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Actually, that demand for "perfection" came from MTSO's, not the hospitals. - sm

Posted: Oct 8th, 2022 - 3:57 pm In Reply to: Another problem with MT work is companies who hire you as IC - but demand you work employee terms. SM

I remember about 5 years ago when everyone was firing everyone else for the stupidest small transcription errors. Meanwhile, no one at the hospital even cared one slightest bit about that. They care about correct dates and doc's names. They DO NOT CARE about commas. That was a mental illness of MTSO's desperate to stand out among competition. Same thing with the TAT times. We should have quit back then. The TAT's are now faster than they ever were when we worked in-house. They never expected a consultation dictated at 11 p.m. to be available within 2 hours. NEVER. The MTSO's promised they could and then it was expected. And they paid you 4 cents a line to do it. Again, I can't believe anyone still does MT. Every job out there is better.


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