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Casey - Do your own research

Posted: Jun 2nd, 2018 - 11:52 am In Reply to: Well .... - Casey

Very good answer. I work for a private employer, not an MTSO that has a no-compete clause. I was offered on-call employment with other local facilities while working there full-time and was cautioned about there being a conflict of interest, it doesn't just happen with MTSOs and independent contractors. My issue with approaching insurance agents and former employers about where they contract their transcription work is that it is a confidentiality issue to be divulging that information. The other thing with getting hired based on tips from outsiders it that internal employees are supposed to be given a chance for open positions and it's actually illegal for companies to hire without giving everyone a chance at the job. Lastly, approaching an insurance agent to do your homework for you as someone stated they had done is just unprofessional and really unfair to others who follow appropriate channels when doing job searches.


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