A community of 30,000 US Transcriptionist serving Medical Transcription Industry
No work Mon-Fri, then bonus offered Imedx - justme
Posted: May 04, 2015
If I can not make my line count during the week, I will not make the mistake EVER again of signing on over the weekend and not be eligible for bonus.
I don't miss it - Not Crying
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and it's the dumbest, most inconsiderate thing in the world for an MT with no work during his/her shift to sit and check the system every 30-45 minutes basically 24/7, and base their lives around this craziness.
Hear that you incompetent, greedy bean counters in corner offices?!?! I'm so glad I left that nuthouse.
Transtech was a great place to work until our work dried up after the "merge." Yeah, "merge" my foot. More like takeover and offshoring of our work.
I don't miss it - sweetiepie
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I have worked too many weekends of my life for TT/IMEDX, keeping accounts in TAT, only to see those same accounts disappear and my paycheck dwindle. Not playing this game anymore!! Accounts out of TAT and company losing money-I don't care! It's not like it's trickling down into the MT pockets. I wish there was a training program these people took on happy employees equals great company!!!
No work Mon-Fri - declasse
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Hi justme! I work for iMedX/TT and I complain all the time about the low pay, always working on wknd, no work through the week. At 4.5 cpl, it's not worth the pain it causes physically or emotionally, yet I can't seem to find anything else as a job. :( And the bonus is a joke!!!LOL 2 cpl more for working outside your hours or all day if it's your day off........wow! You work twice as hard, twice more hours, and twice LESS pay. It saddens me to see the MT world has come to this for all of us who have worked so hard to obtain and maintain our skills and qualifications, only to be replaced with a machine and poverty pay! :(
No work Mon-Fri - originalposter
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Yes, you are right. The "bonus" is a joke in terms of working extra hours, days off, for what- maybe $20 extra? There obviously were accounts that many of us worked on routinely, gave up our weekends to keep TAT on said accounts. The reward for that was an email one day saying the vendor has decided to (pick one)-go with another vendor, go Epic, or go back in house. With all the so called lay offs, firings, and people quitting, one would think there would be plenty of work, yet, currently there is a "hiring freeze."
Hiring freeze.... - More like an offshore thaw
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I wouldn't be surprise if the "hiring freeze" is a result of more Indians at Imedx working on the accounts once speech engines are trained.
I'm reading this because it is a few hours - into my Tuesday shift,
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and I am already out of work on all accounts.
It seems like as a few get laid off here and there then there should be MORE work for the rest of us.
Does anyone from iMedX know whether HR made a decision as to whether we would be paid for our bonus lines for the past pay period since they switched over to the new timesheet system? ...
The e-mail I got said it has been reduced to 2 cents above your line rate. Bonus before was set at line rate and 1/2, which I thought they did because it would be the equivalent to "time and a half," which is, I believe, the law when you are working beyond 40 hours in a week. If you are working bonus, which is usually the case, above your 40 hours, is it legal for them not to pay the equivalent of time and a half? ...
Where are you putting them so that when payday rolls around, you will have a count? I know bonus was offered last night on a few accounts. I didn't do any of them, but in case it comes up today again, I was wondering where you are submitting them. Thanks ...
Moderator, please delete everything on your site that refers to Imedx, even this post of mine, it is only the right thing to do. I prefer to be angry and have no where to vent.
Last week we were told by Op Mgr that "she has a call into the client about why volume is so low."
Yesterday, we got a "yippee" from "her" about having a coupla hundred jobs ready.
This morning, we got an email saying, "we need to make sure you have backup accounts now."
I wont address the timesheet issue, I am still ...
No one on this board seems to give specifics when they get canned from IMEDX. So my question is this: Can each person who got laid off/fired let us know more details. Were you PT or full time, did they call or did they email, did you have options, or just firing. How many lines did you do per day. Some of us may not be in your situation and you may have been just an employee that was not worth IMEDX's time and they got rid of you while they may keep all the others, or full timers. Details p ...
Why dont they just start asking us to work for free! At that rate I dont even think you make minimum wage! This is obviously not even because of outsourcing. I think what has happened is that a lot of work has gone overseas, but the remaining work that the transcription companies are getting is still paying a half-ways decent rate but they have taken a small cut to keep them. Then they turn around and pay NOTHING to get it transcribed so the people running the companies a ...
I am one of the people who received a contract and was offered a job by VMR-Transfer, but when I called and emailed about hrs/lines/days required, my messages were never returned. I know there was a thread about this previously as many other people had the same problem. I'm just wondering if anyone has actually started working for them yet and if this really is a legitimate company.
In past months I have read on this board, with dismay, so many posts about long-time MQ MTs/MEs failing consecutive audits, and eventually being discharged. I think it is a major coincidence that so many employees are suddenly and consistently failing to meet the same quality standards they always met. I think it’s a flimsy contrivance to get rid of the more highly paid employees and replace them with cheaper newbies while avoiding an age discrimination actions because those higher-paid pe ...
I'm certainly uncertain of taking such a position. Is there anyone out there who has been/is a CCM and can tell me what it's like...pay, stress, pay, hours, pay, etc. TIA ...
Which job position is more profitable MT/ME or Quality Analyst? Does Quality Analyst ever run out of work? Are both paid on production? Pondering a position with M*Modal. I qualify for both positions is all I have been told thus far--have not really inquired further. ...
We were out of TAT once last week and since then if there are more than 2 (well maybe I am exaggerating here) jobs in the pools they open up OT. Everyone needs to make money, so of course many of us come in and work. Understandable. But TSMs need to cut it off at some point so we don't wind up with nothing in the morning and slow, slow, slow to build up during the day once it is cleaned out at night. They want you to come back in early afternoon and make up ...
I am new to the MTSO thing. IC for 10 years and bought my own health insurance. It was $242.00 a month, and I let it go a few months ago after losing my job. Now I am being offered by my employer an HSA plan for around the same amount or a PPO plan for around $300.00. (this is them paying 60% and me paying 40% and that is what it equals??) This seems OUTRAGEOUS. Am I crazy?
I am single, no children, spouse... under 30....
What is some opinions on going with ...
They require that I purchase professional liability insurance.
Does anyone work at Alltype as QA editor? and if so could I get you to message me? I have a few questions.
This whole liability insurance thing just bothers me so much. I make so little now as QA that to then have to shell out more money, I am considering just retiring and be done with this profession.
Thanks ...
I have been offered a position for 0.08 VBC line/65 characters. I can obviously figure this is going to be less than with spaces. Is there anyone here who DOES get paid this way and if so, how much of a difference overall is it? I have not accepted the position and am not sure how offended I should be, or if I should be offended at all since "this is the new industry standard." I have been in this buisness a long time and have apparently never dealt with this "new" way of ...
I have about 15 questions to ask about benefits, scheduling, training, pay per line, etc. I was wondering if I should call all of the companies now before I put in the time and effort for testing and application or if I should wait until a job is offered to me? Thanks for your help! ...
I was offered a position with Acusis. Am looking for information on the company as I cannot seem to find much recent info. Any help is appreciative. Thanks in advance ...