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Aggravated with Transcend - Aintmissbhvn

Posted: Dec 13, 2009

Anyone with Transcend out there?  We are constantly out of work on my team and asked to flex our time or check back every 1-2 hours.  I have 9 different log ins and still barely make my PART TIME quota.  I have been very rational about it and tried to not fret but then I find they are advertising on the job site like crazy with BONUSES!!  WHAT?  We are constantly called off or no backlog and yet you hire?  Flippin move me there..I want the job!!  And yes I have brought it up with managers and leads..I am told its slow across the board or my all time favorite.."we have a go live coming up.  I will move you there.  PLENTY of work..no problem."  That is true UNTIL the in house girls learn the platform and take it back over. <sigh> Any ideas?  I need to grow a back bone but I do say stuff and beg for work.  I am just scared of getting fired.  Would I even get benefits with only working part time?  After seeing the mass hiring effort, I might just make a phone call tomorrow. 

Work, or lack thereof - Annie

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I know it tis the season to have slow to no work. I have more work this morning than I have had for the past 3-4 week (since Thanksgiving). I do check back and forth throughout the day, but unless they want to pay me for downtime (waiting for work), I will only go so far. Just remember, the MTs (or MLS or whatever they are calling us now to keep us in the clerical wage bracket), it is all about turn-around-times. They could care if you, me, we ever have any work. I have dealt with this for years. It is just a grin-and-bear it situation.


no work/no pay - bb

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I just left there after a little over one month. Not only was there rarely work on the account they put me on on the weekends, but the main deal was they did not and have not paid me at least minimum wage for my time there. I did not make enough in production per hour I worked to make minimum wage; therefore, they are required by law to pay minimum wage. I even went to the CEO who would not address this issue. This lack of integrity is sad, IMO. I am seeking legal counsel.

I just wonder how many others have experienced this and simply not said anything.

No work, no pay - Nick

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I am wondering how many of us would benefit from going to (a) the Labor Board and (b) retaining private counsel about this sitting all day and waiting for (no) work? This happened to me more times that I can count before I left, especially on Saturdays, when I was required to sign up for certain hours and then--no work!

This is nothing new. They never have work (sm) - Looking for new company

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They do not need to worry about paying out hiring bonuses, they make sure there is not enough work for anyone to get them. They send all the evening, night, and weekend work to their good friends in India, China, Phillipines, Barbados or any other place they can find. Overhire has been their story for years. If you are poor they can control you and what you do. The only work you can get from them is what the offshore companies reject because it is too difficult for them. This is the most horrible company there is. No wonder their rating fell so significantly on the KLAS study. They are going the way of Medquist and then the shirts can kiss their bonuses goodbye. Transcend has absolutely no respect for employees, you are simply a number and they just hope you disappear soon so they can hire someone at a cheaper rate. I have never been treated as rudely as I have been by their QA staff and by their team leads. There are a few nice ones but they are few and far between.

no work/no pay - bb

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Well, according to the Fair Labor Standard Act (I spoke to them), it is illegal to be employed as an employee, even paid on production or piecemeal, and not be paid at least minimum wage.

The sad part about this whole deal was my manager turned the whole situation around and made this about me putting in for time that I wasn't "productive." I didn't realize that, in the first few weeks of employment, looking things up, doing the modules for VR, etc., were not included in working. So, they have made it seem like I was trying to cheat them, which is comical since they weren't paying me anyway. They must measure your "productive" time by when they receive printed documents from you or something.

When my team lead talked me into staying, the next day here is what the CEO wrote to everyone about me:

"If she cheats again get rid of her and we will seek legal action---I have no patience for people that show this type of disrespect to Elizabeth and me as well as a dishonesty—I want to see her production per hour and if it does not exceed that required for minimum wage we should accept her resignationâ€Â¦No one else in any other company gets away with this type of behavior what makes Transcend differentâ€Â¦"

Not once did he address my minimum wage issue and this was 3 WEEKS after I first started inquiring about it.

Reply - Playing the game

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According to what you have written here, this CEO has definitely incriminated himself. He has an interesting way of broadcasting his true intentions. He doesn't seem to be too smart.

With regards to whether you should be paid for your time spent in researching and other tasks, I believe that, according to the law, if you are an employee, the company is incorrect, and you should be paid minimum wage for all of your time, including time required to sit and wait. I would be interested to hear what the Labor Board has to say about this.

I do not work for that company and have no intentions of ever doing so.

