A community of 30,000 US Transcriptionist serving Medical Transcription Industry

Angel's Transcription - question

Posted: Jul 06, 2013

Anyone have experience with this company? Do they pay and pay on time? Any info, good or bad, would be appreciated.

Just a thought about the pay rate. It is per audio hour, which means it will take you probably 2 ho - oldie

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Thank you nm - question

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No experience with them, but I read the ad... - pay is low s/m

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... and the pay is from $15 to $30 per audio hour. If you divide that by 60 minutes, it comes out to .25 to .50 per audio hour.

Before I left Nuance this past March (I came in from Transcend) I had started researching other kinds of transcription, and kept track of my numbers down to the level of how much per audio minute I was being paid every day. Even at Nuance's top tier (which was still a substantial pay cut from what I was getting at Transcend) I was averaging about 50 cents per audio minute.

With over 40 years in the business, I've taken my last pay cut, thankyouverymuch, and if I go back to work, it won't be for 50 cents per audio minute, I can assure you!

Thank you - question

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Pay is very low.. I wouldn't work for that. nm - Dina

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Thank you nm - question

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Yes, but it says too that it is not all medical transcription, for general transcription - MTAndria

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...that is not a terrible rate. It is different than medical transcription, the dictators are not doctors. I do general transcription on the side and I make close to that. I average out the pay per minte and also add up the lines and the minute rate pays more for me. I just don't get much of it or I would give up MT altogether.

If that's how they pay for the medical transcription too I would wonder what type of work it was. If it's better than the junk I get now after all the foreign cherry picking then I would take it any day. Just sayin.

Thank you nm - question

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Its a terrible rate for GT, too - way too low - nm

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I emailed her this in response to her ad - sm

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Is far TOO LOW for GT! I have been doing this for 15 years and you are offering an insulting rate, not just to the transcriptionists, but to the other businesses out there. Just because you want the work, you low-ball and it kills the industry for everyone. MINIMUM is $45 an a/h to start MINIMUM, and with multi speakers, it goes up. Stop killing the field!

Well! Now there's something that commands respect. - yikes. scarry actually. sm

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Even though I agree with low wages on this one - after reading what you sent her, how it was said, well, I'd require anger management course completionion in my next ad if I were her. lol

Guess you told them, hun? Very professionsl indeed.

So you e-mailed her this insult and - Old Pro

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you expect her to respect you as a professional? Oh, I do so agree with everything you say about the insulting wage. It is a low-ball offer and no serious transcriptionist should consider it. But, as I am sure you are aware, typing in caps is considered to be shouting. Would you shout in a real-live job interview? People tend to "turn off" when people insult them. Your goal is to be listened to seriously, for her to realize her error and to reconsider her offer, to see where she is wrong to low-ball. Shouting at her (whether via text or in a personal interview) will do nothing to help you and will destroy your chance to reason as to why you should be paid so much more. It looks to me like you shot yourself in the foot on this one. It's kind of like telling your boss to go to h***. It might give momentary satisfaction, but the consequences far outweigh the glee. I honestly do hope you get a good gig at a fair wage, but it likely will not happen if you act out like this. Yes, it is an insulting rate. I would have said no. You can (and did) say no. No need to shout. This was your chance to be more professional than she is.

Thank you, Old Pro, for your thoughts but - sm

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I have lucrative contracts of my own and have for years in that particular field, as well as legal. I am not looking for work. I am very professional and honestly, I appreciate your thoughts, but I don't appreciate the scolding from you. I have done very, very well in my 25 years and still am. I used caps to get a strong point across. I wasn't going for a job interview. I felt it was appropriate and justified.

Sometimes one has to shout be heard. I am a confrontational person - I don't mince words and I don't soft shoe around, but I do handle my business and my employees in a way they appreciate hearing the truth, good or bad. I am brutally honest, but that's who I am. My clients appreciate that about me, too.
It's interesting that you took it is as a "scolding" - Old Pro
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I was merely making a comment.

curious - 'sm' of the above two posts to your - I emailed her post

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which one did you take seriously enough to think about psat the dislike button?

(well said, Old Pro!)

Are you referring to me, the emailer? or? - sm

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If it was directed to me, I didn't dislike anyone's post. If not, then I will keep my yap shut ;)

Brava! I have been known....sm - oldtimer

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to email MTSOs who advertise IC positions with employee requirements and tell them that what they are doing is illegal and that I am reporting them to the DOL and the IRS. Someone has to tell them and it might as well be me. Pay no mind to the naysayers.

oldtimer - Old Pro

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You're my kind of person! If you were here, I would buy dinner and a drink! Way to go!

much better worded indeed. purely professional - no emotional smartA drama.

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you can speak for me anytime!

She's got to - be joking (nm)

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No, but... - See Msg

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Are you wanting to work somewhere under the risk of them going out of business or being bought out by MM or Nuance? It's just what's happening, and I just want to make sure you are going in knowing that.

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