A community of 30,000 US Transcriptionist serving Medical Transcription Industry

Not funny, but it kind of is. - mt

Posted: Dec 09, 2011

Googled homeless shelters in my area to see if I could volunteer.  What do you think pops up beside the information?  "Become a medical transcriptionist at your own pace."  It should say "Become a medical transcriptionist and you may need a homeless shelter".

I'm a living example of that...just got out of a shelter in Sept. and am in transitional housin - Been there, lived that

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An industry that drives its workers into homelessness - WHILE theyre working, should be - sm

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fined, put out of business, and the owners jailed.

thought I was the only one - displaced MT - MLJINGA

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I really thought I was the only one!! Just got my own apartment from being in a shelter/hotel for 2 years because of transcription. now working 2 MT jobs just to stay afloat. Working day and night because I want out of transcription, gonna transition to coding.

Coding will be just as bad. You should get out of this - sm

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altogether. MT, coding, billing. all of it is headed to the dumps!
So is Real Estate, Grocery clerking, Post Officing, Construction, - People have to do something
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It's all well and good to say quit jobs and get out, but there's not much to get into.

Some of the fields that are obsolete now are Real Estate, IP jobs (outsourced overseas or electronicized), Grocery clerking, Post Officing, Construction, travel agents, data entry, anything related to photo printing, wearing watches, and videos. Bank tellers, insurance agents (go straight to company), stock brokers (do-it-yourself), librarians (books are out), car salesmen, web site developing, toll both operators, customer service jobs (robocalls have replaced them---dial '1' if...), farming (corporations have taken over), employment services (online), government jobs (being eliminated), teachers (eliminated due to $ or automation or online), book stores, anything that used to need to be printed, home builders, home decoration (do it yourself), baby sitting (for-free neighborhood trade-out clubs), TV repairmen (throw-away and buy another one), machine operators, typists, with the exception of medical transcriptionists according to an article I read in Healthcare Informatics, "The exception, interestingly, is in healthcare, and itâs called âmedical transcriptionist.â Still, even in that area, with the strong emergence of voice recognition technologies, the number of transcriptionists needed, as their jobs become editing jobs, is expected to dwindle pretty quickly." In the same article, "Coders: No way, you say? Well even with ICD-10 the push will be to use the EMR, CPOE and other clinical systems to "verify" (notice I did not say: suggest) the proper code. In fact I believe that given the added complexity of ICD-10 this will be more of the norm. Older coders will not want to get recertified and those that do may end up in a âQAâ role." File clerks are out. We don't need secretaries because executives do their own typing,get your driver's license and your car tag renewed online, eliminating those workers, doctors being replaced by Automated Diagnosis And Patient Treatment, power line workmen being replaced because the lines are being put underground, airlines are laying off people, "doc-in-a-box" or clinics in WalMart and other stores eliminate the need for medical personnel, and the list goes on indefinitely.

There are people in every line of work imaginable who cannot find any kind of job, even part-time work. I can't imagine what the future is going to be like. Any job that can be found right now is worth holding as long as you can.
Power lines - Anonymous
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Doesn't a human still need to lay cable underground, it doesn't just appear there--maintanence and upgrading still need to be done on that. In the event of a storm or power outage, crews are still on the job in my area restoring service. Doctors are not being replaced by on line treatment, don't know where you got that one. What is a person supposed to do, stand in front of their computer and get an x-ray? To my knowledge, we don't have do-it-yourself surgery, dentistry or optometry. There is nothing wrong with being a coder and placed into a QA role, it pays pretty well. Books are not out, my local library (several branches) hasn't disappeared, and neither will the books. None of my local schools or have closed, teachers still go to the classroom and students go to school every day. Car salesmen? I'd never purchase a car without driving it first, and we still need mechanics to repair those cars when thing go wrong. Construction is not obsolete. Why is web site developing obsolete? Do it yourself home decoration? Don't you still need to go somewhere to purchase the things you need? I wouldn't quit my job and try to get into another field now, but you are exaggerating. There are also positive things in the world if a person chooses to see them.
Did she say they would disappear tomorrow? - Researcher
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That poster correctly identified TRENDS that point to our future. Some of those trends have in fact already begun.

