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ProScript - hammer continues to fall - disheartened

Posted: Jan 12, 2010

I hear that the hammer continues to fall at ProScript. Word has it that two more long-term employees were let go without warning. What is going on with that company? First, all employees lost their benefits and were changed to statutory along with having their lines rates cut drastically, and now this.

It took many years to build up their good reputation, but (see msg) - SM

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the new management there is taking the company down rather quickly. In just a matter of a few months it has gone from a pleasant place to work to a nasty sweatshop. I don't know anyone there who isn't looking to get a new job as quickly as possible.

Proscript sweatshop - Bev

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You got that RIGHT!!!

No reason to stick around any longer. (sm) - longtimer

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The dictators are horrible, the software is full of bugs, there are no benefits anymore, the pay's been cut, management is unpleasant to put it mildly, the good people have all been made to disappear, and now that they have made us all statutory employees they're trying to enforce schedules?

Not again! sm - Stuck it to us

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Now who is MIA? I have never seen a creepier bunch that these goons. I can only imagine that people are flying out the doors to other jobs as every day they scream louder for all hands on deck as the job counts grow. What do they expect? ProScript has to be one of the crummiest companies to work for, and that is saying a lot. I thought I worked for some stinkers, but this place stinks them all up.

That really stinks. Question for you. - Ex-ddi-er

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So is RC gone, did he sell out? What about AN and M? I was going to start working there several yrs ago but the pay stunk and they were offering me 0.5 cpl more if I would work nights and their most difficult account. I stayed on with MQ for a little longer before jumping ship.
I'm sorry to hear Proscript has turned into this... even though it didn't work out for me to get back with some of the old ddi crew (when they were still there), I had high hopes that it would become a really good company for those who were there.

Never hear from R, so who knows? sm - longtimer

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A is the one who went on vacation and then just never came back. We don't buy the story we were told about why. M? Not sure who you're talking about there. Most of the old crew is gone now that they have gotten rid of the bulk of the old QA department and replaced them with their new flunkies.
Wow - your company sounds like a cookie-cutter clone - of MY company. Theyre all like this, now! nm
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and MINE - maybe they're all run by the same people now? (nm) - too old for this
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Its the MO of the entire industry. So that they can wail - "we cant find any American workers!", while -

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they send more and more American work overseas. I think it's all reached a point that the only way the hemorrhage of American jobs offshore can be stemmed, is if the clients get smart enough (or scared enough, perhaps?) to start bringing the work back in-house, where it always belonged in the first place.

"Back in the day", when my hospital had too much work, they hired temps (well-paid temps!) to come in and help. Most of the temp MTs then were highly-skilled, retired MTs who only wanted to work a few hours a week. When they started sending overflow work off the property, to an outside service, that's when the problems for everyone in the Med. Records Dept. began. And not just the MTs.

How do you guys find his stuff out? I dont have any sources for info like this but I'm new at P - EV

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I don't have anything to compare it to. This doesn't sound good though.

Proscript - disheartened

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If you are new at Proscript, run. If you are thinking about working there, run. Everything that is being said is the truth. This once really nice company has turned into the granddaddy of bad companies.

I just dont know where to go to find this info. Do you guys email each other? nm - EV

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You probably never knew any of these people. Some of us worked there a long time. sm - Stuck it to us
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..much longer than MTs stay at these companies. We were treated like individuals who mattered. I have not had contact with anyone else. I was afraid something bad was happening when people just literally disappeared.

If you are new, you have no idea what a great place it WAS...nm - Stuck it to us

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Proscript - Brenda

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Proscript is like almost 95% of companies out there nowadays unfortunately, management sucks, pay sucks more, benefits suck the worst...they continue to take away and take away...no one cares about the American MT anymore...no one

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