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Any up to date info on Breitner? - me

Posted: Nov 09, 2013

Looking at this company for some part-time work.  All of the info on here is getting old, so I would like some up-to-date info on them.  Is pay on time? Is it direct deposit or mail (they don't tell you anything or even have you fill out any paperwork, which seems odd).

Breitner - BTS MT

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I've been with them for a couple years. They always pay on time, and they do use direct deposit. My experience with them has been great. Good luck!

Breitner - me

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Thank you, they seem very nice. I know when pay days fall, what's the actual pay period, the cut off date for what you transcribed that's turned in.

To the other poster, I've had mostly ESLs everywhere I have worked, so that's not a company-specific thing. It seems to me like the American docs can be much worse because they take one big breath and then let go.

Breitner - -- sm -

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They are always running out of work. No communication until its bad news. Crappy docs.

No one will return calls - Frustrated

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A few weeks ago when Breitner had ads posted, I applied and took their test. After hearing nothing after the first week, I tried e-mailing, calling and leaving messages, etc. Couldn't get anyone to respond. Still have heard nothing from them after over a month. Not very professional as far as I am concerned.

Current Breitner MT here..... - My2cents

[ In Reply To ..]
I've been with them several months and so far it's been great. I rarely run out of work and when I do I send an e-mail and they open up my secondary within minutes. Pay is on time.

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