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In ONE word, describe how you feel today - anon

Posted: Apr 08, 2013

I'll go first:


One Word - Frustrated

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Exhuasted. - nm

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Anxious. - Broke

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Demoralized - I have a whole list of words for MM

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Pissed - my word

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confused - and annoyed

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I know you said one, but I needed to say two.

Poor - nm

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Deceived. - (but wiser) :-(

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Whipped - x

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scorned, batterd, bruised, tattered, ruffled, cheated, beated...

Unmotivated - Hard to stay focused

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whatever - x

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They're gonna do it anyway

Demoralized. - Despair

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Too many words. Started with shocked 5 years ago after being grandfathered in. Then turned to frustration, anger, down right pissed off, anxious, despair, disinterested, and now I hope I get laid off. I want the TAA.

One Word - Happy

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That I quit this horrible company and moved on!

one word feeling - msdaisy

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disappointed - msdaisy

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worth a double reply

disgusted - xx

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response to In One Word, describe how you feel today - KyraK

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one word - "Belittled"

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1. To represent or speak of as contemptibly small or unimportant; disparage: a person who belittled our efforts to do the job right.

2. To cause to seem less than another or little:

One word - GREATFUL - Tammie

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Greatful that just from reading the other subject lines that I'm where I'm at today!! Spring is in a full-on push and as do my work, I can hear the birds happily singing, fresh air coming in the OPEN windows, and had a good night's sleep to boot.

I'm grateful, too. - ..differently! :-)

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That's great!

Hopeful. - ImADreamer

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I spent the end of last week and all weekend worrying like crazy. Today, I'm hopeful because I know in my heart this is all for a reason and that something good must come out of it. What can I say, I'm a chronic optimist. :)

In one word - R2D2

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Unmotivated. - Meerkat

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stupid - nm

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Old - nm

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one word - ginn

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Ugh! Is that even a word? - NM

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