A community of 30,000 US Transcriptionist serving Medical Transcription Industry
Wow, you know it is amazing how aggressively vitriolic one person can be when they can't accept change. Is Proscript perfect? No, and there is not one company out there that is PERFECT.
All this whining and moaning about VR, folks we have known in the industry this was coming and would be a HUGE deal for 10+ years! There is money to be made but it is a different mindset. Saddle up or move on.
Proscript's VR is no worse than any other, as a matter of fact, I find it easier than most. I'm curious about all this talk of loyalty and how the company screwed you. Where is all of this loyalty on the MT side now that PS has had to go through changes in order to STAY IN BUSINESS AND GIVE US A JOB? HMMMM??? We were paid outstanding for a long time, and we know it. Yep the gravy train ended, but then the smart ones always knew that it would. There is no company that can pay us transcription lines for VR work and stay in business.
It hasn't always been easy going through the changes and sure I miss that money, but I love this business, it has afforded me a life I would not have had otherwise and I will continue to grow and change WITH IT.
If you can't do that, put on your big girl panties and find another career path that allows you to work at home, raise your kids, be there when people need you, and still manage to make an honest wage. It is NOT Proscript that has the problem, it is those that refuse to roll with the punches and embrace change.