No, there are those who are not speaking coherently - and the QA Posted: Oct 14th, 2024 - 7:27 am In Reply to: sometimes I have to wonder whether we're being gaslit re: QA - ckd
has listened to them long enough to either make an educated guess or someone has told them what that person generally says so they can hear it after being told what the word or words are. Yes, some of them have mouths full of marbles and your supervisors are not listening to you.
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- sometimes I have to wonder whether we're being gaslit re: QA - ckd (Views: 921, 2024-10-13, 1:43 pm)
- Gaslighting - Whatever you want to call it (Views: 465, 2024-10-13, 9:17 pm)
- No, there are those who are not speaking coherently - and the QA
- Things will never improve - Because (Views: 461, 2024-10-14, 11:58 am)
- They - Keep Holding on to Hope (Views: 399, 2024-10-14, 12:23 pm)
- Keep holding on - That was me (Views: 369, 2024-10-14, 4:33 pm)
- book - albertwilliams (Views: 284, 2024-10-16, 5:14 am)