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But most of us are not able to produce a good line count - medict1

Posted: Jul 13th, 2017 - 11:57 am In Reply to: I would make more at straight typing based on their grid. - OP is correct.

Normally I can make about 0.11 to 0.116 straight typing, but I can't type more than 100 lines an hour on the Emdat Lite system. I get a 7 line report and it takes 2 minutes to load, 5 minutes to wait for the doctor list to populate so I can find the dictator, then I have to look up the spelling of a facility or doctor I am not familiar with. Every report comes from a different hospital so you don't get any familiar dictators and sometimes I have to wait 4 to 5 minutes for a job to download. So, all in all, a lot of us are not able to just sit and transcribe as usual and the AHR rate is letting us make a living wage through all this mess.


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