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The problem I have with MT work - KRMT

Posted: Sep 29th, 2022 - 12:47 pm In Reply to: I don't think MT is dead yet -Devil's Advocate - JM

is that the pay is terrible, not to mention the verbal abuse you have to endure. What they are paying for straight type is the same as they paid 10 years ago. Straight type CPL is what VR editing CPL should be in 2022, considering most of us have not had a raise in 10+ years. I have always been curious about what most of these MT companies charge the hospitals, clinics, etc. It bothers me that these MT companies complain about errors; of course there are going to be errors. We have to fly through the reports because of the low CPL, not to mention the large percentage of our time spent doing free work for them (adding CCs, verifying and amending demographic information, etc.). We need to make money too. I bet there would be less errors if they would pay us more, because then we could afford to take the time to re-read the report and verify all is correct before sending it through. Maybe the solution would be to let these medical facilities and doctors know the reason they are receiving reports with errors, because of poorly-paid transcriptionist who work for next to nothing, work without raises, spend a percentage of their day doing freebie work, all that while taking verbal abuse and being bullied.


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