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Mail getting lost - No One is Perfect

Posted: Dec 30th, 2021 - 10:04 am In Reply to: USPS is scrambling also in my area out - West

I don’t want to get too far off the issue of the paychecks, but there are so many factors affecting mail delivery. I’m in the west also, and we’re having very inclement weather with snow and some single digit temperatures and I know that affects anything having to be shipped on the ground. When people are being told to stay indoors, that is going to slow mail delivery. Your mail might be getting in your neighbors mail box because the carriers are new and learning the route. We’ve had mail stolen where I live, which is not the fault of USPS. People expect perfection from them, but they’re human just like the rest of us. WWD (god forbid I use the word “employer”) needs to use registered or certified mail so there is a tracking number when checks are late, use a different delivery service, or best of all use direct deposit. Whatever happened, I hope your checks arrive soon. My worst experiences with mail and package delivery have been with UPS and FedEx, but it’s different for everyone.


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