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E-Script platform at TTS - fingers

Posted: Jun 12, 2014

I have been offered  a position with TTS and wondering about the E-Script platform.  Is it user friendly, hard to learn, can you make any money on it.  This will be 98% VR work but the beginning wage for full-time sounds kind of low at 3.3 c/l.  Also, want to be sure there are plenty of backup accounts if primary is out of work. 

low wage - newbutold

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That is very low to start you at. How long have you been doing this? I work for them part time and I started at 4 and 8. The platform is very good as far as I concerned. I like it a lot and find it very easy to catch on to. I have no backup but mainly because I am part time and have not asked for anything. Mine never runs out of work and they are always needing people to work extra.

It is very low and she will not be getting raises at TTS - kind of sad that pay is going down at TTS

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Where is this all going to end?

Tell me where does one get a raise now days - No one does anymore

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This person might be an employee, think they are at 3 cpl. I started at 4/8 and the Escript on my account is excellent. If you can keep up, speed the volume as fast as you can (and this is how I work every time I work) you can easily hit $20 an hour or more. As far as the accounts they have I do know they ask you about taking more than 1 account so if you should run low then you can go to the second account.
LOL I smell TTS management here - Trying to justify low pay
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Is it the owner or BFF assistant?
Not management, never have been, never want to be - Anyone not in line with how you feel is
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called management. Can you not be original and think of something else? No raises are given in MT anymore, none that I ever hear of. For your information, have no clue what a BFF is as my work is English only, not texting.
BFF is best friend forever. - learn to speak in initials - not for just texting
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Do you know what a CEO or TSM is? For that matter do you know what TTS is short for?

By the way you are extremely defensive and misleading.
Misleading to tell the truth. If you do not like the - truth then do not read
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Why in the h.... should I learn to speak in initials? I have lived years and years and never had to before, never. I know what TTS stands for but CEO or TSM, nope and frankly my dear, don't give a .....Now defensive that.
You sound set in your ways so do not bother with - learning intials.
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It will strain your brain and you sound like you are having a crabby day already.

Bear in mind though even Ms. L. K. calls her company TTS and you need to keep up with your boss-lady.

A CEO, is a common title (chief executive officer). TSM is another commonly used title (trusted service manager).

USPS is the United States Postal Service.

You are not my teacher and I could care less - about anything I do not have to know
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As far as keeping up with my boss, never have to do that. You must have had a really bad experience with the company, sounds like you are trying for a put down. I could care less about initials, only when they have to be expanded in my work. Go teach a kid their initials, I don't care to learn this late in the game.
My motto is the more you know - the more you grow
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But then again there is another saying you can't teach an old dog new tricks which may apply to people who refuse to learn and think they know it all.

Sounds like you are having a very bad day. Maybe you should treat yourself to a nice dinner at TGIF (Thank God Its Friday).
That would mean you average 600 lph on VR? - anon
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That would be what an MT would have to average every hour to "easily hit $20 an hour or more" at the 3.3 cpl rate. I find that hard to believe and certainly not "easily" done.
I agree with anon - TTS employee
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I'm on the escription platform and have been with TTS for 2 months on the same account. Even when I feel like I'm flying as fast as I possibly can, the most I've made per hour is $13. I don't see how I can possibly go any faster than that. On days when I have crappy reports or very bad dictators who take 12 years to put 1 sentence together, I'm down to $10/hour and some super bad hours are 8/hour. UGHHHH. I just don't see how people can go fast enough to make 20/hour without leaving lots of things unedited that need to be fixed. I wish I could see that in action.
I have been on the same account for years - and no one has to believe
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I only work the 1 account. It is acute care and it is one that I have worked on for over 15 years. About 5 months ago I was averaging about $175 per day (which would be almost 550 lph) but some how or other seemed like the line count were screwy but I do most days make at least $20 an hour and sometimes more if I would crank it up a little more. Oh, let me say how I do this- I read as fast as my eyes will let me, I have my speed up as fast as it will go. I do not take lunch time, dinner time, breaks and work straight thru.
Another thing as update to my above - same account for years
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I have never stopped using the mouse, even on VR, did not learn the so called hot keys.
No way can you AVERAGE 600 lph on VR - you may luck out once in awhile
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My average is 250-300 and I have fairly easy account that I am very familiar with. Some dictators are very good and VR knows what they are saying. If I do an hour of these type dictators I can get to 500 lph. Unfortunately mixed with these dictators are bad rambling dictators who do not have their thoughts in order and I can hear rambling through files or searching for lab tests, etc.
I think I said what I was averaging up until a - few months ago
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I was averaging making about $175 at least a day until a few months ago at TTS. I don't know if the work governed then or not but I don't VR every single hour at 600 lines +.
Why so angry? - NM
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Newbutold. sm - Anon

