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Deb... - Casey

Posted: Jun 6th, 2018 - 6:15 pm In Reply to: "looking into it"....you're wrong - Deb

...I have not been following this thread as closely as I should to respond, but here it goes anyway. I think I’m missing something. “Do your own research” has me puzzled. If you are NOT currently working for the MTSO that has the client and you are simply contacting people that YOU know or have heard about, how does that have anything to do with anything? I don’t get it. If someone’s nose is out of joint because she works there and you might have the potential to scoot a job out from under her, then so be it. She’s the one that signed a non-compete, not you. I have several of my own accounts and guess what, I solicited for them and they were NOT clients of my MTSO and they were NOT accounts I had ever worked on before, but they liked what I had to offer and now word of mouth went from there. They were completely new and I found them from my own ingenuity. I applaud people for tapping into their own local resources, insurance agents or whatnot. I like the non-victim mentality. So I have a hard time understanding when it was said “You could do what others do, search company job boards and apply for open positions, then submit resumes accordingly.” Really? This sounds so suppressive and so antiquated. How do you think people start businesses by themselves, by visiting job boards and getting in line like everybody else? I think I must be missing something because that advice about searching job boards almost leaves me speechless, but like I said, not following this thread as closely as I should so I might have missed something. I’m sure I will be corrected.


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