Yes, you are correct that the positions you listed are still in existence TODAY. But if one is going to prepare for the FUTURE it pays to know which ones are viable LONG TERM and which ones are NOT.

"There are also positive things in the world if a person chooses to see them."

Of course there are, just as there are negative ones. I choose to look at them ALL and not wear blinders to block out anything.
Glimpse of the future. - Researcher
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If you want to know what the future looks like, just read the books of the so-called "elites" who control and run everything.

We are going toward a "no-work" -- or, more accurately, "diminished work" -- society. "Futurists" (players who are actually revealing the agenda) have been writing about this for decades.

Look at countries like Denmark and China, those are the models (I believe ours will be a hybrid, a mix of the 2):

* People will only work about 4 hours per day, then go home to do whatever.

* The government will assign or at least definitely have a say in what your occupation is. The occupations available will be "garbage collector" and the like.

* You will pay an incredibly high income tax rate (Denmark's is 84%) because you will have cradle-to-grave socialism.

* You will not only be broke but bored out of your mind. (The alcoholism rate in Denmark is through the sky.)

* Reproduction will be strictly controlled by the government to keep the population size "in check" (actually they need smaller numbers in order to CONTROL the population). China's 1-child policy probably needs no mentioning, but most don't realize that socialist countries like Denmark have a similar policy.

* Owning a car will be out (they have to restrict/limit mobility in order to better control you) because it will not be allowed and/or prohibitively expensive. (Rest assured that the "elites" will still own cars and drive.) Likewise you will not be able to fly (they've talked about this for DECADES). You will ride a bicycle, walk, or use mass transit to get where you're going.

* Currency will be out; there will be a cashless society, with everything as electronic debits and credits. That is so they can TRACK every transaction that you make.

* You will not be allowed to own a pet because of its "carbon footprint." However, the "elites" will be able to.

* Meat will not be available and/or prohibitively expensive. However, the "elites" will eat it daily.

* The fruits and veggies available to you will be GMO (genetically modified). Organic will be unavailable and/or prohibitively expensive to the plebes.

* Nutritional supplements will not be available and/or prohibitively expensive. (Actually that "movement" has been afoot for a few years now; as a WTO signatory country the US is obligated to implement Codex Alimentarius at some point, so this is just a matter of time.)

* People will NOT be living where they are now. Most of the country falls within the "red zones" of the UN's Agenda 21. Red zones are "no human activity." We plebes/slaves will we warehoused into multi-story government-owned quarters. National forests, parks, etc. are OFF LIMITS to the slaves. Only the "elites" will be able to go hiking, hunting, fishing, etc.

* A "great culling" has beeen planned and is imminent. For decades they have been churning out propaganda insisting that the globe is overpopulated, but that is not so. There are POCKETS of dense human populations, that is true.

The "overpopulation" as THEY see it means that there are too many people for them to control, i.e. it is more CONVENIENT for them to control smaller numbers. Also their economic system becomes STRESSED when there are too many slaves so in order to relieve that "pressure" they "thin out the herd." If you read world history (I can state with confidence that most here DO NOT), you will see that they have done this at least twice already. Both times the "culling" took place right after a planned "economic collapse." Of the two incidences I have studied in great detail, a pathogen was released with victims at random. The one coming up may not be so random; in fact, I believe it will be TARGETED against older folks and anyone who bucks the system/criticizes the government/power that be.

Much of this (but not all) falls under UN's Agenda 21, or their GLOBAL GRID PLAN/SYSTEM that is named for the 21st century. In 2009, his first year in office, Obama committed the United States to full implementation of Agenda 21 within 10 years of that date, or 2019.

I could go on and on but don't have all day. I encourage anyone reading this to SUSPEND YOUR COGNITIVE DISSONANCE and DO THE RESEARCH.

