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Landmarkers - Did any of you who lost your accounts? - AG

Posted: Apr 09, 2013

Did any of you who lost your account(s) find elsewhere?  Care to share where you are working? 

I'm going to apply tomorrow. Two weeks with zero wages. - LM2

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I got an email yesterday from Landmark - MT33

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Asking if I was still interested in employment for a new oncology account that they had coming on board. Maybe they are going to move some of the MTs that lost the accounts to that account as well. She said it should start up April 22nd.

Really? The email I got..... - notworking

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...said that there was a delay in the new accounts. She didn't know when they were coming, and asked if we still wanted to be on the waiting list for them. Weird....
I don't work there, I applied a couple of weeks ago - MT33
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I applied a couple of weeks ago when there was an ad on the job seekers board and I never was asked to test or anything, then I get an email offering me a new oncology account, when I see other MTs complaining about work. I haven't replied, because I am not sure about it. If they move all of the out-of-work MTs to the new account as well, I will probably be without work anyway.
Just so you know....nearly all accts at LM are overstaffed and - LMoldMT
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run out of work daily. All LM cares about is turnaround time and so they overhire to keep the work done. Too bad if you are trying to actually make a living there-not gonna happen!
Was this re the new hem/onc account? - LM2
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LM2 - CJ

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Apply for what? Unemployment? Another job? Sorry, not clear what you meant.

CJ - What I meant & Tech issues - LM2

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Sorry, I meant for another job as I've been waiting 3 weeks now for work. Just heard from K today though. Although I've been doing onc for almost 20 years I'm getting put on an ER account. At least I heard from her as I'd about given up hope of every getting work from them again. Now that I know the new onc account is starting 4/22 I hope to be able to transfer to it if my old PC can take another change in platforms. This ExText cannot be completely removed and I've spent over $250 on a tech to try to get it off. Now I have two of them on this PC and they want to install a third older one.
Dont' get too excited about switching over to ER acct - LMFEDUPMT
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with LM. It has been out of work all week-probably because those on acct lost have been moved over to one of the ER accts and now that is out of work too! Brother, can't K get this right!
Plenty of ER work on the other ER account - NY-MT
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In K's defense, I'm pretty sure she didn't wake up one morning trying to tool your world. Stuff happens, accounts move, life goes on. Sorry you're struggling, but take it straight to K, don't bash her here. FYI - I'm not K, or A for that matter. Just another LM MT.
Question re: ER account for NY-MT - Another LMMT
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NY-MT, is the other ER account on Bayscribe? (BTW, I totally agree with you about not bashing.)
Nope, I'm in ExText/ExEditor - NY-MT
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Honestly, I don't really know how many ER accounts Landmark has, I just know my account has so many files they've let another MTSO help with the overflow.
Stuff does happen... - LM2
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I think anyone who has been an IC for a number of years can imagine how difficult it is to maintain a work balance between accounts. Not only do they need to consider specialty experience, but platform compatibilities with equipment. Any IC knows how volume can dwindle to practically nothing before being bombarded with overflow. I just hope new accounts keep coming into Landmark. They have great MTs and there's no reason it should not pick up.
Getting concerned.... - Another LMMT
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I work on the ExText ER account part-time and I'm getting worried now with all of these MTs being moved to this account that work will completely run out. Thankfully, this is only a part-time/side job for me, but it's still incredibly frustrating.
Me too!! - LMMT3
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I am getting worried too. It is only part time for me as well but it has always been a good part-time income. I am thinking about saying something to K about it.
Thanks for the warning. - LM2
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