A community of 30,000 US Transcriptionist serving Medical Transcription Industry

Well, I can see from many posts below the pot stirrer is back from vacation. sm - JustMyObservation

Posted: Jun 02, 2013

The one who gets her/his jollies from kicking MTs when they are down and struggling.  It is summer...why not get outside and reconnect with society rather than hiding behind your anonymous computer and picking on folks here. Have a nice day.  LOL

So not sympathizing with MT who hates MM and cant pay - bill working at MM is pot stirring? SM

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Oh, you probably mean the MT who is constantly seeking pity and hating on MT profession is the pot-stirrer.

Tired of the pity party. if you think you have it rough go work fast food for a week and get back t - you will be singing the praises of MT life

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worked at walmart in college and it's hard to say which is worse.

I've worked in fast food...MT now IS worse - wheres_my_job

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Oh please! Anything is way better than MM. - At least in my state!

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Where minimum wage is the highest in the Nation at $9.14. Cannot make minimum wage at MM no matter how fast I work and been here for more than 2 decades. Now that tells you there is something seriously wrong with MM to pay their umemployees BELOW minimum wage. Yes, MM has to pay me the minimum wage, but in reality when you do the math, IT IS BELOW MINIMUM WAGE so basically MM is paying me for free. THAT IS DISGUSTING!!!
then go work fast food - nm
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I work 28 hours at a doctor's office. LOVE IT! - Work here and it SUCKS!
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It is night and day from clinic to this sweat job.

I worked at the movie theater on the weekends for awhile. IT WAS GREAT! Coworkers were wonderful and made more money than MM and would get to see FREE BOX OFFICE MOVIES!

It all boils down to the pay and getting respect.

THIS COMPANY IS A SWEAT JOB with no respect, below minimum wage, and people like you who I feel sorry for because you would be the trouble maker and pot stirrer if you hung around your co-workers every day. Yes, you need a job like this because who the heck would want to see your face every day.

I'm only here until I can get more hours in at the clinic. I make $18.00 an hour and I know what my paychecks will be EVERY TIME.

"Blah, Blah, Blah". sm - Rush

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to quote Alex Lifeson


I thought the blah blah blah speech was hilarious. - budmt

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I couldn't stop laughing.
yeah, budmt, it was funny. sm - Rush
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He kept such a straight face, too! And when he pulled his "notes" out of his pocket...too funny.

sympathy - got none

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No one is asking you for anything.

yes and will argue a point till the end of time - give it a rest!

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Okay poster below, we got it. MModal is what it is and only we can change our destinies. Please take a break.

I think there must be - someone

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monitoring this board, maybe even paid a little something extra by MM because lately anytime anyone comes on with a complaint, i.e. being OOW, bad VR, etc, immediately there will be a rebuttal by a happy MM MT. Odd.

I thought the same thing! - I smell a rat...

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That kind of tenacity just isn't natural!
sad to me that you can't believe someone is happy and loves their company - Alabama MT
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Oh, I've loved an employer before... - Flip Side
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A few even, and that is why I found MM's treatment of its employees so offensive!
I don't have a problem with - anyone
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they love MM... more power to em! The problem is when others say they hate MM because of X, Y or Z (valid concerns, and I know because I have experienced all of them myself) and are told they are incompetent, can't cut it, find your own happiness, if you don't like it get out, etc.

Maybe you should take up your concerns with your fellow happy MMers, because most of us who are not thrilled about working at MM or being MTs any more because we remember what this job used to be like do have legitimate gripes. A lot of us are doing our best to get out and those who can't are doing their best to adapt.
I think that's it in a nutshell... - Perceptions
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I wonder if the happy MM-er's don't have the employment history some of us have had (i.e., 30yo & younger?), so they have no basis for comparison. I do feel sorry for what has happened to the 99% in recent times in the workplace (myself included!). It wasn't always like this, so we know it doesn't have to be & must complain!
I'm 35 been an MT 10 years. - Happy with M Modal
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So you entered MT - when it was already
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a wasteland and don't know any better. That explains a lot.
you are lucky to make what you do on the amount of education you have - your generation wasnt required to have any
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seriously what do you expect for a skill you can learn in a mail order kit?
Amount of education - 10 yrs MT
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The majority of us have earned our AS/AA degrees in secretarial science, biology, and English, etc., and many of us are certified MTs.

As far as learning MT from a mail order kit, there is no such thing unless you fall for a scam.

Yep, there as a post below that was a threat. - About our superiors.

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Whoopie! Sweat job superiors!

I suggest you take your own advice.... - justme

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sounds like you have a chip on your shoulder too.

If you weren't here - yesterday,

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you missed it... the hottest and funniest parts of the threads were removed!

Observation - Anonymous

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Why aren't you outside instead of behind your computer whining about how rough life is treating you? That works both ways.

for real! lol - why spend your free time chained to a PC complaini

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Clarification to observation reply post by Anonymous. sm - JustMyObservation

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hmmm...I'm the OP of this thread. Not sure if you are referring to me or another poster responding to my post, but I have never posted on this particular section of the forum complaining about how rough life is treating me, and I don't work for this company. Life is good for me compared to what others are facing. I feel sorry for people who lack empathy for their fellow man. That is very sad.

p.s. Bye!

That makes no sense - If you have no skin in the game

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Why did you choose to start a thread to stir the proverbial MM pot?

The term practicing what you preach comes to mind here. That thread was dead but you *chose* to resurrect it, even though you say you don't even work for the company.

Does your arm get tired from all of that pot-stirring? Just sayin...

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