I read the UN 21 and the 10-year review - I saw nothing of what you said in there - sm
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I'm not sure how you came up with the scare tactics you cited, but I saw not one thing relating to what you posted - not one. It's a generality and is pointed toward underdeveloped or non-developed communities. It can't be done without the "cooperation of interested citizens." You always come up with some doozies - maybe stick to the political board lol
AGENDA 21. - Researcher
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It's called AGENDA 21 (not "21"), and there is no 10-year "review." There is, however, a 10-year timeline with specific milestones listed which Obama committed us to.

Fortunately, not everyone is as naïve as you are. There are activists sounding the alarm about Agenda 21 in both political parties -- people like Rosa Koire, a lesbian liberal Democrat in CA who is speaking out about the "Smart Growth" portion:


Then there was veteran Joan Veon, who passed away relatively recently from cancer, who devoted DECADES of her life writing about the plans the UN has in store for us. Veon attended COUNTLESS UN "summits" and other confabs around the world and reported what transpired within them.

Then there are real crusaders like Michael Shaw, Dr. Stan Monteith, et al.

Check out "Agenda 21 for Dummies."


You can post your drivel here all day; I couldn't care less. The Ph.D.s who have devoted so many years to revealing this tyrannical agenda know what they're talking about, and they trump an anonymous, faceless, linear-thinking MT any day of the week.
I'm interested in what you would recommend.... - Duchess
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for a career to study to 'survive' the coming agenda....I have to shortly go back to school. I keep telling hubby I do not think coding is a good idea....what is your opinion or will it really not matter due to circumstances beyond normal control....Thanks....

Perhaps someone - Xena
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needs to change the tinfoil in her/his hat.

Just sayin'.
Perhaps someone... - Researcher
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Needs to open their mind and do some looking into things before having a knee-jerk reaction (cognitive dissonance, which you have not suspended) to something they know nothing about.

Just sayin'...
Researcher - MT
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No one listed on this board about EMR and how it will diminish our work, the final blow about VR/SR and offshoring. I was greatly reviled on here. I personally welcome your information and plan on looking into it. I do know that what you say about Denmark is true and China, as well. The UN and other "higher ups" count on our ignorance to ambush us with these very kind of things. Thanks for the information.
I think what we've proven here is critical to all who love learning - Always Learning
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What I would learn from this and other discussions here is, we all have strong feelings and we don't all agree about much. We do seem to all agree that the economy is terrible and people are hurting, no matter what we do for a living. We do seem to all agree that we each need to look into our own specific options and choose the best one for us at this particular time in our own lives. That's going to differ from what will be right for someone else.

Some of us (I am not one of them) have studied and come to the conclusion that it is a major conspiracy of the government against us, possibly a global conspiracy. Others of us (I am of this belief) that there is a global economic crisis that is going to be around, probably for years. I personally am evaluating my own options and coming up with the best economic 'survival' plan for me and for my family. I've also decided that it doesn't matter to me if others believe 100% of all medical transcriptionists are doomed to be obsolete. I don't believe that, but I recognize the fact that many will lose their jobs.

Some of those will be able to use the same skills in different ways. Some will throw up their hands in despair and give up, or maybe retire early. That's okay. We each get to make our own decisions about these things.

Some of us are still going to do relatively well with traditional medical transcription and/or editing, for a number of reasons. We may do well because we are really good at what we do. We may do well because we lucked into just the right job. We may do well because our living expenses aren't very high and we don't require as much income. We may just 'think' we are doing well and we're happy for no reason, even though nothing is quite as good as it was a few years ago.

Some of us believe that it's unproductive to expect that we will be doing well when everyone else in any kind of work you can think of is suffering. Some of us are thankful that we have either full-time or part-time work that pays our basic expenses, even if we don't have enough for the frills we have been used to having.

In other words, we all come from different situations and philosophies. It's okay that others don't agree with mine. I'm okay with where I am and wish the very best to all of you who are where you are.

