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Main Board Today's Top Viewed: Misunderstood.. (Views: 38)

Misunderstood - Well said

Posted: Oct 15th, 2024 - 11:27 am In Reply to: You Misunderstood - see msg

You were correct in what you posted about MTs either staying or leaving. I do believe to continue on in such a dying field is foolish, unless you like working for next to nothing or have nothing better to do, but that is up to the individual. If there are some who have decent MT jobs, good for them and for those that have moved on and found better working conditions, the same. Everyone is entitled to do what they want. There are plenty of jobs out there that for the life of me I could never do or even want to, so live and let live. What is posted here is not carved in stone. Most MTs are sick about what has happened to this job, but so are plenty of others out there in different fields who feel the same way about their jobs.

Good luck to everyone, no matter what you choose to do.


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