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Training pay for an employee...SM - Old Anon

Posted: Oct 30th, 2016 - 6:27 am In Reply to: 5 cents a line training? - karrie

has to be at least minimum wage for the state in which you live. I've done training twice as a new employee, and it's lasted anywhere from 2-3 hours to 2-3 days. Both times, I'd be asked to transcribe 2-3 jobs, then wait for QA feedback, and then 2-3 jobs more, etc. In both instances, pay has been $10 per hour which included the waiting time between feedback. This was a few years ago, so $10 per hour was more than minimum wage at that time. In one instance, training was 6 hours per day for the 3 days ($60), no matter how many lines I transcribed. In the other instance, I was released to real work after 2 hours because they felt I was ready.

So bottom line is, I think hourly pay of at least minimum wage is fair; but I think 3 days of this might be a bit excessive in some cases. The 0.05/line might not cut it if you had to wait between sets of jobs for feedback. That scheme sounds a bit underhanded to me. Always insist on at least minimum wage for any training period.


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