in dealing with this 'change' as it comes your way: "There are three trends in the industry that look to impact the future of the transcriptionist role. In no particular order, they are: (1) advances in voice recognition software; (2) more outsourcing of transcription functions overseas; and (3) new guidelines by the US Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) regarding electronic health records (EHR).

Remember fellow MLS....there is nothing more certain in life than change. And as Charles Darwin once noted: âIt is not the strongest of the species that survives, nor the most intelligent, but the one most responsive to change.â

how long to adjust? - barely hanging in there

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Just wondering how long it should take to recover from such a change because I have been holding on by a thread since we went to VR over 5 years ago and still have not recovered from the approximately 15K per year loss of income.

I'm in my seat all day working my scheduled shifts. Having my line rate cut was one thing, then losing my incentive bonuses, and then taking yet another line rate cut.

It seems that the more work we produce, the more our pay is cut.

At this rate, my lost income will never be recovered.

I dont even participate in the benefits except for the paid time off.

Cutting the pay and losing the bonuses really really hurt.

Making change work for you - Cheryl Jamison, MLS/Transcend

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Everyone is different on how fast they adapt to new platforms, editing. My thought on this is that you can do yourself justice in these type of situations by embracing every bit of help you can, i.e. team mates, team leads, others who have been there. Also, work hard at learning the program and short-cuts the best you can to help speed things up. The more you learn, the better prepared you are for success. Many have made editing a success by utilizing the tools completely, listening to others successes and applying. Hope this helps! ;)
not exactly true - barely hanging in there
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I am producing almost 3 times as much now as I was before VR so I have definitely utilized every available tool and trick to maximize production.

My pay being cut repeatedly and losing my production bonuses killed my income.

My production took a hit initially until I got used to VR but I was almost back to my old earnings when my pay was cut again.

Punishing us by cutting our pay for doing more work is not any kind of reward at all.
Barely hangin on II - Isecondthat
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Yes, I agree with barely hanging in. I would like to hear a serious answer from management on this question: Do you really think the way to improve productivity is to shove pay cuts down our throats, make us work even longer to make even less money, thereby stressing us out and tiring us out even further? I just can't seem to figure out how making me work harder and longer for LESS pay is going to make me a happy and productive employee. Please, please enlighten me, managers.
Would like to wager if we hear a peep from them - regarding that. nm
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[ sound of crickets chirping ] - Yeah, I figured they wouldnt answer
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response to Barely Hanging On - Rebecca
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I'll answer any direct questions one on one. I know there are folks who are perpetuating this negative information. If you want to contact me, I've posted my contact information and I'd be happy to share any information!
It's not negative information but the TRUTH!! - PAC
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she's correct - tikitoodles
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She's right. I came in with positive attitude, ignored the boards. They turned out to be right on the money. Also, they must give the mgmt the tools to know what to say as i see the same things here: "we know its difficult"; "we have been there...through mergers"...blah blah blah. The TL are just trying to make a living too and really are nice. However, the truth is most, if not all the posts on this board are right on the money. I vote to be positive but sometimes that is not the question...sometimes it is just like she said.."the truth". Some can ignore the conditions and they do fine. Others, it wears on them psychologically and physically. I found a new position. What a great POSITIVE change! If ever presented with the opportunity to go with an outsourcing company again, I will decline right from the start this time, especially with this company. They can be nice as pie but the working conditions and pay are very difficult. Too bad every time there is an economic slump, medical facilities are so quick to outsource. It always proves to be the wrong mistake.
no thanks - barely hanging in there
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I have expressed my concerns over the pay cuts in the past. It just fell on deaf ears and then my pooling changed immediately to a lot of garbage that nobody else wanted to do so I struggled even more.

I'm used to that garbage now but that's all I have so I need to keep it as long as I can.
OMG - all these management posts just reek of - Stepford wives with glazed-over eyes..... nm
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OMG - Stepford - Free at last
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Someone referenced the EST training. That is exactly what this kind of noo-noo, nah-nah "making it work for you" verbiage sounds like. Well, the seventies are over, and no amount of slick double-speak will ever make what is happening right. EST doesn't exist anymore, and hopefully, neither do the Stepford Wives.....Don't listen to this motivational trainer/cheerleader talk, people. Look at what has happened to our paychecks and let the unvarnished truth be told. MT is dying, it has become a game called "exploit the MT." If you are not making money, it is not your fault. Corporate greed rules the day.
Stepford wives - Paranoid much ?? - Still standing
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Paranoid much ??
Rebecca - Allergic to spin
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No, you will be happy to put a corporate spin on it. Maybe you should get a job with Fox News.
Barely hanging in there - Me, too
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What MTs do these days and the wages we are paid for doing it amounts to little more than slave labor. The legal violations that go on in this industry on a daily basis never cease to amaze me. One of these days the cheese will hit the fan.

