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"looking into it"....you're wrong - Deb

Posted: Jun 5th, 2018 - 1:45 am In Reply to: Looking into it - Do your own research

I haven't responded previously because I just didn't know HOW to. You are wrong. My insurance agent did get back to me. I can't figure out how it might be a breach of confidentiality if someone tells me who she/he uses for dictation/transcription, or if they don't use an outside source. I WAS doing research by asking. I've just never done transcription of this sort and didn't even have a clue as to where to begin looking. I didn't ask anyone to "put a word in" for me, didn't ask anyone to recommend me. I see plenty of people on this board ask about companies, and plenty of people reply. How would this be any different? I'm normally extremely nonconfrontational, but this just rubbed me funny.


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