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Sour grapes - ruin the whine

Posted: Sep 10, 2013

I think it's smart of people who come here looking for a recommendation on a company to realize that the vast majority of posts that you read here are people who are no longer with a particular company, who continually blast them, who jump in always to make sure to say  how bad their experience was.  And maybe it was.  But I think these people are very much in the minority and not at all to be considered as majority. 

Every company has something someone is not going to like.  But for an MT whose skills may not be what they think they are or who doesn't think rules apply to them (it's so easy to read between the lines of a lot of this company bashing), or the MT who refuses to come into 2013 - I think their complaints need to be taken with a grain of salt. 

Several months ago, I came here asking for feedback on SoftScript.  I didn't hear anything positive.  Nothing.  And of course you don't know if you have one person complaining 10 times or if there are 10 people complaining.  I decided to ignore the feedback and go with my gut.  I'm so glad I did.  No, they don't have 100% easy work but they have work.  They have decent work.  They pay decent. 

I've done this a very long time and can tell you, there are people here who are going to complain because that is what they do best.  They aren't happy at any company because they simply cannot be.  That's not the fault of the company.

For anyone looking for a "good" company, you have to make this call on your own.  Unless someone is telling you a company doesn't pay, then don't let the horror stories stop you from choosing a company and finding out for yourself.

Remember that that it's very, very rare for happy people to be posting here.  They're too busy doing their jobs and living their lives so what you have left are the sour grapes.

Sour grapes - Quiet mom

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I so agree with you. Although I do not work for SoftScript, I work for another company that is routinely bashed and smashed on this board. I make $25 an hour straight transcription. (And no, people, I will not post their name as there are too many nasty people on this board.) My point simply is to reinforce what you are saying: Try it and think for yourself. If you see the same people bashing any company over and over, ask yourself, what is their agenda. Glad you like SoftScript! I love my company, too.

Totally Agree - mel268

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I'm totally on your side. Same story, but with a company called DocuMed who I love dearly and have been wonderful to me for years. No matter what's posted from here on out, I suggest you read the positive ones, skip the haters, and have a great day!!!

I liked SoftScript too - sm

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Your post could have been made by me. In fact, I bet in the archives I actually DID make a very similar post about SS. I started with them and LOVED it. The account specs were a huge pain, but there WAS work. With me though, I had a QA audit and made the same account spec mistake so many times within the few reports that getting dinged by the one mistake so many times caused my QA score to be 92% and I was fired.

I have been an MT for 20+ years and never, ever have I gotten a QA score so low, nor could I imagine that would even be possible. Nothing from the past 6 months of me working for SS mattered at that point. They didn't consider the fact that I had ALWAYS passed QA audits, no problems whatsoever, worked extra when asked, or the fact that it was the SAME account specific mistake just made several times.

I'm glad you are happy there, just be careful, I promise it can happen to you.

I hated SS, worst place I ever worked. There are many, many - me

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other MTs who would agree. Not everyone has the same expectations from a MTSO. If you worked for SS first then maybe they aren't so bad, but if you left and went elsewhere then you would probably realize how bad they are.

Maybe you were fortunate to have a good account, a good TM, etc.

I have had negative experiences with other companies too. I am always honest and detailed in my experience. If there is a good point I will express that too.

I see lots of responses to negative posts about maybe the MT wasn't very good, didn't keep their schedule, etc. and they got fired so that is why they post negative things. I'm sure that does happen, but I think in the majority of the cases it doesn't.

If you like SS then good for you, but all you know is your experience and don't know what others have experienced and you can't write all the negative posts off as just being a disgruntled ex-employee.

SoftScript and Happy don't even belong in the same sentence.sm - S

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I am NOT a disgruntled ex-employee. I am one that knows how they rip off their MTs every day. How they don't pay minimum wage. How they don't treat people as equals. I could actually go way more in depth of their deceptive ways that they screw MTs out of lines. Oh and don't forget (sad as it is to say), their HR dept is freakin joke. I know the head of HR and apparently he has even decided to sell out (AW). Don't try to sell people on what you don't know. I was there a very, very long time. I KNOW how they treat their employees. The recruiter is even a bigger joke as she has no clue what she is doing. BUT GREAT NEWS....they have lowered their standards for being hired. Gawd it was low enough before.... now they are really going to get the cream of the crop. Guess QA will pick up

SoftScript - sm

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I honestly don't think that SS is this wonderful company with one MT on here just trying to sabotage their "good name". One way that is pretty much PROOF that it's not a good company is that they keep a STANDING AD on the other job board looking for help. I'm sorry, but no company needs that much help, unless of course, they are constantly changing out staff. The few "good companies" that are left, you rarely even see them advertise.

and you all - totally

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missed the point, which sort of is the point.

Whatever. Substitute SS for Transtech, where there are happy people, or Landmark where there are happy people. Some of the MTs on here love to hear themselves complain.

As I talk to MTSOs and hear some of the horror stories of staffing, I totally know where a lot of the MTs they are referencing hang out-- MT (not) Stars.

Geez Louise.

AGAIN......... - SM

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Just because YOU had a good experience with a company, other people who didn't have such a good experience should not have their posts minimized. The MTSO's "horror stories" is a joke in itself. With the way MTSOs treat their staff these days, they should feel lucky that people even continue to apply.

Either way, I don't think MTs come to this board to whine or complain, I think they genuinely want to warn others of their experience. Will we ALL have the same experience? Obviously not. We all have different expectations, came from different places, so of course, what one MT hates, another could possibly love.

When I decide to give my feedback on a company that I didn't like, I only do it to HELP other MTs, because they asked. I certainly have much better things to do with my time than typing on here, but I want my fellow MTs to succeed and if I think a company is bad news, I will definitely tell the person. If that person chooses to give the company a shot anyway, good for them, maybe it will work out for them, who knows.
soft script - kabina
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I know I found the company to be pretty non-caring and I found their e-mails to be rather ignorant and nonprofessional. They seemed to look at the MTs as just like somebody passing through that they could easily replace. No wonder they have lowered their standards for hiring. They are running out of people. Just not a smart way to run your business. And yes, they ALWAYS have an ad running, just like Nuance, and I have worked for both companies and neither was a good experience. But at least Nuance gave me some decent training.

SoftScript - sm - HappyToBeWorking

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A lot of times companies are hiring because they get new accounts on board and need more staff, not necessarily because they are firing people left and right. I don't work for SoftScript BTW. Just saying there can be more than one reason a company places ads.

Sour Grapes - HappyToBeWorking

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I agree. I think a lot of these people making these disgruntled posts were probably terminated for not doing their job properly. You reap what you sow usually. I worked as a team lead for a while and I can tell you that there are a lot of sorry MTs out there that don't care if they work half the time or not. We had people calling in for the most ridiculous reasons such as "I'm tired and need a nap" or "My oil in my car needs changing." They expected to do this on company time when there was work and they were needed. Some people can and will try to take advantage of working from home. If you worked in an office you wouldn't pull those kinds of stunts. Many had quality issues with their work and then wondered why they were terminated! Then they come here and complain that it was never their fault, but the company's fault. The mentality behind some MTs believing that companies want to hire and then fire you just to get their jollies so they can go back and repeat the process of having to hire more people and retrain them is ridiculous to say the least.

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