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You have mentioned here that you are an IC with TTS. That is why you get 4/8. Employees get less. I make 0.0326 for editing and 0.0777 for straight typing on 2nd shift. I average $10 an hour, which is fine for me because this is supplementary income. Their SR is excellent, well trained. I have 1 primary and 1 secondary account. If my primary runs out, I switch. Rarely run out of work. You are left alone if you follow the rules and work your hours.

I made 4 cpl as an IC - but it depends on account whether you make money

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Bad accounts will not allow you to make money at 3.3 cpl no matter how easy E-Script is. It is all about the dictators and there is one account in particular that is extremely difficult. The platform can only do so much to help make money. It's all about the dictators.

Good luck with TTS. It is a crazy micromanaged company.

They are lowering the pay on you. - how could you take a job for 3.3 c/l

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That is the lowest pay I have heard of for VR work so far. Please hold out for more money because other companies will be lowering pay for MTs if TTS gets by with it.

E-script platform at TTS - fingers

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I realize this is pretty low for VR. I have also not done too much VR so am pretty rusty. My problem is the company I work for now is just stringing us along. I haven't had a decent paycheck in at least two months. Any idea how many lines an hour most people average with VR.

Depends on the account. I did average 300 lines - my friend did 150 on difficult account

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If you get a teaching hospital like my friend you will not be able to make money at 3.3 per line. I had clinics and my line count per hour was higher.
E-script platform at TTS - fingers
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I am also sick and tired of getting the same old answer that this is the average pay for the industry. I have been doing this for 23 years now (transcription) and don't think I'm to the point where I will take wages this low.
You can only speak for yourself, am on teaching - hospital and do extremely well
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I had made for my first hour the other day over $30.00 and this was all VR (4 cents per line). I only wish I could have kept that going for the rest of the day but at the end of the day it had averaged out to $20.00 per hour, not bad.
Agree with above - depends - newbutold
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It varies with your account and your dictators. I average about 300 to 350 normally, BUT there are times that it can be worse if 75% of my shift is all ESL and it is mostly mumbling. No problem though normally making the required LPH
I am thankful for VR because of the dictators - now, it can pick up what I cannot understand
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so thank you, thank you that I don't have to sit and bite my nails trying to decipher all.
Don't be too trusting of VR - It has proven to be wrong.
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Dictated was a child who had peanut allergy. VR decided she had a penis allergy.
If a person using VR cannot tell the difference - in those 2, should not be working
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I read every single word that is on the page, never gloss over any words and if I cannot tell the difference in the sentence, i.e. peanut versus penis, then I need to stop working. Have used the system now for years and thank my lucky stars for it when it comes to ESLs.

Platform is easy to learn. They are offering you what they offer for everyone on ES sm - Run over by the bus

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It depends on what account you are on. I have a very low tolerance for bad dictation anymore and my account stinks. Lots of ESL and very bad sound quality files. On the plus side, lots of work and never have run out. I just don't care enough any more to work hard. Retiring within the month.

Sound quality varies on hospital account - Lots of ESL and residents

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A certain teaching hospital was a nightmare. Switched to clinics and the difference was night and day but pay was still low relatively speaking to other MT companies.

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