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Medical Transcribers II, Inc - Any info
Posted: Jun 23, 2010
I have visited their web site and seen their new ad. I was wondering if anyone who visits this board has any work experience/history with them. TIA
I wouldn't work for anyone - who calls us transcribers
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probably offshore
Geeeeeez - MT
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I agree! We are not transcribers. Transcribers are the casette machine. We are transcriptionists.
But cassette machines dont actually convert words to - print. WE do that. So we are the ones - sm
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who actually transcribe. Thus, "transcribers". If I were forced to add an "ist" to the end of my job title, then I would much prefer "medical language specialist".
Calling us transcribers - Nick
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I agree. Anyone who does not know the difference between a transcriber (a machine) and a transcriptionist (a person) probably does not know a whole lot about the industry. I say, avoid them.
Y'all are just crazy (smiling!) - MissyMT
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Noun 1. transcriber - a person who translates written messages from one language to another
polyglot, linguist - a person who speaks more than one language
Or go read the other dictionary definitions.
You're transcribers. You don't have to like it. You don't have to call yourselves that if you don't want to, but it IS what you are.
tran·scribe (trn-skrb)
tr.v. tran·scribed, tran·scrib·ing, tran·scribes
1. To make a full written or typewritten copy of (dictated material, for example).
2. Computer Science To transfer (information) from one recording and storing system to another.
3. Music
a. To adapt or arrange (a composition) for a voice or instrument other than the original.
b. To translate (a composition) from one notational system to another.
c. To reduce (live or recorded music) to notation.
4. To record, usually on tape, for broadcast at a later date.
5. Linguistics To represent (speech sounds) by phonetic symbols.
6. To translate or transliterate.
7. Biology To cause (DNA) to undergo transcription
Therefore a person who is TRANSCRIBING would be a TRANSCRIBER :)
Does it really, TRULY, matter as long as you get paid?
I guess it does not matter now - RLee
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I noticed their ad has been deleted. Maybe too many resumes in a short period of time. I had a doctor refer to MTs as typists. I would rather be called a transcriber than a typist. Thanks for doing the research and sharing the definitions.
You betcha it matters - Nick
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Wors matter. Professionalism matters. We are people, not machines.
Which is why I detest the "ist" word. - Proud Medical TRANSCRIBER. NM
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I do not care what I am called, as long as I get paid - transcriber/scriptionist?
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Funny thing about that - LK
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I will never forget that 6 years ago, the very first "ding" I got on my MT school work was sending in my first assignment where I referred to an MT as a "transcriber." My instructor corrected this, saying that a transcriber is a machine and a transcriptionist is a person. I have never forgotten this, so this thread cracked me up!
Back when they called us "transcribers", we werent - treated like machines. And now that - sm
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they came up with what they consider a pretty highfalutin' term, "transcriptionIST", look where our respect, our work opportunities, and our pay went. Right down the toilet.
I sure wish I could be a TRANSCRIBER again, and go back to the days of an honest day's pay for an honest day's work.
ER vs IST - MT
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BUT, we are not translating the written word, we are transcribing from our ears into a document. Well, I don't care what anyone says, I'm an IST and always will be.
Yeah, just pay me on time, ha-ha - nm - cindyoh
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no message
Some employers are actually dropping the "ist" word - and going back to basics. I like that. nm
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Did I miss something - RLee
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I saw their ad as well and did not see anything pertaining to MTs as transcribers, although transcribers is in their company name. I do know they are not offshore. They happen to be located in Bangor, Maine, the city in which I live. I do know the owner initially started the company Deventure years ago and sold it to a company in Ohio, which since sold to Transcend. When I worked for Deventure I worked for the company out of Ohio after she sold it. She went on to other endeavors and eventually started her own company up again a few years back. Other than that I have no info on them. I have sent a resume out to them 2 times since November and never heard anything back. I have also sent it in again today. I do not know the owner personally, but have acquaintances that do, some of which had worked for her when she owned Deventure. I have heard good and bad about her. I would like to work for a smaller company in my own area if at all possible and am willing to make my own decision as to the good or the bad, as I had a pleasant and enjoyable work experience with Deventure, although it was under the new owner.
I see it the other way. "Transcribers" is old-school, - and back when we were called - sm
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transcribers, our job was a good, respectable one. I've always resented the "transcriptionist" title. First of all, it's an "AHDI-thang..." and you know how most of us feel about that scumbag organization! But I just don't like the newer term. Harder to say, doesn't fit in IRS tax-form boxes unless your handwriting is microscopic, and it has a feminine-sounding "ist" at the end that doesn't do us any good when it comes to being respected in our profession, either.
So, just my preference, I guess, but I usually don't use the "ist" form whenever possible, and when reading job ads, the ones that say "transcriber" usually get my attention right away. The "ist" jobs are so frequently just the cog-in-the-wheel variety at one of the McTranscription Companies, which I already have, and is the last thing I want in the future.
po-taaa-to, po-tahhh-to --- puh-lease! NM - cryinoutloud
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"Transcribers" - gintex
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Don'the they get it? The machine was the transcriber!
I was a transcriber 38 years ago when I started - and proud of it
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And I really, really, do not give a flying doughnut what they call me, as long as they PAY me.
At another job I referred to myself as the Typewriter Banger. The doctors thought it was funny. (And they paid me about what I'm getting paid now... except that was 25 years ago. Urk.)
titles are one thing... - the present name of the
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company in today's environment is a BIG RED FLAG imo.
Has anyone gotten a reply from them yet? nm - jobsearching
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No, but I hope I do because it sounds perfect actually - Rad & ER MT
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I think they're totally legitimate, just small. I'd love to work for a small MTSO like that and have a "personalized" experience instead of being just another number on the roster.
Exactly sm - jobsearching
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I hope they reply to me too. I would like a small company.
I am totally in awe of the view from their window - I love Bangor
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What I wouldn't give to have THAT view while I work...
*le sigh*
In awe - RLee
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Do you work for them?? I do know where they are located and it is downtown Bangor and that is it - downtown - not much of a view. But I love Bangor as well. I was born in a nearby town, but grew up in Bangor all my life and still live here. Have that view while you work - I do believe they hire at home transcriptionists, but maybe you have the choice or working on site or at home - do not know.
Nope, I am a west coaster with an east coaster heart - Always drawn to Maine for some reason
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Bangor, Maine, or pretty much any small fishing-type village back east just draw me in for some reason. Some dark romanticism on my part, I guess.
I've lived on the western coast and love it, but there's just something about the eastern seaboard towns that I'm a total sucker for.
Just heard from them - MommaMT
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Just heard from them and they sound like a reliable company. I am going to take their transcription test this afternoon. Keeping my fingers crossed. I am getting so tired of taking tests only to find out that the pay stinks:). Their pay is weekly and 0.08 line.
Is that as an IC or employee? Much success to you. - nm
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How did it go? Did you get the position? - Curious
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Let us know how it went when you get a chance!
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