However, I do work for another MTSO that continuously has no work, or totally crappy work, available on my shift. It became clear to me that the only thing that really mattered to them was that all jobs were within TAT. Since I know that I will never make the required production necessary to obtain "benefits", I weighed the pros and cons of quitting or just working for the measly pay for the files that I do get. In the meantime, I acquired an IC position at another company. Now, when the work runs out on the employee job, I clock out, and spend time on my IC job, or I might just take some time to enjoy my other hobbies, some of which actually bring in a little money.

It is a little inconvenient to switch between 2 computers; however, I intend to research the option of a KVM switch so that both computers can apparently share the same monitor and keyboard. I just have to use two separate foot pedals, I guess.

As for medical benefits, I plan to research a personal plan at einsurance.com or possibly apply for treatment at the local free clinic, as my income is still quite low.

I actually don't care about vacations and other PTO anymore, as it drives me nuts trying to make that required production quota that is never within my reach. Their health insurance is way too expensive and has a high deductible.

For about one day, I felt kind of guilty spending some of my "scheduled hours" from one job on another, but I got over it very quickly. Besides, I do clock out from my employee job when I am not working, and I do check back for jobs every couple hours, just to make sure that there are no stats sitting there.

Oh, the queue does not have to be totally empty for me to take a long break. I've even clocked out and done something else when I've had my fill of crappy jobs, with my limit being about 10 of them until I'm ready to pull my hair out. After all, I don't want to be a total job hog. I do leave some work for the next shift. As long as everything is within TAT, I am certain that THEY do not care.

There is never any stat communication from management. I do leave my instant messenger open but, in all my time there, no one has ever contacted me via the Instant Messenger to do a STAT job or for any other reason, as the STAT jobs appear in the queue when needed and management communicates via rare email. Sometimes, I don't hear from them for weeks at a time, which is fine with me.

IC info.. - Aintmissbhvn
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I too am looking at doing this but know nothing about IC. Can you give me some information? I know you are responsible for paying all government type things..how do you do that? does you company require insurance? The one I looked at does and I dont know anything about that. I too no longer care about the PTO or benefits because I had anxiety about it too. How can you require something to be a certain amount but not provide me with the means necessary. I told my boss it was like telling a car salesman he has to sell 10 cars but only purchasing 5 for him to turn around. What do you do? I am so frustrated. I try hard to be thankful to even have a job because so many people dont right now but most days I feel like I have all the burden of one with no money coming in. Thanks for any advice!
IC info - 1mt
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Been an IC since I started doing transcription, about 10 years. Regarding taxes, you just need to get federal and state estimated tax vouchers from the government. Very simple to get on line. Payments should be made quarterly. Remember, as an IC you are responsible for 100% of your taxes. As for insurance, I think that is a state requirement. I am required to have a work comp policy, but it doesn't actually cover me if I am injured on the job, which makes the premium cheaper. You can get a more expensive premium that would actually provide WC benefits if you were hurt. I don't really undersand this, but it is required by the state to pay for this insurance. I questioned it when I had to get it, but don't remember what was said. The insurance company that I dealt with was familiar with this and so was my tax man. Which, I have my taxes done because as an IC you have more deductibles and forms. Hope this helps a little.

Stay strong and fight back. - sm

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I know you must feel isolated and like you're just 1 person fighting Goliath, but the more each and every one of us stay informed of our rights as employees, the more these large companies will get the message.

Was this email from the CEO sent to you in a mass cc to others in management? If so, it sounds like he is trying to strong arm you. Contact the labor board in your state and ask them what they consider is involved in work time. My guess is that anything that is involved in the production of your medical documents would be included like researching physicians' names and addresses, researching new procedures or equipment, reading the emails from management, reading the account specifics, etc. I remember years ago as a 20-year-old when I worked piecemeal in a Motorola factory and our pay was based on production as well. Every time we had a department meeting or changes in our specifics, we had MANDATORY down time to include that. It was mandated by law in New York State. I really don't see how this is any different.

I have a question for you about the downtime - Wondering
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Was your job at Motorola union? Hubby works union and everytime he has to go on his own time to take drug testing (which is mandatory at his job) he is paid for his time just like he was on the clock.
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Until each MT finds out about all this unpaid work, down-time regulations, i.e., in his or her own state and an MTs rights as an employee to be paid for ALL work performed on a mandatory basis. I'm talking about time to read and respond to e-mails, time spent on phone with them, EVERY SECOND of time spent researching demographics, doctor's names, researching anything not directly related to the actual body of the dictation (medical terms, points of grammar, spelling excluded, of course), including time spent on unpaid CC's typing and researching anything thereof .. you all get the idea. I'm sure many of us would be surprised to find out how much $$$ we're being bilked out of over the course of a week, a pay period, a year, etc.