They got it backwards; should be advertising homeless - shelters on MT websites! (nm)

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The forgotten - Clair

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I am nearly 64. I have been in the industry for 44 years. I have transitioned through many changes in medicine, seen a lot of innovations. When I started transcribing, there were no medical transcription services that I knew of. Everything was done in the hospitals and, while the pay was not the best, the benefits sure were. I was secure. Then came the "salad days" of medical transcription. Much of transcription moved out of the hospitals and to the services. The work was plentiful, the pay was great, and most times, the benefits were not too bad. As a single divorced mom, I worked hard to support my children. Long hours, long weeks, often without a day off for months. One day I heard the word voice recognition from a sales representative, and I laughed, albeit a nervous laugh. Surely we would never be replaced. I belonged to an organization that was suppsed to be on MY side. Back then, they had the word American and Transcription in their title. But they saw no problem with offshoring. Then came the electronic medical record, point and click and the report is done with minimal dictation. Not even VR or SR. Just point and click. Ever been to a doctor who uses EMR. Isn't it great that they sit there at their laptop the entire visit typing in everything without looking at you? But I digress. Offshoring, VR/SR, and EMR have all contributed to the state of transcription as it is now. If you refuse to confront it, it will confront you. I can't afford to quit work yet. My job will shortly be phased out. I have put out so many applications but almost everyone wants editors now and at 4 cents a line, well, there you have it. I know a lot of MTs in bankruptcy. This is not my sad sad tale and I am not feeling sorry for myself. I am just an old woman who gave way too many years and hours and minutes to a profession that dumped me on the wayside like an old sack of garbage. I never would have dreamed it in a thousand years.

I hear ya! - Cindy

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I can relate. My first boss once told us that transcriptionist would never starve, they would always have a job. That was before computers, so back then we were like gold to the doctors. They just loved someone that could type fast and do a good job, but now we are just a dime a dozen. That was back in 1984. What a difference 25 years has made. Its never too late to go back to school. I have and I am 50, but my daughter inspired me to go, and hopefully as soon as I get my license I will be leaving this field, that I used to love. I can relate to all the stories on here about having no money. I don't even plan to buy anything for Christmas at this rate. This is the worst year ever. I am not sad though because I hope I am getting out of this whole with the schooling. Just won't ever take anything that involves computers again unless it is fixing them. Never dreamed that computers would replace people, but they have in so many fields, not just transcription. I hope we all can get better jobs either in transcription or something else and have a better new year!!

Very sad - sm

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We all thought when computers came out, they would make our lives a bit easier, better than a typewriter. Who would have thought they would have taken over all our jobs. I guess we should have all watched a little more Star Trek and thought of it as a documentary instead of science fiction. I'm in my 50s also, but do not have the desire to go to school. Fortunately, my job is a second income, though needed. When I finally have had enough of this hell hole, I will find something else to do to earn money. I do believe it will all crash on us at some point in time. Maybe not in my lifetime, but it will happen where technology will destroy us if we do not stop advancing to a world where we rely so much on it. My son, who is 16, is pushing toward a career involved in technology, but I always try to teach him other "manual" things, also, so he won't be lost when the technology world crashes in. I can't think of any offhand, but I am sure there are movies out there that portray that scenario and we think of them as fiction.
You're right to teach your son not to depend on tech jobs but - manual jobs have disappeared too
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It's a good idea to teach our kids not to depend on these high-tech jobs. They should learn some manual-type jobs just in case. The only problem is, those jobs have already disappeared for the most part.

There are no good job options left. The shelters are filling up. Food banks are running out of food. It's a mess and I don't see it getting any better.
I guess what I mean - sm
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is yes, manual jobs are pretty well gone but he does work right now helping a guy do remodeling jobs, while he is in school. We grow a garden and he helps. He went deer hunting and we cleaned, skinned and cut up the venison ourselves. I want him to know how to do things like that for when technology finally crashes and we have to go back to doing things ourselves. Some people think I am crazy but I believe it will happen and I want him to know how to do things to survive.

I second that! - Done soon

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I have been in this field for 25+ years.. was doing GREAT till about 3-4 years ago. I have collectors hounding me, my credit has dropped substantially because I am just in survival mode.. paying bills that I have to to survive, that's it. I have been blessed, tho, that I will not be working at all by this time next year. I will be married and this guy is successful and it's just the beginning. I pray everyone else out there leaves MT and its lack of hope/future - and instead finds wonderful new blessings and a new, fantastic life! It's not too late (I am 50).

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