Change for DTS MLS - xx

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Wow, this sounds like something from EST training of ages past.....

Cheryl Jamieson - NOT SO! - PAC

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Cheryl, I totally disagree with your comment about "how you accept and react to any major change is the guidant to its outcome". You were my TL for a brief period last year and yes a very good one. Unfortunately, someone else took over and was not good. I worked like a dog to learn BeyondTX, sitting in on ALL conference calls and worked 14 to 16 hour days but of course I had to lie on my timesheet. I was embracing this change and hoping to keep my job and maybe even advance. Then the new TL came in along with Marlow and the work started to disappear. Or, all of a sudden the work pool would be open and more work would appear and vice versa. I could not take the uncertainty of not having a job and found a new job and I am so much happier. Interesting thing is I went to a doctor for a medical condition that used Transcend. We of course got chatting and she said she hated Transcend and that their prices were ridiculous. She left them and went to another company. She even stated that she LOVED MDI and Bayscribe. Very sad.

Grown-Ups? Really??? - anon

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Grown-Ups...Really?! For those of you who are unhappy ANYwhere, at ANYtime in your lives, why blame others? Better to look inside yourself, find something that makes YOU happy, and stop whining about it! We do live in American after all, right? Nobody can force you to stay somewhere you don't want to stay. All of this negativity is just ridiculous! Enough is enough! Grown-Ups...Really?!?

AMEN, SISTAH! - anon too

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If there's one thing that annoys me, it's WHINING!

Not whining, just frustrated!! - PAC

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And saddened by the treatment and betrayal of MDI/Transcend. If I can help and warn any future Transcend victims out there, I will. If you are part of the DTS/Transcend merger, good luck! And to set the matter straight, I am a very happy person and love my new job!! No betrayal with my new employer, only loyalty and appreciation :)
PAC - Midwest
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I am with you. I, too, was on the receiving end of the MDI merger/betrayal (and nearly went bankrupt hanging on for months while being fed stories when there was no work about how nothing was changing, they were getting new accounts, etc. etc.). I finally saw the light, quit, and am now with a small to medium-sized MTSO who actually treats its workers like human beings. Like you, I feel no betrayal with my new employer and do not wake up dreading going to work. You told it like it is, and I agree with every word you say.
Midwest - PAC
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Congrats to you on your new job!! So glad you found happiness :) Sounds like we both hung on a little longer than we should have with the Transcend/MDI merger. Maybe we were just a little too loyal which only hurt us in the end. I never posted on this board until yesterday when I saw another victim going down with a merger. I just could not stay quiet any longer. Trying to look out for our fellow MTs.
Switching to Chart Net - flyingfingers
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I just found out by newsletter that we are switching platforms. Going from Medrite to Chart Net. How is Chart Net? any opinions would help.
I'm on ChartNet. Email me if you like. - nm
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Double Amen! - tikitoodles
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Amen amen. We are positive, which is why we want to help out others sort out what they are FEELING...we are all humans after all. But like this poster, I am positive person...and as a result of always trying to look for the best, i did find a more positive place to work and better conditions. But facts are facts...its a difficult place to work.

Having a problem with pay cut after pay cut is whining? No wonder - people are fleeing! nm

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Bully much? - sm

[ In Reply To ..]
Since you felt the need to post this twice, I really need to ask why it bothers you this much when people discuss their negative experiences with Transcend? Especially since the ones who are discussing them already did what you said they should do, find something else.

You're claiming we're childish, yet you're trying to bully people out of posting. If you see it as whining, that's your right to have your opinion. Not all see it that way, just as not all will see your post as bullying. But that's my opinion too.

Not whining - dmz

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Just stating my story - I didn't like it and moved on. Not whining. Just a fact. I'm sure there will be other DTSers who move on also. But it's always good to have everyone's story - I gave mine. In this economy, I don't feel a pay cut keeps a good MT happy. You get what you pay for, and based on the number of Transcend ads out there - I have to say, I hope that is the situation for them. I have moved on and know there is life after Transcend.
Pay cuts - Canttakenomore
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DMZ,you hit the nail on the head when you said in this economy a pay cut will not keep a good MT happy. Why can't the big shots realize this? We are all struggling here...
Did you ever stop to think...sm - Happy@Transcend
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that maybe there are so many Transcend ads out there because they have a lot of work???? As most of the current MLS that work for Transcend have said right here on this board, there is plenty of work to go around. Now you can try to put what spin on that you like, but that my friend is the truth!

yes, she IS a bully. In every forum! - nm

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Yes, Grown-Ups, Really! - Anna

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You must live in a very simplisic universe to see life in such black and white terms. Negativity? I don't think so. Reality? Sadly, yes.

"Not a suit"? -- REALLY? - .NM.

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You betcha - Observer

[ In Reply To ..]
She's a suit!

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