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Just curious, which kind of TATs are the MTSOs promising - these days that is causing so much overhiring? sm

Posted: Feb 07, 2010

I remember in the late 90s, an op report at my company was 12 hours, a discharge summary was 48 hours.  I think H&Ps were even 8-12 hours; if there was one that was truly stat the hospital would call and it would be done sooner.  We were told the TATs and we watched out for them as a team (back when "team" really meant a respectful working relationship between the MTSO and the company).  

2 hrs or less for rad, ER, H&P and operative notes, SM - what I heard

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4-6 hrs on most other work except discharges, which are now being promised in 24 hrs usually.

I think they are striving for 1 minute! NM - crabby

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Same here. Every job that comes in is a crisis. (sm) - SM

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Even those that just arrived and have 5 hours or more before going out of TAT are immediately put on the "let's get these out quickly" e-mail list by management for their every-2-hours "updates" to the MTs. Yeah, they're going out of TAT in 5 hours because they just got here and that's how long we have to turn them around. Shut up already. It's a sweatshop now.

LOL.. you must work for Proscript! nm - nm

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Bingo. - nm
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Yes, and look what it has done to the industry . . . - mtb

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you're right, it's a sweat shop. What happened to "closed for holidays?" We MTs are working Saturdays, Sundays, every holiday there is to work . . . it's gotten ridiculous. Time to get out.
But on the way out, wouldnt you just love to take - some of those crooks out with you?
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I know I would. If I could put even one of those big, fat MTSO Jabbas in jail, it would make that long wait in the unemployment line sooooo worth it.

Id like to know why mgmt. doesnt get of its big behinds - and start typing if the need is that dire. nm

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20 minutes RAD - insane - cuase for overhire. - POOR MANAGEMENT nm

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