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I feel so good I could almost come back to evil Q - Bunion

Posted: Jan 07, 2010

Man am I kickin the bootie, I have not felt this good in 8 years, since my cervical block I had for my 3 disks in my neck.  Try it if you have neck pain.  This is not even in full effect and I am 75% better today.  Have another injection in 2 week, and it has only been 2 days.  YIPPEE.  Is evil Q hiring for SA3 or 4, I can do that plus my other workies full time.  I can do anything, for anybody.  I CAN DO ITTTTT!  HIRE ME, HIRE ME, HIRE ME. I can not even sleep my 12 hours anymore, only 4.  I am doing cartwheels here while I am typing I am so happy.  Let me know. 




that's wonderful! : ) - elaine

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Just remember - cartwheels and typing don't mix!

Glad you're feeling good!

Thanks Elaine, do not want to blow the rest of my spine - Bunion

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What a gentle reminder on how not to hurt yourself. Mucho appreciated. I feel your love.



A tad manic are we ? - (thanks to the injection)

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Had one of those injections once... Thought I could do anything too... was on a roll work-wise and didn't sleep for about 36 hours and had auditory hallucinations ! ! When I crashed -- it was hard ! But enjoy while you can.

Wow. yea I am manic, only temporarily? Darn - Bunion

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I took it to be that I was just happy and back to myself without the pain, but it is a true "buzz" from the steriod? Darn, I do not want to crash, I do not want to crash.

Thats great Bun..... - Dinosaur

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I have multiple problems in my spine, cervical, thoracic and lumbar. Many bad disks (and other stuff). I have been considering this procedure. How was it? How long did it take? I also have had some numbness for almost 5 years, which I would need surgery for, but if I can get by a while with an injection, that would be great. Thanks in advance for the info.

Took 5 minutes at most for injection. sm - Bunion

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Took 3 weeks to get in to the pain clinic here, but talked to doctor and gave me the injection and I was out the door in less than 20 minutes. My spine is sore around the injection site, but that is it. Now I hear I am on a temporary "buzz" from the steriod, dang. Give it a try, my pain is gone and have not felt this good in about 7 or 8 years.

long-lasting pain relief - success story - sm - meemee

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My BIL, a young man, suffered from disk probs in his lumbar spine. He was addicted to pain meds, and had all the ass'd side effects with those. Finally went for injections as last resort other than surgery. After the FIRST series of injections, he has been pain-free - WITHOUT MEDS other than occasional ibuprofen - for almost a YEAR! Hope yours works as effectively. Good luck to ya!

Oh thanks for encouragement, think positive. - Bunion

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A friend of mine only recieved 1 injection and he has been well for about 3 years, amazing. We have the same physician. Maybe he is a majic doctor. I am thinking positive, as I believe I am hooked myself on this Vicodin crapola.

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