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Question about TT imedx bonus lines typed yesterday (sm) - Concerned

Posted: Feb 03, 2015

Where are you putting them so that when payday rolls around, you will have a count?  I know bonus was offered last night on a few accounts.  I didn't do any of them, but in case it comes up today again, I was wondering where you are submitting them.  Thanks

bonus lines - gonesoon

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I would assume they still go on Scriptwire.

Scriptwire - is history. nm

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Yup - ScriptWire is history

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I found out after 5 days of trying over and over to submit my time in ScriptWire that we aren't using it anymore.

Nothing that the trainer from Exponent said in those sessions turned out to be true. She said that the accounts who can't feed our lines/minutes directly into Exponent would still continue to use ScriptWire. Not true. She said those of us who send in separate Word timesheets would no longer be doing that. Not true. She said that we no longer would be requesting time off via our managers. NOT TRUE. She repeatedly said these things throughout the entire training session that I attended, among several other things that also turned out to be false.

Would it have KILLED someone from TTMS/iMedX to be in on those sessions so as to diffuse any conflicting information? Our own people should have had someone in on every training session to prevent this kind of miscommunication. Another ball dropped, but who cares, right?

The TTMS supervisors don't tell us anything anymore and because of their silence, that only makes the paranoia worse. Greed, selfishness, and complete lack of loyalty to the people who do all the work. This isn't a career for me anymore... it's just a job now... a meaningless, thankless, JOB.

And for anyone who is interested, I'm on MTStars right now because my FIVE backup accounts are suddenly and mysteriously OOW, which coincides exactly with when they rolled out the Epic platform for other accounts. Why can't someone, ANYONE just be honest with us? At least give us some sort of heads up so we can plan for the eventual doom - like having another job in our back pocket. Unemployment in my state doesn't even cover a third of what I'm used to making when I have work.

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