my experience - MTCT Posted: Oct 13th, 2024 - 8:41 pm In Reply to: sometimes I have to wonder whether we're being gaslit re: QA - ckd
It's 99.9% the doctor paired with the ridiculous way the QA QA's. They do not listen when doctors/dictators are consistently problematic. Honestly, stop supplying your time and talent to this profession and find something worth your time. They. Do. Not. Care. About. You.
Good luck
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Complete Discussion Below: ( marks the location of current message within thread)
- sometimes I have to wonder whether we're being gaslit re: QA - ckd (Views: 921, 2024-10-13, 1:43 pm)
- my experience - MTCT
- Gaslighting - Whatever you want to call it (Views: 466, 2024-10-13, 9:17 pm)
- No, there are those who are not speaking coherently - and the QA (Views: 465, 2024-10-14, 7:27 am)
- Things will never improve - Because (Views: 461, 2024-10-14, 11:58 am)
- They - Keep Holding on to Hope (Views: 400, 2024-10-14, 12:23 pm)
- Keep holding on - That was me (Views: 369, 2024-10-14, 4:33 pm)
- book - albertwilliams (Views: 285, 2024-10-16, 5:14 am)