Do this... We won't be sorry when we present them with an accurate bill of all of your unpaid work with 1 hand and a copy of the DOL law supporting our right to be paid for same in the other. When we finally get fed up with their hogwash & decide to go where we'll be treated more justly, it'll make a nice "going away present" from MTSOs to us. I say, "Get 'em where it hurts" like they've been doing to us for ages!
Keeping my own time log - Susan
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Ever since MDI started requiring us to sign up for certain hours on Saturday, I have kept my own time log. Each day I not what time I log in, what time I log off (and if I have to log off for the reason of there being no work) along with the total number of hours I worked that day. I am saving these things. Ya never know.......
No, my job at Motorola wasn't union. nm - nm
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Yes .. I, too, am very concerned with all the UNPAID work we as MTs have been forced down our throats. Research, demographic crap with every dictation which isn't explained to begin with and hassled with phone calls & emails if we don't get it right, having to research ad nauseum, e-mails, phone calls on OUR time, unpaid training (our company didn't pay for VR training, on our own time, for example. I could go on. These MTSOs are getting by with murder!
no work/no pay - bb
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No kidding about the time spent researching, trying to decipher physician names, etc. That part is ridiculous.

I did find out from the Fair Labor Standard Act office in my state that, unless the company that you work for has a brick-and-mortar office in your state (it can be a satellite office), you must go through the laws for THEIR state. So, Transcend does not have an office in my state; therefore, I must go through the state of Georgia's laws. So far, my research has not discovered many differences between the two FLSA's.

How did you get your hands on that email? WOW - Ex-Transcender

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is all I can say.
no work/no pay - bb
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Are you asking me about the email from the CEO?? It was SENT TO ME. It is a total defamation of character. It was also sent to my regional manager, payroll manager and my team leader.

The ROM mentioned in the above post - Jean

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I was totally unimpressed with her behavior if this was at Transcend. I received a new account to do, had never done it before, accidentally left a countersignature off when I sent it in, immediately wrote e-mail to her or the team lead apologizing and bringing it to their attention. It was the first report I had done on the new account. The next day the account was gone. She took it away from me, I suppose figuring I wasn't good enough. I really thought that was not even giving a person a chance! That's one of the reasons I will not work for Transcend again!

Completely Agreed - Oswald

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I completely sympathize with you,but it is a very common scenario where to enhance the profit margins work is being off shored.

I also read about highest ranking MTSO companies are those which largely employ domestic work force.

From what I read, the ads are for third shift. - They evidently have work then. NM

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No message.

no work/no pay - bb

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I agree with y'all, about having a back-up job and what "productive" work should include, such as, looking material up, etc. I do believe that management, including the CEO, immediately became defensive and turned everything into it being my fault. And, yes, his email was sent to the payroll manager, my regional manager, and my TL. Once I resigned, I sent a neutral email to my TL and manager asking for the amount of hours I worked for the month in total because I failed to write it down, but they have not replied. Of course, they locked me out of the system immediately.

I have been in contact, as I meantioned, with the FLSA. I am not going to let this just go away. It is not all about the money. I worked in a union for years and I appreciate worker's rights. I just entered this profession 6 years ago and have constantly been appalled at how the lack of respect we are treated with. I kept my IC job throughout this process where I have been for 2 years. The owner does treat us with respect and I had enough sense not to leave her. Thank God.

NO WORK - Blueturtle21

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I hear ya ! I also cannot make my part-time required lines, NEVER ANY WORK !!! Lucky if I can make 350.00 a pay period, what the heck is going on ? SO FRUSTRATING

Seriously.. - Aintmissbhvn

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my biggest problem isnt the lack of work if that WAS the problem but obviously it isnt or you wouldnt be hiring you know? It seems like they only care about no back log and do not care if it take 700 "MLSs" to do it. That way, no one is eligible for benefits anyway. Out of 16 hospitals this morning, we had 37 reports, TOTAL! I wonder what would happen if I took all these emails showing no work to the unemployment office?

What about OT pay? - TiredMT2

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The lack of work is a HUGE issue but what about this? The very odd times (happens rarely I now) when they will say they will pay OT to get an account up to par, etc., have you noticed it never really is OT. 3 cpl more is NOT time and a half. And even if they went by my hourly PTO that's not time and a half. How do they get away with this? It's no wonder the officers make all the money. I have never seen a profession go backwards so quickly in my life. As I've said before, a sad situation for all of us. I agree with other posters, Go to your labor board. Nothing will change until we speak up for ourselves.

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